Looking For Lemon Thai Pollen

Hey everyone. I posted this in the Doc D thread, and got crickets, so I thought I’d try it here.

I had a 5 pack of Pablo’s Lemon Thai from Snowhigh. I got 2 plants out of them, and both are female.

Since I don’t have a male, I thought the next best thing would be to hit them with some Lemon Thai pollen. I have some of Doc D’s LT seeds, but I do not have the space to run them, ATM. So, I’m hoping that someone in OGLand has run them, and found a killer male that you kept some pollen from. :slight_smile:

If that’s you, and you’re interested in doin a little tradin’, shoot me a DM, and we’ll talk turkey. :v:


@GMan might have some, Maybe…

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At a push you could always reverse a branch and make some fems. :v: