Looking for SSH reco

For my unique combination of physical ailments and mental well-being, Super Silver Haze has been a great choice for me though I’ve not grown it. Had a friend who grew it regularly from his stock so I always had some.

Can anyone offer any info as to where to find the most “late-90s” version. I’ve looking but most of the seed vendors scare the bejesus out of me. The one that seems a relatively safe bet is from Mr. Nice.

Any ideas fam? Thanks in advance. Great weekend to all.


I have some mr. Nice SSH. Its the real deal from the original mom and dad.


@DavesNotHere, if you have more Mr. Nice SSH to trade after @Kingmambo is set-up I would like a few as well.

Mr. Nice is super easy to order from too. He has his auctions that are great. Watch those, and you can pick up some lighter seeds, all perfectly viable, for a great price. Usually (20) seeds in a pack so great for sharing with a buddy.


Echo in here…
go to Mr Nice auctions and pick it up from the original breeder.


The retail price for SSH is around $130 usd. I picked up a pack last month in an auction for $37.50. Those auctions rock man. I racked up 5 more strains last week in my quest for Medicine Man, (aka the original White Rhino). You can get their stuff really cheap, and like others have said, Mr. Nice has the real deal.

Good luck man. :vulcan_salute:


I had those auctions on my to-do list for a while and just started looking at them this. Looks like the way to go. It’s a good thing I don’t have a lot of growing room or I’d have about twelve different things going now.

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You still looking for the MedMan?

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Legendary seeds direct from the breeder for about $2/per. What a score! Noice!

Odd more people don’t know about the auctions @GrowHard turned me onto them.


Great site , ive spent 1000+ with him . Ive been in his corner for 20 years.


Yeah I am. Do you have some? :slight_smile: That would be awesome man. The next Med Man auctions don’t end until Tuesday night, and that kinda thing plays hell with my instant gratification jones. :laughing:

Seriously, hit me on PM, I got some stuff to trade too. :slight_smile:

@Kingmambo, there’s an SSH auction that’s closing in 20 minutes,


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Well 5min left and my 52 bid is winning. if I win it I’ll let you send me the funds @Kingmambo… hey I won them do you want them 52 euros …its like 60 us

How about this for an idea: you keep those, I’ll get some in the auction, then once we both have them, we start them at the same time and do a joint grow log to see what happens with all the seeds.

We could, presuming suitable males, make a seed run of of some. Seems like it would be a great candidate for preservation. I didn’t check to see if a run has been done with SSH.

I’d be up for it. I think.

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I’m good as of now…lol i already got some mr nice coming, I was trying to better the chance of you getting them. Already getting chewed a new ass, lol gotta wait before I spend another 100 buck on seeds. (Or as she put it. Shit I dont need lol):v:t5:


Oh sure you got seeds but does she understand that you don’t have THESE PARTICULAR seeds lol?


tell her that we are a neutral meeting spot for strainaholics and this is much better therapy than something else… we are a self-help group , ok ?


Heres my secret. …I send out as much as I bring in…so when they come…oh look… my trade made it.:rofl::rofl:


I’ve found where I belong.


Give this man a goddamn medal


On that note…lol check my thread in a few. Lol

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