Looking for some Advice / Info on Stabilizing Unstable Genetics

I was gifted some seeds from 1996 - I have a thread from Seed to F2 project going on , on here - but when I went to Flower the Original mother (only was able to get 1 male & 1 female) so before I flowered the female out, I had taken clones and made F2’s so this round coming up I could hunt a good bit and see what’s in there -

Prior to the big hunt I planted 24 - got 18 males & 6 females that all seemed to show sacks forming within the hairs -

The original female didn’t herm untill week 5- but had no issues before , but the f2 generation was showing 50/50 mix on the females around Day 14

After seeing the male ratio & the issues with the 6 females from those , I will be planting around 200-250 this next hunt and sex testing - and hoping to get more then enough females to attempt to flower and find a stable pheno for the f3’s

This is how all the F2 females are looking - I did flower them very early from seed , maybe 2 weeks , so that could have also caused some issues perhaps (unsure I’m no expert)

This is the Original mother from the seed stock that threw a lot of bananas week 5 (also could have been from high par from LEDS) but seeing the f2 do the same thing & they have been under 750-800 par the entire time

But just curious on some tips and info perhaps, I’m normally messing around with Feminized seeds and things of that sort , but the way these smell & how old they are , I figured I should give my honest attempt at stabilizing them,

As mentioned I plan to plant 200-250 f2 next round coming in July - & sex testing & running all the new phenos from clone with a healthy Start - when i made the F2 - I added some of my stable phenos into the mix of newer age stuff , & some sweaty Og - was curious if there isn’t too many stable or good phenos in the f2 - would it be taking away or helping if I hunted a Male leaner in the Outcrosses , and maybe Back crossed it to either the original male or the New F2 male I selected from the 18 -

Thank you for reading - and any tips or info is appreciated & more then accepted - (and or what you would do if you wanted to do the same)


If you’re popping 250 seeds

Just cull anything that goes intersex

If this is a big concern you want to properly eliminate in the f2 generation then you will want to stress your plants to find the intersex prone ones

Otherwise, just cull anything that goes intersex, let the plants sexually mature (7 nodes) or run from clone, follow a proper light schedule, and don’t overfeed. Make lots of seeds to stress test rigorously in f3. Up to you if you can cull that many in this generation or the next one.


That’s what I plan to do, I’ll flower out all the females and knock them out one by one when the issues occur , and will run them from clone - I kinda prefer that so I can keep the seed plant as a mother untill the hunt is over - I appreciate the info @leetdood


No problem.

What do you mean by the way when you say sweaty og?

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Oh looks like you meant that kushco x Scott 2 hotty pheno you had

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Just the terp profile , I have this KushCo OG cross that smells like a 4 hour gym workout mixed in jetfuel , she’s my favorite pheno I have , & is stable and breeds super well, the f2 generation of these 1996 seeds are very unstable , so I mentioned maybe hunting the other crosses with the male like that OG one , if no stable phenos are found , i definitely want to try my best at stabilizing it by itself as well, the original mom smelled like Sour mothballs and skunk spray - haven’t smelled anything like that with anything I’ve grown in the years I have grown , so just trying to think of different possible outcomes


You know @LunarLeaf @leetdood Dessert Delight doesn’t herm if you try to make her herm. She’s the most stable plant that will never throw a nanner. Perhaps I can send snips for your stabilization project?


It’s not the same strategy to adopt when you have clones in seeds that turn; and various expressions that turn with more or less torque, more or less earlier, more or less reactivity etc … i just checked they are not unstable at all ^^ 90’s baby !

Well that’s the hard way then lol At this point i can just tell you what i will do.

You launch 30/50 seeds in seedlings pot directly in 12/12, then each time i cull herms that are poping … i germinate the replacement. Even if it’s chewing your nerves, reproduce those that trigger the later (by batch) if you’re screwed. Take notes, write dates on the plant tags. Isolate each seed line and write phenos on package. The best will be to isolate the reliable phenos or the later herms in a little space aside, but nothing impossible for the braves lol (just don’t use fans in the tent ^^)

The herm invasion happens always by waves, as the reduction. The hard part being to find the right deleterious phenos to BX and to get a bump (of females for you). Maintenance harvest not much more than a 5% to 10% decrease generally (bloody mode), and you know if you’re in maintenance or not only when you find (or not) a clean pairing.

I think at this point it’s important to take a cut of reference for the weed. Just to know if the cleaning wound the dank at the point to … reconsider the line eventually. It’s more easy to de-herm with an outcross, that the bad new. But you can also walk on eggs and operate a BX program to preserve the weed on it, you still have the initial line.


Thank you for the info , I’ve kept all the original cuttings male and females , so I’m going to try and keep it pure if I can, going to do they method next and run a good handful of them and cull as I go