Edit Alaskan strain hunt

I have decided to go on a bit of a strain hunt but I do believe it is a long shot as I don’t have much info to go on as this was along time ago, so here it goes.
I was living in south Florida during the 1980’s . Pretty crazy place in that decade, Columbian cartels shipping tons of cocaine, Mexican brick weed was everywhere, but we could get “Krippy” if we wanted to spend more money. But we normally would just score a pound of brick and smoke for free. But every other month or so we did step up and get some krippy. No name was ever given with those strains but it was always pretty good. But not like the strain I am looking for. The krippy that was around usually had
Great smell and taste Usually even back then a 1/4 would run a 100 dollars.
Around 1987-88 I made some friends with some good ole boys who mostly lived off the grid, had some great times back then, well one day a friend says he has a friend that is willing to ship weed in from Alaska and wants to know if I wanted in on it… I said HELL YEA, so I put down my share and he sent off for it. I didn’t think it had snowballs chance in hell of making it, but it was the 80"s . I forgot all about even he even sent out for that it took so long to come in. But one day I showed up at his house and he was standing out front with a big grin on his face. That shot actually made it through ups all the way from Alaska. I was blown away, then he showed it to me, This weed was all white no green anywhere. The smell was pure heaven and really strong, taste was similar to chem 91 is the only thing I can compare it to. I got the sticky job of breaking up a bud to smoke, which entailed using a sharp pair of scissors. I noticed cutting it that there was absolutely no green color anywhere inside the bud or outside just white. 3 hits I was down for about 2 hours couldn’t get up, my buddy was laughing at me but I was wrecked.
Just wondering if any of you oldtimers out there have ever ran into anything like that and can maybe help me out with figuring out what strain that could have possibly been.


I had a cousin in Alaska who grew weed, which was super frosty and some of it was albino. It was (and still is) legal to have up to 4 plants in your house, which he had. The only issue was you could smell it from outside sometimes. I never understood why people want such skunky weed. Cannabis was still highly illegal when the super skunky strains were bred initially. Shorter stature and flowering times don’t help if you can smell it growing from half a mile away.

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Have you seen any of that albino weed since then? Any ideas where or who might have any info on this


Sorry, no info on it.