Lonely's Rare breed

Hi everyone. Been around here for a while and tried to help out and what not. Now its time for me to start share some of the work ive done in the past, plus work thats going to be done in the future.

Ill start off with two branches of pedigree.
My Swazi Dragon and Shiskaberry.

Ill start to explain why ive chose these.
The Shiskaberry is suppose to be a S1 of a -02 elite clone and it grows twice as fast as anything i got atm. I want to see If this vigor comes through in crosses. Atm i dont know anything about, flowering time, smell/taste or how it smokes.
The Swazi Dragon is an old cross ive done and its one of the best lines ive been able to produce. I had these Swazi Gold plants that i loved the smoke of but waiting 6 months of flowering was a pain. So i found out that Dutch Dragon was suppose to be some sort of Swazi genetics and I thought it would be cool to reintruduce it to Swazi Gold. I crossed it to the fastest Dutch Dragon i could find just to have a wider range of flowering times. The best plant i found was a 12 weeker and it smoked very close to the Swazi Gold beast i had as a mother. I found a Dutch Dragon(i would call it elite) that had a really impressive smoke and a Lemon nose, instead of the berry nose of the first Dutch Dragon in the cross. This was more inline of what Swazi Gold bring to the table. So i crossed my Swazi Dragon V1 mother to the Dutch Dragon elite mother. This gave me V2 which had a wide range of phenos, found 8-20 weekers, with different smoke and some variability on the nose. What they all had common was spear shape and always sweet nose/taste with good yields. Of these a 9 weeker stood out to me, she had everything i wanted. Low grow time, good smoke and good yields. Only thing missing was an interesting node, but it was not on my list to select for. I always thought that i could fix it with an outcross. So i made S1s of this mother and handed beans out to everyone i knew online and irl. All plants from this breeding project got lost when i was raided. So a friend i call Dank Hank did a repro S2 run of these awhile ago, so these are the seeds i got atm and are going to work with, they got quite low vigor but its expected from S2s. I got 25 seeds from him, all he got and they are made with CS. Ive only got 5 to pop so far but this weekend im building a pressure popper to hope that i can save the other 20 seeds.

This is the Pedigree schematic of Swazi Dragon.

How i rate ceiling:
NO ceiling - low ceiling - medium ceiling - high ceiling
This is my personal scale and I know its confusing :grin:

Enough of the past and now we can start to gaze at the future.

Planed Swazi Dragon crosses:
Tangie Dragon = Swazi Dragon x Tangie (this is on hold, until I figure out a backup plan)
African Dragon Haze = Bangi Haze x Swazi Dragon fem
African Dragon Slayer = Malawi x Swazi Dragon fem
Headband x Swazi Dragon fem
Corrupted Night Dragon = Swazi Dragon x C4DD reg
Swazi Dragon x Contra D reg
Dragon Core = Amnesia Core cut S1 x Swazi Dragon fem
Sam’s Dragon = Swazi Dragon x Skunk/haze reg
Goji Dragon = Swazi Dragon x Goji OG

Planed Shiskaberry crosses:
Shiskaberry x Blueberry Diesel (Blueberry Diesel by @anonymous4289) reg

What are my goals?
Swazi Dragon needs to be outcrossed at this point and its a perfect opportunity for make the nose/taste more exciting. This is why i want to try alot of different crosses before choosing direction.

Shiskaberry is something ive never grown but i smoked it from friends, didnt expect this vigor and it took me by suprise. So this is just me going to play around/chucking. Nothing too serious. Ill probably try a cross to Swazi Dragon aswell.

When beans drop ill be open for testers and ill hand out some beans for free If there is any left, testers have priority. I can only micro breed atm so i wont get thousands of beans. I will also test everything myself and post pics here of my progress.

I will update with pics but ill try to be as discrete about it as I can. So there will not be any photo bomb sadly.

Remember to vote to help me with a name!

Pz :v:t2:


If anyone got ideas of names for these two i would very much appreciate the help :heart:

Headband x Swazi Dragon
Swazi Dragon x Contra D

And to bring some intetested people in:

Pz :v:t2:


Can’t wait to see the outcome? You have quite a bit of work cut out for yourself. Fun, interesting…watching. :eyes::v::green_heart:


You are welcome with your warm presence :fire:
Tangie is the first cross ill be making thanks to you!
The Tangie seeds have been in a shot glass for 24h and now they are straped to the back of the tv. :+1:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


Interesting project with a well laid out mandate.
Sounds like the start of something good! May all your selections be good ones @LonelyOC ! :crossed_fingers::v:


Dragons reigns


Thats an awesome name :fire:

@Budderton Thank you :pray:t2: Ill try my best but not everything can be a home run but ill try not to put all the eggs in the same basket until ive found gold :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Pz :v:t2:


Contra reminds me of the old arcade/Nintendo game, I was a 90s kid and my grandparents had pacman and contra machines in our basement. Then remember having and playing it on Nintendo, with zelda [gold cartridge :slight_smile: ] double dragon, and many many more. Sadly we no longer have the arcade machines, but still have totes full of all the old school gaming systems from 80’s till now.

As for names, I was never good at that. I’d probably incorporate something from a game. Hammer/spike were the names of the main characters in Double Dragon… and they wear headbands lol.


Headband x Swazi dragon= sweaty dragon… dragon sweat… :dragon: :dragon_face:


Swazi dragon x contra d… contragon


Heady Swag


Cool project @LonelyOC :+1: you put quite some work into that project :pray:

Headband x Swazi Dragon - Dragon Head Trophy or Ancient Headband

Swazi Dragon x Contra D - Ice Dragon


“Vp” aka Vermithrax Pejorative

Sicarius Dracorum aka ( long way of saying “Dragon assassin/dragon slayer”)
In depth project, hapi growing

1 Like

Wow, lots and lots of awesome suggestions! :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

Im going to do a vote beginning 15 October. Mean while you can submit your name suggestions.

The winners are going to get first prio on the beans they named.

Pz :v:t2:


Headband x Swazi Dragon could be called “stoned hippie”.


WAIT…WAIT…WAIT!! Did anyone call “Dibs” on that far right corner yet? If not, with your permission, I’m gonna mosey on over. I wish you nothing but success in your Project. All :eyes: on you!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


blueberry not blue, :+1:

i look forward to your results


Woah, im so sorry i misspelled! Its fixed now :ok_hand:t2:Thank you so much :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2: Im excited to try your new strain out, im sure its going to be fire :fire:

@misterbee The cornern is yours and yours only. Hehe for some reason it felt abit kinky, but i like it! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Thank you very much :pray:t2::pray:t2:

I just remembered that i got some Goji OG coming in the fall box. Ive grown it before when everyone of icmag went banans for it, so i just had to try it out. I remember that it was quite a Nice daytime sativa high and weird taste. It might be it for my project so im adding it to my list!
Goji Dragon = Swazi Dragon x Goji OG :fire::fire::fire:

Pz :v:t2:


Greetings @LonelyOC,

I have enjoyed your OG comments wherever I found them and I look forward to seeing you put your skills to work on this ambitious project.

-Grouchy :+1: :+1:


@GrouchyOldMan Thank you very very much for the your kind words :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hope to bring yall some fire :fire::fire:

Pz :v:t2: