Lost Civilizations: Before the known

I grew up in Homestead and I went by there many many times. I also never bought the ticket.


@buzzmobile …Lol dude im still close and still haven’t been :joy::thinking:
And i love things like that… Ancient structures and exploring i cant get enough :trophy::trophy::trophy:lol… Have a great week buddy​:trophy:


Thanks and you too. Be sure to take some selfies when you go to the Coral Castle.



The 12th Planet-Zecharias Sitchin Book


That’s a good book!

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Einstein says no to visitors.

Why Can’t We Travel Faster Than the Speed Of Light?

According to Special Relativity the mass of an object increases as its speed increases, and approaches infinity as the object’s speed approaches the speed of light. This means that it would take an infinite amount of energy to accelerate an object to the speed of light.

There’s no fundamental reason why we can’t get as close to the speed of light as we like, provided we have enough energy. But this is probably far in the future.


But interestingly, it says nothing about things already moving at the speed of light, like photons. They don’t accelerate to that speed, they just are that speed. If we had a way of bypassing the acceleration process, then we wouldn’t need all the energy to bypass inertia at all. Also, what of space moving instead of you, aka Alcubierre’s Warp Drive. Now we don’t any energy to accelerate or anything. Just need a small black hole or equivalent :rofl:

Also, “speed of light” is just a wrong term in general. It took me years to realize that is not at all what that means or refers to when we say we can’t go faster than light. It’s not that we can’t go faster than photons, the “speed of light” in this context is actually meant to mean the Speed of Causality in the multiverse. The rate at which events happen. Cause and Effect propagates. Not just the speed of photons in a vacuum as that speed can change depending on medium being traveled through. Going “faster than light” is actually saying that you’re going faster than effects can propagate from a cause, which is to say, time traveling.


That stuff is cool. I remember seeing it on tv. It was amazing what he did. The government did confiscate some of his equipment… the door he made was on a Volkswagen wheel bearing. It took somebody a long time to fix it and it’s still not right. What he did was pretty amazing.

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In search of was the name of the TV show I believe.

Yeah, they did replace the bearing. The interesting part of was that between the main rock and the bearing was a piece of stone the size of a Frisbee. They could not understand how that stone could take the 9 tones of weight so they took that stone and analyzed by the geology department at the University of Florida. A month later they returned the rock. They said they compared it to almost every kind of rock including a meteorite and they still could not verify it’s origin.


Most likely also from Latvia. Baltic folk are tough folk.

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Check out Bright Insight and there is an Indian(.india) guy named Praveen mohan maybe? Going off memory, but he discusses ancient Indian sites. Both are good to watch. Also the following. I won’t recommend every video from all these Other guys but there’s Some good videos in these

Highly recommend Brian Foerstar. All of his videos are great


Check that out what u think???
Afghanistan Kandahar Giant
Attacked a army ranger patrol

Before YouTube, there was a few publishers in the 90’s that put out books on Lemuria, Atlantis, Egypt and Mesopotamia. Adventures Unlimited and Borderland Sciences.

Look for a book called ‘LOST SCIENCE’ by Gerry Vassilatos. Vassilatos shares his research into the little known alternative energy sciences of Eastern Europe and from ancient civilizations.

When researching alternate ancient history, technology and geomancy often arises.
Peter Champoux provides very interesting insights into geomancy and Ley lines.



Sounds like a great spot to puff a bowl and contemplate how the heck it was done.


:joy::rofl:. Im sure a lot of them was hitn that Afghan​:thinking::dash::dash: kush @Upstate


Eric P. Dollard is a prolific mad scientist. A modern day Nikola Tesla. Not quite ancient civilization tech, or perhaps he is channeling Atlantean techniques. Very interesting, nonetheless. Listening to him speak about Earth Stereo has me thinking about the chapter in ‘LOST SCIENCE’, where Vassilatos covers the research into energy waves that telegraph engineers discovered in the Old West while building the telegraph network.



I heard about that. The video is gone… I think it was b s about that happening in Afghanistan but I’ll ask my buddy if he heard anything.
What may not have been BS was a story the Russians gave about how they were attacked by a stone age man in the Caucasus mountains while on patrol I think during World War II. Apparently they had been told about somebody, I’m presuming an enemy of some sort, was hiding out in a cave up in the mountains and when a patrol went up the mt and to the mouth of the cave, this Neanderthal man attacked them and they shot and killed him, thinking he was a beast of some kind. I don’t recall if there were other cave dwellers for sure but I seem to remember a family possibly. I definitely recall that 1 of the Russians that was present for the shooting realized that it was indeed a human of some sort when he looked into its eyes as it lay dying. Kinda sad. Possibly the last of their kind. The last Neanderthals or Denisovens.


@Upstate …Caucasus mountains are very ancient… Most mountain are very remote. In u.s. we have bigfoot​:eye::eye:. Seems like every mountainous terrain has a legend…
Theres a lot of history that is false i think.
The amazon rain forest has never been 100% explored not even close more like 30%… Planets ocean no where close to full explored.