Looking for Candida CD1 seeds

Hey there guys. I’m looking to trade for or buy Candida CD1 Fem seeds. Every place I have looked they are out of stock. They are a 20:1 CBD strain. Or if you have something similar like AC/DC fems I’m all ears.


I believe I still have some Earth lover. CBD to THC: 20:1, 21% CBD, 1% or less THC
Profile: sweet, fruity flavor, followed by hints of ginger and undertones of pine
Maturity: 80 days
Yield: Moderate to High


Hey @DougDawson thanks for the reply! Are they Fems and would you consider selling?


Hey man, they are Fem Autos. I would not feel right selling them to you but I will happily give you some if that works for you.


That would be super awesome brother! This is medicine for my mom. She and I would greatly appreciate!


No problem, glad to get some to a person who can use it. Fire me some info and I will get it into the mail tomorrow as I am leaving for the cottage.


You are awesome man. :+1::call_me_hand:


THAT’S JUST THE “OG WAY”, with a wee bit of awesomeness thrown in!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yo bro, I’ve got a stash of green Bodhi charlottes web x 78 AC/DC. It was a box of 22 and I popped like 2-3.

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Boy, that’s should be GREAT for both Pain and Seizures!!! Well done, well done, indeed. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Just checked the “Ole Logbook”, indicates I have Candida/Fem. Don’t know how many until a physical check. I got them several years ago from Seedsman. They, like all the other big Seedbanks were sourcing from Spain. A whole lot of Stock was depleted after the big bust. If they truly on-hand, you’re welcomed to 'em. Plus, have ACDC also!!! I’ll holla in a few days and let you know. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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