Small dehumidifier

Anyone with experience using a small peltier dehumidifier?
Do they help in micro setups?


They are very inefficient. Not sure they would cope with the humidity generated by a plant either, a plant growing vigorously can easily put out 2l of water a day although yours would be much smaller than average. You might be better off just having more airflow.

This would have the added bonus of keeping your CO2 levels up and temperatures down in your growth chamber also.


I have one like this I used in one of my tents at flower
It pulled water and had to be emptied most ever day, I no longer use a tent to flower and use full sized self draining unit now. If your area is small and contained should work OK,
Check Yard sales people sell nice used Dehumidifiers all the time on the cheap.

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Ya remember the brand off the top of your head?

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It is this unit from Amazon
Search out this on Amazon will take you to the one I bought
“Eva-dry Edv-1100 Electric Petite Dehumidifier, White” SEARCH Phrase…

Also Go down to the reviews you can see how guys Modded them to drain into larger container so not to have to dump all the time using nipple and small hose. See Pics they have in customers reviews to see the drain hose mod

and check this out also

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Explorer If you are somewhat handy You drill a hole at bottom on the collection bin in front and attach a drain nipple that a hose can be plugged on to, then lead tht off to a larger collection container.
Just a few parts from Home depot and some silicon sealer.


I’ve been using one of those lately, and honestly if you have a 2x2 simply isn’t good enough, as humidifier, it does work but if you want to get rid of the moist excess, just go for something bigger.

That one works fine for a drying buds in a box though

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I run a (7 pint?) dehumidifier 24/7 in my basement. Its like 20 feet away from my grow tent at the other side of the basement. RH used to be 85% or higher always. Now it never goes above 50. My grow tent is actually too dry now, usually lower than 40%.

I would recommend just putting a normal size one in the same room as your grow and that should do it for ya.


Are you saying it made 0 difference or did it just not cut the mustard for your application? I currently am running slightly short of a 3x2 feet area with a SCROG I’m concerned over mold later in the cycle my meter says 57% and it’s sat in the canopy so as we go deeper into flower that number is only gunna go up.

I also do not have space in there for a larger one I’m running in a wardrobe right now @TrevorLahey but what you saying @STIGGY did that Eva thing make a difference for ya? Like obviously it was drawing something as you said ya had water to empty almost daily without the drain adaptation. Like I am not looking for miracles here I don’t imagine a small dehumidifier is gunna drop my RH by half or something I just want the peace of mind that if I buy it then it will make a difference :+1:t2:


What I’m saying is you could put a larger one in the same room (or same floor in my case) as the wardrobe is located. Basically drying the air before it even gets to your grow.


Ahh I never thought about that. I always figured the RH in there was so high because of the plants.

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As long as you have equal or negative pressure in your grow space, the room the grow space is located in will equalize with the grow space, if youre not venting outside or running a dehum.

In my case I’m both exhausting directly outside AND have a dehum running in the same room as my tent. It ends up being the opposite where the tent is usually drier than the surrounding room.

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I pull ambient temps and exhaust into the same space so you’re prolly right man could work. Doubt I’ll buy one of the small ones off amazon now I checked the price so confusing must be shipped from the US as it says in dollars $54.65 or something but £88.95 could prolly do exactly what you’re saying for same price with a bigger tank. Do dehumes run off 4” ducting btw? Just trying to figure out how I’d manage to hose it to where I could put it.


Dehumidifier don’t use any ducting mate. Some of the bigger ones come with a tube you can connect and it bypasses the water collection part and into a larger bucket so you don’t have to empty them as often :v:


There are all kinds, some have ductwork, some just a vent. Most of them have both a reservoir that fills up with water and also a hose you can attach to drain to a bigger reservoir. I have mine hooked up to my washer drain so it never has to be changed hehe.

Someone else mentioned yard sales. I see them too all the time on local buy and sell FB groups for dirt cheap.


Have a look on gumtree for your area. I bet there is a few on :+1:


The one I bought last week


I’d hit FB but summers over and it’s not legal here so wouldn’t want my public friends knowing I’m buyin a dehume :rofl: I am overly paranoid but with what @Esrgood4u said about ducting and what you’re saying about the room I reckon if I just sat it in my room it would prolly make it go down.

Next real question is how many watts do they draw is it gunna cost me loads to run one but that’ll depend on which one I go for. Appreciate the input gents.

Just mentioned gumtree ya legend if that’s a no go I’ll check on Schpock. Might be able to find a half decent one for cheaps.