Looking for colorado cough clone in denver area

Really would like to work with the ft.collins cough/ colorado cough clone. Wondering where I can source a legit cut


Welcome Jahawc it’s a pleasure to have you here. I know we have some Colorado peeps on this site and others may possess it. Take a look around and see what the site has to offer. Let people get a chance to know you and you never know what may happen.


Me too !! I smoked it whenever I could get my hands on it back in the late 90’s and early 2000’s. After that it disappeared up here. Seen some imposter shit a few times, but that ft collins cough had a very distinct flavor sort of like opium. Was told it was a NL5 X Haze pheno but Im not sure. Either way that is unicorn weed

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Welcome @Jayhawc to OG. read, read, so much to learn.
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:

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Got an a5 s1 that I’m going to be doing some bx work with I’d love to have some more old neville stock in my collection to do some breeding with


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