Looking for Specific Genetics

Hi Everyone…. Looking for specific genetics. Will have to retire soon, live in the city, and resulting income will not allow me to purchase as needed. So, looking for an auto-regular of White Widow and Herer or viable descendants so I can grow and cook my own Indica and Sativa RSOs. Really don’t have space or time for Photos……getting up there as they say. Does anyone have a lead\breeder recommendation? Not finding much on Strainly or here but if you have a search suggestion I’m ready to try it……I really don’t know what my eventual income might be so I am not looking for Fems, need to build up seeds……any and all leads accepted.

Thanks in advance!


I’m not sure if you have thought about running photo period strains and just doing 12/12 from seed. It opens up a lot more choices strain wise and most autos I’ve run go 90 days or a little more to really be ripe. A 12/12 from seed grow would be 2-3 weeks until sexual maturity and then you can do short flowering indicas that are done in 9 weeks or so. With 21 days of veg so to speak and 63 days for flower you’re at 84 days from sprout to harvest. Running them in smaller pots, SOG style, would still give you a good yield. Just wanted to toss that out for an option.


Your final goal is to have a “smooth/light” oil if i understand well. With “auto” (sic), you will not much feel a real difference. WW/JH difference will be more a placebo in this context. It’s more strategic imho to drift the quest on tastes/scents from feedback of users.

I will repeat what have said rightly FirstCavApache64, the lenght of grow of a Sogged seed is the lenght of the flowering time of the strain. 60 days for a skunk, 40-50 for aghani hybrids and more 90 days for a JH (for a decent yield). It’s not specially the case with “auto” and not specially easier also. The dynamic is not the same. Marketing is not all, i’m curious to see one day anything with hemp inside beating, by example, a sogged AK47 (clones or seeds) in term of quality/fastness/yield ratio.

By the way, with quick calculations, you need around 12 oz per harvest (three months) for a decent RSO. We are talking about trimmed and well crystallized buds for oil, not loose and leafy buds.

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Hi Fuel…Thanks for the suggestion…if I were growing under lights that would be perfect, I am an outdoors guy and, seriously, getting up there. Looking for particular genetics…not trying to create my own strain any longer, looking for seeds with as close to the OG genes for these two as I can find carrying an auto gene and normal sex…making an RSO is easy, getting what your are looking for to put in the kettle is something more, :wink:

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Damn ok. On yield and costs dpt it become less stressful for sure.
Well there is plenty of breeders offering what you’re searching : sensi seeds, greenhouse, fast bud …

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