Long shot, but anyone got a trick for lowering rh?

Think a portion of next harvest is going to an industrial dehumidifier, or I’m switching to salts and smaller pots

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A lung tent maybe ? So your not de humidifing the whole room , so more efficent use of existing equipment
: )

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Bottom feeding may also help abit
More efficent use of feeding as no need to satuated the whole pot , just the root zone where it’s needed , so less less volume of feed is required

I don’t even know how that would work lol. It’s an 8x4 tent in a 12x10 “bedroom”. My other tents a 4x4 veg in my kitchen and a 2x4 just being used as equipment storage, also in the kitchen. I live in the living room :sweat_smile: the other “bedroom” is being built into a drying/curing/flower-storage room


Correct me if im wrong but covering the tops of the pots helps to reduce the rh a bit, all other points that i can think of are covered by others except maybe lowering the intake rh rather than the rh in your tent if you got a good flow through of air its whats coming in thatll be higher rh

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Lol soon you will be in tent and plants can have the house
: )


Tbh I’m really just asking experienced semi-commercial/ large home growers. Ain’t knocking anybody for being personal/hobbyist but our goals/needs for grow management are a bit different. Ain’t so much a home grow as it is a grow that happens to be home lol :sweat_smile:

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Think I’m just gonna plug the heater in and set the ac to 85 till I can get a second dehumidifier, that should bring it to a safe rh. Fuck my electric bill bout be even higher 🫤😅

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Well shit, that did the trick. Damn near immediately too 58% and dropping, might need to adjust the dehumidifier setting up from 40


Shit if I can keep the tent under 90 with lights on I’ll be golden. won’t even need to borrow money from the weedman for a second dehu

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At home improvement stores, they often have a product called DampRid (or other brand name), that’s meant to be put in closets to reduce humidity.
I used to put a layer in the bottom of a plastic storage container, put trays on top, and then the lid, and it would dry my shrooms to cracker dry in about 48 hours.
It’ll definitely reduce RH in a tent, and won’t affect your temp/electric bill


Yeah bro at that 87 rh in the south you’ll need a bigger deheuy. I’m lucky my rh is 20-30 (desert). In flower ( I think 5x10)I get a lot of foliage and humidity climbs. I find stripping plants helps. Decreases the amount of water the plants throw in the air. That or do what I did and buy an anden. It pulls like 400 watts and good. I have the probe too which is 100 bones more. The cheapest anden is over 1k.


Fortunate come up today. Had to go help my mom with some stuff at her house, noticed she wasn’t using her dehumidifier, explained my problem and asked if I could borrow it. Her only condition if I break it I replace it. Moms is the best.


It’s a big one too 70pint/day problem is solved and I can turn that fuckin heater off :joy: having a heater in a room with AC on in the summer just feels wrong


Now I gotta dig out my extra 5/8 tubes from the closet with all my old hydro stuff but that’s not really a problem

Yay for Moms! :princess: :ok_hand:

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I’m for sure looking at commercial units for the future. Just not in the budget yet. I’m looking to go a few harvests now before further reinvestment. I’ve been building as I go for a hot minute now putting every cent I could spare in the grow, bout a grand left I need to put into the dry room and that ain’t gonna/can’t happen till after harvest


Calcium Chloride can absorb 300% its weight. Cat litter about 40%

Damprid is Calcium chloride