Lost Civilizations: Before the known

A lot of ancient civilizations mention these sacred plants in their writings, even Adam and Eve ate a piece of fruit in the garden, and it gave them sight… that story was taken by the Christian’s from the ancient Sumerians, the story’s are almost exactly the same, except for some key differences, check it out.


Not to mention countries are also “human constructs” that have been around for at most a few thousand years. Modern humans have only existed for ~300-200k years. Egypt is on the African plate (also named by us lol) and the plates are constantly moving at a slow rate. The coordinates closely matching up to the speed of light in meters only corresponds to a very short time period geologically speaking.

Most astronomers actually use non metric units of measurement like light years, astronomical units, parsecs etc… because the known universe is so vast and meters just don’t make sense on those scales. Just an example of cherry picking data to match up with something. The speed of light doesn’t even exactly match up it just very close by coincidence. What about the last 3 digits that don’t? If you use feet per second or inches or cm or any other unit of measurement it def doesn’t line up.

Edit: seems like some people just want to believe this kind of thing because it is “more interesting” and alternative but with a little bit of critical thinking most of it is easily discredited. I hear a lot of people saying you need to keep an open mind while having “tunnel vision” themselves and only accepting info that they agree with.

Like I mentioned earlier in this thread, the scientific method exists for a reason. Humans are inherently human and have their own biases. Also tons of logical fallacies exist.



i checked it out. but long ago, just never they really they tried to proove it to the “in my case dokuwatcher”.

like said if someone knows a good doku about prooving that they knew “more”. im very interested, im not an eaysy believer… same with bible, lately i saw a doku where they tried to rule out how many errors are in our bible, compared different versions… or rule out wrong translations troughout. such things, they would be very mindblowing


So many old theories that have been disproven or are not reliable, like the drake equation, which is not reliable because the estimated values for several of its factors are highly conjectural, the combined multiplicative effect being that the uncertainty associated with any derived value is so large that the equation cannot be used to draw firm conclusions. The number of habitable planets is much smaller than we think, because there is so much more to put in the calculation than just saying if this many suns might have this many rocky planets, and this many might be in the habitable zone. Amd this many might have proper gravity ranges, and this many might have a proper breathable atmosphere, etc etc etc.


BAHAHAHA! :fist: :robot:

Like it does for the Arizona growers here on OG? :thinking:

So: Cannabis = FROM MARS! :space_invader: :seedling:

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It’s a rush to feel like you’re stumbling onto the secret truth of the universe.

Conspiracies have a pull to them. I used to be into a few. Classic paranoid stoner “naw man the government is really doing this” type stuff. The good ones are based around a tiny grain of truth. The government does do shady shit, therefore everything is a lie. It feels good to have complicated things we don’t fully understand simplified.

Nobody is wondering about how a bunch of medieval people managed to build Notre Dame.


They all developed hunchbacks from lugging heavy stones and gargoyles up medieval scaffolding. And they obviously didn’t know anything about fireproofing.

I think they turned it into a movie.


Stonehenge: 1877 and 2022


Ironclad reasoning.

More of a documentary than a movie, really.

Shit even the Notre Dame catching on fire a couple years back spawned a bunch of conspiracy theories lol. I remember people in weedosphere saying last years Super Bowl Halftime show was a satanic ritual. Oh The Weeknd and his devil worshipping ways lol what a scamp.

It’s a whole ecosystem of alternative truth.


All Canadians are devil worshippers.

Shittiest satanic ritual ever. Not even a nipple.

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Photographs of Kwakwakaʼwakw ceremonial dress and masks captured by Edward Curtis, 1914-1915

The Kwakwa̱ka̱’wakw (or Kwakiutl) are Pacific Northwest Coast Indigenous people. Most live in British Columbia on northern Vancouver Island and the adjoining mainland, and on islands around Johnstone Strait and Queen Charlotte Strait.


“Even Corey and Trevor?”

Especially Corey and Trevor”


I’ve always said that Corey and Trevor is my favourite TPB character.


Got my towel right here…

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But it’s still asymptotic right? Can the possibilities really be taken to zero?

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No the number can never go to 0, but it could in theory go to 0.0000000(repeating)1, not saying it will, just saying its not nearly as likely as we once thought. A lot of old theories are being thrown out in favor for newer ones with a little more evidence on their side, but they still remain just that, theory, nothing more.

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ah, i get your idea. So you think plant cooperates with Nature. calling helpers.

The skills acording you are inheritable i think.
Cause a Thai grown indoors is still showing you its a Thai. so it must be inheritable.


Well this is along that morphological thread I suggested earlier. All living things we are familiar with, carbon based life, are fundamentally self synthesized accretions. Everything they physically are must come from their environment. Even if the genome was literally identical across the species, an impossibility, the (dare I say the word) terroir is unique to every location which must cause the end result to be different. The Thai in my basement simply cannot be all it can be no matter how hard I try because I can’t give it Thailand.


Ancient astronaut theorists say “yes”


the problem is i dont know how to call the thread i wanna make… biology of landraces, ? it sounds so inviting exactly for these old mendel LAWs … haha

Genomics of Landraces…? argh, same problem

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