Looking for some Durban poison

I was looking for reg seeds but seems everyone has them in s1 form, but it’s ok I’ll prob try and bx them down the road thank for the tip I will check out those sites you mentioned and see. Right now I’m considering csi s1.

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Checked out flyer du mal and he has the old school sweet tooth #4 f2s. Been looking for that for awhile! Picked me up some of those, but for the Durban poison I think I’m gonna go with csi and hopefully be able to hit that with Mel franks. Thanks everyone for your help with my search.


I would suggest you send me “dem personals”, then sit back and keep an eye on the Mail Slot!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Beautiful looking plant.

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Mr. Bee has the seeds. Lol


ST #3 is the one you want my dude

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What is st#3?

I grew a Durban from a preservation run from a close friend. He was proud but I never told him his Durban sucks. Point is most Durban out there is suspect. Look for testimonials.

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That’s exactly what I’m afraid of. Don’t want to waste a good 6-7 months on some bunk sh*t. Need good genetics off the bat.

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I got an email from AG today about their DP. $2 a seed if you buy 100 seeds. It’s on sale for a short while. The picture sure made me want it.


Yes I got there email as well but not trying to buy 100 seeds. Unless you guys wanna chip in and get it together i would be down with that.

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Lots going out in the fall '22 boxes

:green_heart: :seedling:


Ak beanbrains has old SSSC Durban f4 or 5? on strainly. The Landrace Team has Highland Durban. Listed at 12 to 16 weeks but Im not sure. Mine were quicker. Love of _Landrace on IG has landrace Durban from the 80’s.18 weeks