Looking to trade a pack of Karma Bx3 F2 for a REAL cut of Santa Cruz Blue Dream

I have a small stash of seeds including this pack of Karma Sour D Bx3 F2 that I was able to snag from a bank across the pond. Love Karma stuff and wish I had more and lost my keeper Headbanger couple years back.

I have stored this pack in a sealed jar with some other small packs of other stuff in the refrigerator with rice as a desiccant as shown in pics. Pack is a few years old (?) but I cant verify exact date.

I have lost all my moms 2 times in about 7-8 years of growing but unfortunately both times in the last few years. Once for mites and once for security.

Anyway I need to replace a cut of Santa Cruz BlueDream I was lucky to get about a year ago and it is/was the real cut but I cant source now, maybe later this year but,

I hope someone who holds that real sativa long leaf famous cut can help me if your a Karma fan and looking to add to your stash or just accept the Karma Sour D beans as a token how much I want to source this real cut.


Are you by chance in California.

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No. Im in the midwest.

I don’t have Blue Dream Santa Cruz cut but I have seeds that are a cross from a Blue Dream SC mom x Dilly Bars dad. I plan to make a F2 run this year.


Thank for the interest but I really have desire to replace an original clone only version. I know people argue over the true cut etc but I know what I had and where it came from. I hope to source another one later this year from same place but for now want to run another round and will see what shakes loose till then. Might be a nice comparison grow if it gets that far.


Best of luck in finding what you’re looking for!

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