Looking for recipe to mix raw salts for hydro/coco

Hello everyone!
As the tilte suggests, I’m looking for a working recipe for mixing raw salts to makes one’s own nutrient solution for use in both hydro and coco. I’m looking preferably for the 3part (g,m,b) and calmag.
If you have something that isn’t the 3part, doesn’t matter. Whatever you’ve been mixing, if had worked for u or somebody else, pls share…:pray:t3::green_heart:


I’m using Master Bend Tomato food, and love the results.
I simply add Moribloom to a batch of MB tomato food, when I flower.
I’m seeing wonderful grows with Jacks products also.
I also run organics with my salts, so you may want others opinions, over my ways.

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Thank you for your input brother.:pray:t3:
I’ve used masterblend with cano3 and mgso4 and even maxibloom. As dry salts I’ve used these. I’m not looking for these kinda salts.
What I’m looking for is making my own nutrient from various raw salts (compounds, chemist :test_tube::dna::microscope::alembic:) preferably to match that of gh grow, micro, bloom and their calmag.
Any other working mix is also fine as long as it’s made from scratch.

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Thank you as well brother. I’ve seen Daniel’s videos and read quite a bit on his website as well. Ive learnt to use hydrobuddy and I feel it’s results aren’t accurate for complicated mixes. Calmag is easy tho…:joy:
I’ve also contacted Daniel but he asking for $$$ for further explanation.
Also in the video above, what he’s mixing isn’t every thing that’s listed in the description. The guy is smart…he knows how to get you to contact him and pay…:wink:

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Green gene has a great video that got me started with jacks: GreenGenes Ultimate Nutrient Guide

After I saw his spreadsheet I decided to build one for myself and it’s become invaluable when deviating from recommended feed charts and correcting deficiencies. My amazing girlfriend did a lot of the work and I just had to do the math off the nutrient labels to determine concentrations. All I have to do is change the input amount in grams or milliliters in the bottom row and it does all the math for me.


Thank you brother.
I’ve seen Greengenes video and he’s working with jack’s.
What I’m looking for is making my own jack’s so to say…:sunglasses:
Someone who’s got a working recipe from raw salts…


I’m sure I could break my spreadsheet down into individual salts and then mix from that but it would be a lot of extra work when jacks or masterblend is so cheap. But I haven’t actually done the math on it so I guess let’s get to work :joy:

I’ll try to break down the jacks recipe, shop the individual components and then make a mixing sheet from that. I’ve always kinda of wondered how much cheaper it would be so I’m gonna find out.

Edit: typo


Thanks, but no need to do that brother.:pray:t3:
Like I’ve mentioned, I can use hydrobuddy and reverse engineer any formula. It’s easy.
What the manufacture states as ingredients is not exactly what’s being used always. I can mix and match for sure but then it’s all trial and error. And the results for such things on hydrobuddy won’t turn accurate. For mixing cano3 and mgso4 or even mkp, the app is great. But to build one from scratch it’s a long shot I feel.
Im looking for someone who has a recipe and know what chelates of micros he’s using or what kind is to be used, how to mix stuff and all that chemistry jazz…
Don’t get me wrong brother…:pray:t3:

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Maybe check out @Sebring’s thread. It’s big but he was making fish fertilizer with Em1 Microbial Inoculant. Just grind up some fish and use that to break it all down, I think.

Also, you may want to get into Korean Natural Farming techniques. It’s a very deep rabbit hole that I hope to adopt at some point. It utilizes fruit juices and vegetable juices and natural microbes from your particular environment. Good vibes sent! peace

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No need to make 2 threads for the same thing. I’ve dealt with daniel fernandez and he is really helpful and has helped tons of people with certain things for free (including myself)

What you are looking for is someone to give you a complete nutrient formulation from scratch. Of course that’s not going to be free. It takes a lot more time and effort than answering most questions.

If you know how to use hydrobuddy I’d suggest just trying to reverse engineer whatever nutes you feel like. Even if you don’t have the exact ingredients hydrobuddy with formulate it with whatever salts you add. Just figure out the elemental ppms and write them in the program, add what salts you have/are using in the substance selection and your degree of freedom (I always keep it at S). It will tell you how many g per the amount of water you put (either your whole res or 1 gal so you know how much per gal of each)

You can mix most things together besides calcium / phosphates so I put the calcium nitrate and calcium chloride in one cup and everything else in another cup and mix them separately in a bucket before adding them to the res.

I use Calcium nitrate (purecal and yara), mag sulfate, potassium sulfate, growclean or mkp and plant prod chelated micros. With just that you can reverse engineer tons of stuff. Try doing Jr croptech or jacks


Sorry brother, my bad. Ive asked here beause this is OG. I didn’t bother asking anywhere else…

You know how to use hydrobuddy that’s already more than the avg grower knows. I’d suggest picking a popular brand to “reverse engineer” and use that as a starting point (jr croptech is where I’d start) and tweak it based on what kinda of results you see in your grow. I’m guessing you’re a home grower like me?

There’s not really a one size fits all formulation that will work for every grow. Everyone’s environment/grow is different. What works for me or someone else might not necessarily work for your setup so it’s important to tinker around a bit with things.


Yup…I aware of this. Even the ingredient is use will not be the same as the others…

Yep. I don’t even have one of the ingredients that is used for jr croptech flower (potassium phosphate) so with the program I had to use other stuff to make up for what I was missing. It ends up being very close although not identical but usually with the degree of freedom set to S that ends up being the element that is either higher or lower (I’ve never seen too much S in a grow so it’s of little concern IMO) and everything else is pretty much the same.

A formula I was using for my previous grow had a lot of grow clean in it (polyphosphate) which is pretty expensive. When I wrote in the ppms in the program it found a way to make the same thing (other than S) but with much less grow clean and more potassium sulfate which ended up saving me a decent amount of money since the grow clean is the most expensive bag for the inputs I’m using.

As long as the ppms are the same or very similar it shouldn’t be an issue using different salts than what are listed in a product to come up with the same numbers.