Looking for old Kentucky Strains

Hello I am looking for old timey Kentucky strains such as Kentucky bluegrass, and skunk. I already have Kentucky Red Hair, and am looking to get some of the old types before they disappear. For those who don’t already know, Kentucky is home to some of the finest heirloom cannabis varieties in the world, but are not known as much due to the difficulty in finding them. Some of these folks have been breeding really fine cannabis for years there. They deserve their respect.
A long time ago I got the chance to try a type of skunk from Kentucky. It was extremely stinky, and would totally overpower the area. What a great high, and it left me not knowing where the hell I was lol. We were out in the countryside, and after smoking I remember it as one of the highest I ever been. It was a really good experience, in my top 3 of all time.
So if you have any seeds available please please share them lol. I am willing to do some trading or purchase. Or just as a gift. I am open. Also if you are growing any of these old time strains and have pics please share. Same with personal experiences.


I would say any decent genetics we have in Kentucky will probably be on lockdown until Kentucky goes recreational.

The skunk u described sounds like the Ky Roadkill.


Its similar here in Florida too. I am hoping maybe someone might be willing to part with a few. At least seeds are completely legal, and wont get anyone in trouble.

That skunk was killer. I remember that the smoke would just stick to walls and infiltrate everything. Putting it in multiple baggies was a must and still you could smell it a mile away…


I have some bagseed that was given to me as a thank you. It was local stuff to west of the Boone Forest, early 2000s or so the story goes.

I got 2/5 to pop so far and plan to try the rest in the next year to do a seed increase.

I kept a clone of one plant.


Hey @Hemlock what does that bagseed smell like? I have a friend originally from Kentucky that is just finishing up his cancer treatments, this would be a treat for him. Would you be willing to share a few of the bagseed? If so, send me a PM

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Maybe this is it…? :thinking:

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That looks real nice. How would you describe it?

Btw, if anyone has seed please message me.

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