Looking for info on "Brother Monk" aka Sow Good Seed Co

Title says it all.

There was a fella on ICmag in 08-09 era as well as more recently on the breedbay I use a lot, that went by brother monk, I am looking to see if anyone knows how to get a hold of him or has a line to if he is still kicking. Haven’t heard from him in two years now.

Any info greatly appreciated


@TomHill maybe might know, idk reason I say that is brother monk did some stuff with his deep chunk also.

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I can’t say how new they are but with a recent order from a seedbank I got a 5 pack of dirt cherry I think was the name from sow good seeds. So they may still be making seeds. Unless those were old stock.


I’ve seen this newer company, but I’m pretty sure it’s not brother monk. Just someone using the same name he did.


This. The current Sow Good Seeds stuff coming from BDSC now has no relation to the stuff from brother monk…just happened to use a very similar name for their seed co.

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