Long term flowering landrace autoflower question...

In my current location without a greenhouse, I’ll cant complete a grow of those exotic 16-20 week flowering wild sativas.

What’s the consensus of an autoflower from landrace breeds? What were the Trade offs? Potency? Yield?
I’m prepared to grow many and use half for hashish to fortify. I’m one of those elephant tolerance kind of guys.

Better clarify
Are you asking if you should breed a long flowering sativa to an autoflower or day length neutral strain
Are you asking about ruderalis strains such as Crimean landrace or Siberian?
What do you want to know?

didn’t know there were auto lance strains out ? you mean hybrid auto strains ? (there are many)

There’s a few autoflowering landraces IIRC.
Ex. Moroccan Beldia, Syrians, Lebanese, and of course a slew of eastern European landraces. To my knowledge none were hybridized with ruderalis (other than the Europeans)

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I guess my question is similar to @Trowertripper s. You’re first statement

doesn’t correlate with your question

Are you asking if there is such a thing as a longflowering ruderalis (auto) landrace?

Or are you asking if there are landrace sativa varieties that autoflower?

You mentioned that you possibly want to make hash out of some of them. Is landrace sativa hash what you are hoping to produce? Could you please elaborate more on what you’re searching for? between autos, landrace, and longflowering sativas

but they are natural for that couintry - like the 1st rudelll strain came from Russia and NOw look at the progress. Now as for lances thasnks for the info will check them ouot - any esxperience with ? your favoriate plant ? Peace and thanks !! how are yields with them ? check IRC Landrances ?

@hawkman I’m even more confused now.


I’m wanting to grow long flowering sativas. 12weeks plus.
Mother Nature says no bc winters.
I’m not an auto flower fan. Looks nice but I’m a purist.
Curious of who has incorporated af to let’s say a 20 week Indian landrace strains? How did they turn out? Potency? Trade offs?
Growing outdoors. Thanks

I infuse my joints of cob type cure weed with the hash from said product.

not fami;uar with auto landrances !!I don’t know hoe they are going to shprten a 16 wwek flower to a 70-90 day flower ? guess genetics, If anyone that might have them are World of Seeds or The Real Seed Company or AG