Looking for proven high cbd clones

Looking for something high in cbd low in THC preferably a tested and proven cut to help deal with the neuropathy/pain resulting from chemo/cancer.

Planning on making some medicine for myself and to donate to members of a cancer support group I was a part of.


I don’t have recommendations. I would like to say double thumbs up to you thou. Spreading that OG spirit to the world!


Been on the same hunt for a while. Hope your search turns up. I have seeds but not proven cuts.


Have a look at:

Specifically, check out the lab reports.
We do a full ethanol extraction and make edibles.
This plant isn’t perfect but it is the best I have tried so far.



My best buddy and I are working on a dance hall seed run and hope to find the highest CBD best producing female and clone her, but it will take a while. We will be crossing some other CBD strains with Dancehall. Check back if you don’t find something in the next three months or so.

The only one I have right now is a Sebring’s revenge F4, this gen is labeled 1:1 CBD:THC at 14%:13%. Haven’t flowered her yet, so can’t report on the effects.
I don’t have any of these right now, but I can pick them up the next time I go pick up clones. Not sure when it may be since it’s almost 4hr round trip. Let me know if you like the sound of these two.

I’ve got 3 cherry wine seeds growing, bagseed though so no idea how hot they will be

Expanding my search to s1 of something 20:1 like AC/DC or Charlotte’s Web.

Might try the AC/DC fems from Montreal cannabis seeds. Never used them before though.


If I do get seeds of this I’ll test them and make clones/s2 available to the community.


Ordered AC/DC seeds from cropking and Montreal seed bank to try out until I can find something better.

I have seeds of several varieties, I cannot guarantee they are pure cbd hemp but 3/4 of them should be.

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DM sent.

I’ve settled on having to do my own selection and breeding project. It’s for the best anyway.

Looking forward to seeing what you have.

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This showed up today. The packaging and seeds look great.

First time ordering from crop king. Curious to see how these turn out because of all the negative Rep this company receives. Shipping was fast.

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