Oldtimer1’s Smile cultivar

Does anyone here have any idea where I could find Oldtimer1’s Smile beans anywhere?I know it’s a long shot but I’ve heard good things about that one.If anyone could point me in the right direction I’d be very greatful.Been meaning to get that one in the medicine chest for times in a funk.


Bob H at crickets & cicada’s may know: he’s the only one I’ve heard drop his name… :thinking:



I think underground org

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I was just talking to a guy that has Smile x UK Cheese, I thought that was kind of interesting. @CapnCannabis

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BlueSkiesVienna …LOL

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Not in a million years that guy is a con artist with his buddy there on the Skunkfam podcast.Here hey man I’ve got that real roadkill skunk it’s in there buy my beans,what’s that you still haven’t found it?Its in there you just have to F2 them,What you still haven’t found it yet?What you have to do is F3 them then you cube your genetics and narrow down your search then you will find the real skunk …….


Im not sure how people fall for that skunk talk from blueskies and pay those crazy prices for those seeds. As far as i know he dont sell anything with the label “skunk seeds” on it, an if he has started doing that he is blatantly renaming stuff. All he has is a batch of seeds that come out of a mix open polination of a mixture of oldtimers genetics with some tom hill haze thrown in there too and maybe some other bits and pieces. Not sure how anyone could undo the amount of genetics that were mixed in the open polination to get to what he claims to be oldtimers skunk. His claims of having oldtimers skunk are not true, well he does have it but its mixed up in the mix soup and that mix soup he does really have.

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Oltimer has passed (RIP) on so unless someone does a repro of Smile… I’m not even 100% Smile was his. It might have been the other Underground Originals breeder -VRG. You could hit him up on uk420 and ask. Lots of growers there will have smile but site rules don’t allow trading. But sometimes the site itself does giveaways when you sign up to be a member and you might be able to request Smile as the freebie beans if you sign up. Long winded way to try and get the beans but for those dedicated…


Irc Oldtimer sold smile though ugorg for a while I. His own white packets saying limited edition far as I know ugorg didn’t release smile it was oldtimer who did. There have been some other bx from time to time. Turnspit genetics has the Celia line which was mother to smile irc, also has the seeds for the original drop . I have smile bx2 that someone else made and I may make some seeds with them.
Here’s what the person who has Celia from Oldtimer says

Yes! They are definitely coming! Its currently a work in progress - The Camden Poison male was unfortunately lost, so Smile can never be made exactly the same ever again. Myself and [@oldtimer1] were planning to collaborate on a project together using Celia (mother of smile) but unfortunately the project got shelved because life and shit happens, fortunately OT1 is one of the most kind, thoughtful and helpful persons I’ve ever known, let alone to grace cannabis, and he kindly gifted me a copy of Celia and told me to crack on! Beyond humbled!

Smile being one of my favourite smokes of all time, and having had a pack in the fridge for ages waiting for the right moment, it felt like the best course of action to really capture that special high was to back cross Smile to Celia, where it comes from. I am using all the Smile males I have and crossing them to Celia, in an attempt to capture everything and not lose any genes that might have contributed to making Smile special, it means its a one shot and done - it can be made similar again but not exactly the same - I’ve been calling the project Smile V2.

Take care and keep well


Glad I came here. Followed blueskies on IG for a few months. The obnoxious marketing, saying we all suck and don’t know anything and have crappy strains but get his seeds, they’re the best!
Kinda saw through, kept around in case I was wrong. My suspicions weren’t far off.

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That BSV is on a podcast called Skunk fam that’s hosted by another little douchebag old school chronic .What caught me is what he was pushing on Skunkman Sam as the snitch in the Neville case but it’s public knowledge that the real snitch name was in the Avidavit itself if you read it.I’m not going to mention his name he has a lawyer of his harass anyone who drops his name but let’s just say he’s selling fertilizer in Detroit Michigan for growstores.The skunkfam guy dropped in on a future cannabis project episode on Catpiss to talk about Catpiss but sidetracked the conversation to try and peddle BSV seeds and was basically shilling BSV gear.BSV has the same rant and no one is buying his garbage people caught on.He has this like line he regurgitates it over and over ,oh what’s that didn’t find the skunk you have to f2 it to get it to come out what’s that you still didn’t find any skunk only got sweet candy smells?Well you see you don’t know what your doing you have to really F3 it to narrow down your search and you will find the skunk.No thank you mr Con man

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