Lost Civilizations: Before the known

Y’all remember Phrenology?!

So many good tea jokes came out of this one :wink:


Tie in:



If you tie a board to a babies head, you can make the skull all kinds of weird shapes. At least thats what i did to my brother




…aah,ok. i was wondering,where PleiadianLoveNest is comming from :thinking:


I believe I saw this part described on Ancient Aliens. If you extend a line from the eight corners and circumnavigate the globe from those corners, these lines cross the most land mass of earth. They also said the Great Pyramid is located on the longest line of latitude and longitude.


The idea that the pyramids are the geographical center of the earth comes from the 19th century it is actually now said to be in Turkey.

People tend to want to see patterns in things that aren’t necessarily related at all.


I guess you’re a hopeless case then. The meter is a modern measurement but based on an ancient theme, the megalithic yard. You have to do some reading to discover this truth. Books. Not internet
If you draw a circle around the globe in the directions north south east and west and also NE.SE.NW.SW. starting from the center of the pyramid the lines will cross through more land than if you were to do the same thing on any other point on the globe. Purely coincidence. Lots of pure coincidences🤣
The whole universe is mathematical and based on the metric system. It just took the Western World a bit longer to figure that out


Here’s a crazy thought I had last night. For the pyramids you have been placed at the exact center of all the land masses, and for that latitude number to also happened to be the exact numbers of the speed of light in meters per second, that would mean when the Earth was created this was all pre-arranged in advance by the great mathematician.


Wikipedia also listed the latitude of the pyramids differently then Google did. But when you go on Google Earth the pyramid is exactly where Google said it was, Wikipedia is wrong. I don’t trust them. Also sounds like the calculations were done differently using the center of the Earth rather than a point on its surface


Wikipedia says 29°58′45″N 31°08′03″E
Google says 29.9792° N, 31.1342° E

When you write either of them into maps they both point to a slightly different spot on the great pyramid so they are both technically correct. The earth is round not flat. Seems like you just want to believe this pseudoscience stuff and anything that contradicts it is either wrong or can’t be trusted. Are only your sources acceptable? The Wikipedia page on the great pyramid has 200 sources.

It is very easy to have a bias when searching google. If you are always searching for conspiratorial/alternative things then they are going to appear first/ more often than others.

You should check out that apophenia page I just posted as it relates to this. I’m guessing you never looked at the many links on logical fallacies either?


@buckaroobonsai you just nailed this topic with this post like the end credits of your namesake nailed perfection!


@neogitus ; “Apophenia” is how I came up with “Bigfoot rides Nessie through space and time using quartz crystals” :smiley:

I see what you did here @Upstate and I APPRECIATE YOU!


Especially depending on how Skynet chooses to interpret your search history :thinking:


Land masses have been in different places at different points in Earth’s history. And still moving, albeit slowly. The latitude/longitude coordinate where the pyramids are now is not where they were. Egypt would have been in the far East when the landmasses were conglomerated in Pangaea supercontinent. In a million years they’ll be a mile away from where they sit now.

How do you explain that? The megalithic yard is thought to be 0.83 meters lol so your light in meters per second theory doesn’t hold water.

How are books any different than the internet? Anyone can write anything. You can look at every source on wikipedia, they are cited with footnotes.

Go looking for anything and you’ll find it. It just may not be true lol. Apophenia and all that.

Why is it important for you for this ancient aliens/advanced ancient societies stuff to be true?

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I, for one, support our machine overlords.

Why didn’t they just travel a little further back in time and kill John Connor’s grandpa? Since JC was giving them so much trouble lol.

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I was googling Sirius B, where cannabis supposedly came from. but thats a dwarf dying out sun… (or am i mistaken?) how should cannabis survive there


Epic, the funny thing is… I actually believe cannabis is an alien life form, a gift from the gods, the bringer of light, read “ Green Gold, The Tree of Life, Marijuana in Magic and Religion”


Maybe the Sirians are accomplished indoor growers? If that’s possible, or maybe they abduct human pot growers… you better watch out! @romanoweed

yeah, i think it didnt mean it grew outdoors…

but even aliens, how should they live on a sun? ok, actually, if i think, they can fly and teleport… yeah, should be dooable. in capsules.

but i think: even an alien wants to go an a chilled walk around the local area.
do you think they live in their capsules the whole live?

wait i got it, they use ufos for an exotic holiday on earth


Im not joking… it would be really interesting to verify if old peoples infact knew something about stars that LATER was discovered by us. really try to nail down the credibility of these “anekdotes”. make a doku film about it.


That explains Las Vegas