Looking for some old school flavors.

How’s it going everyone? Can anyone point me in the right direction for some good old school Genetics? Thanks


Man, I’m on the same mission. Looking for that old school cologne kinda powdery taste. Growing out some Skunk #1 from Sensi Seeds right now hoping it fits the bill.


AK bean brains has some old school stuff. Beatrice choice, nl5, nl1, kali mist, etc. Real good dude as well. You can order direct or from JBC


. What kind of old school flavors do you seek?


Those 90’s sour lemon Thai, chocolate Thai, old school Skunk :skunk: not the sweet one, Christmas tree pine, I’m in Los Angeles, so west coast 90’s flavors. Thanks :pray:t3:


Thank you for your time and input. :pray:t3::+1:t3::owl:


Check out Doc D/Magic Seed Co for a lot of Lemon Thai crosses right now, some sour. His email list, which people post in the discussion thread about him here, has the most options and best prices.

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Good looking out Wizard. Thank you for your time. I see that lemon Thai :eyes:

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I have sensi seeds super skunk I might part with


I’m holding some Blueberry x Skunk #1


Me to lol I got it from some dude…LoL

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Waiting for them to come in mail and then it’s fun times


Good luck. I’m sure it will cool.

Drgonzo13 is waitin on me to get my pucks & tray from @Bobgrows.
I’m seed rich and cash poor!
I have the old goodies of which you speak, funny I’m growing out Nightowl Wizards Apprentice currently.
Send me a pm and we’ll start your hunt!
No Guarantees, you might get foxed!


I dig the gear from BG, is this for sale or just a craft?

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She is sellin, Go Get One!

I’ve got some wizards apprentice and have been wondering about it but I haven’t messed with autos until now and I have 1 of them so I’ll be interested to see how yours goes happy growing @Astrodude The Doc

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I was gifted some Super Skunk F5 from Diggy Soze… my partner grew it out under the big lights at his house and OMG… huge plant, can’t say it’s real skunky but man is she a beast and even the lower buds completely fill your hand and when you lightly squeeze them they are solid… and have weeks to go yet… is she old school, not sure… smoke test when she’s done.


I’m impressed with all the love being shared between everyone…

Again I am getting ready to inherit a portion of a seed bank vault. some I get more then enough to share, some I’d like preserved and others I’ll try to find homes to people looking for specific genetics. I’ve already run into very unique strains and
#1 has gotta be Seraph F2 from Woodhorse still in Chris’ packaging…

rock on people, keep sharing the love