Lost Civilizations: Before the known

Research this :: Kincaid caves of grand canyon… I cant seem to upload it. … Lots of hidden history :thinking::dash::dash::dash:


Thomas Kincaid. Supposed Smithsonian explorerer who sometime around 1912…this date sticks in my head…reportedly found a cave sytem in the. Grand canyon above the Colorado River. He claimed to find a massive cave system containing treasure from many cultures, including Egyptian style mummies. The Smithsonian denies that he ever existed but in Arizona in a local newspaper there was quite the write up about his expedition. I read it years ago. Never did understand what Thomas would gain by lying. His career was ruined. Curiously, it has been recently claimed that when you get close to the reported cave mouth, now apparently sealed, Military helicopters will begin buzzing you. I always thought the original expedition probably happened. Thomas Kincaid even gave an elevation Of the mouth of the cave.
. I don’t recall what it was anymore or if it was an actual elevation or just the elevation above the river. 1,400 feet rings a bell
There are native legends about how during the last Earth cycle they were Brought by " ant people" to a cave system to live during a disaster of some sort. Always seemed to me that the bottom of the Grand Canyon would be a good place to be if there were an above ground explosion from a meteorite. One of the deepest Fox holes on Earth.
Everything I just wrote in this post is from memory that’s at least 20 years old so I apologize if there are mistakes.


I think the oldest cultures retain a memory of huminoids no longer with us. Many tribes have been around much longer than the ages given of the bones of numerous different recently discovered Homo species. Of course we came out on top in the end but at one time they must have been as or more numerous than us. The remotest mountains on Earth were the last refuge of these other human species, nearly wiped out by us and finished off by the flood.


We definitely interacted and interbred with several different homo cousins of ours.

Homo floreinsis
Homo neanderthalis
Homo ergaster
Homo denisova

were all active 100 to 50ish thousand years ago (at least), as we were colonizing the earth. And thats just the ones we have evidence for. the real info is hidden in our genes and more and more info is coming out. for instance, denisovans wouldn’t even really have enough evidence for them being a distinct group based on fossil evidence alone. but combine that with the evidence we have for them interbreeding with different asian populations and boom! we have contact

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last photo shows a wheel fused in stone and petrified in a russian mine hundreds of feet down. Hard to explain.
Cant give a link. Heres a screenshot of where photos are from.


The western pacific has issues with dating because of environmental differences between marine isotopes and land isotopes. actually lots of marine areas do.

we are figuring it out with more detailed testing, but for awhile it was a stumper.
its the difference between carbon 12 and carbon 14 isotopes and their distribution during formation periods


Wait🤔so ur saying adam&eve was cave people
And he created us in his image🤔. Im not a Harvard grad. But lots of things cant add up…
Theres cave drawings showing humans hunting " dinosaurs"" and foot prints in lava of humans longside dinosaurs . i dunno im stoned​:dash::dash:

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it’s long been my theory that ancient sites on earth that seem to have been built by impossible means and alignments for thier times, were built by the cast down angels and thier hybrid offspring the Nephylum. It’s a hard concept for most to grasp but for arguments sake if we take the book of genesis literally… it really is the only thing that makes sense to me. That is after being a didligent Ancient Aliens tv series watcher LOL
Ancient stuff fascinates me… if I had it all to do over again I might have been a geologist/archeologist. I still plan to visit some ancient sites before my time is up but travel these days is rough.


Has any one ready " the book of Enoch". He’s the only person to write his own book of what he seen … All other books are written by hear sayers. …most of the “” bibles “” of all religions seem to be taken out of Enoch writing… Check it out… … I smoke 2much​:eye::eye::dash::dash::dash::dash:


the book of enoch is a trippy read even if a reader is not religiously or spiritually inclined to believe the content. far out stuff.
many chapters of the bible are missing from the versions the peons get to read apparently


Which is prob why it’s discredited so often :slightly_frowning_face:


Yep, I agree. The Nephalim and the “giants”. Not to mention that there are pyramids earth-wide, so that definitely leads to that being a valid explanation. The Bible just further confirms it. Maranatha!!!


This is Total bullshit. What the science actually indicates to the intuitive individual is that you can’t Accelerate faster than the speed of light. You can travel at speeds much, much faster than the speed of light!

I leave it to you all to figure out why Einsteins equation is completely wrong…

Check this though…why can’t we accelerate faster then the speed of light? (ie slightly less than the speed of light is the maximum rate of acceleration) in reality what we know as "mass"decreases as we accelerate faster and faster. When acceleration is nearly the speed of light mass would basically be zero…so then at an acceleration of the speed of light, the object would disappear? :thinking::wink::grin: --------- In reality the object continues at the velocity is at, acceleration ceasing. The object doesn’t disappear! :flying_saucer:

Light travels at the speed of light because it has no mass…:grin:


Dude! I finally looked at this link. Slowly finding more fun places to “learn interesting stuff”. You’re wondering about stuff like this AND have Alien induced light leaks.

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Eistein’s Father, “Einstein!, What are you doing in the garden in the mud, with the rake?!!”

Einstein, “Pa, I fixed the tractor.” :tractor::tractor:

Eistein’s Father, “Einstein!, Why is the tractor in the barn, with a dust cover over it??!!”



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Einstein, the greatest scientific mind of all time vs. Some rando on a pot growing website.

lol indeed


I always regarded Aristotle or Socrates as the greatest minds… 1st law of Thermodynamics: Force = Mass x Acceleration. :wink:

I bet it it were properly measured, energy would be slightly less than mc^2



I’m having a brain fart ( large Hadron collider)and can’t remember the name of that large round tube where they have proven time travel can happen… it did happen, by nanoseconds, during an experiment either there or somewhere else. Can anyone recall this? In an experiment, a team of scientists fired a laser at a bell And the lazer hit the bell before It got there… Proving time travel is possible. I don’t know
The details of how this is possible…
(Edit…in retrospect i may be confusing two separate scientific experiments? )

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I always wanted to read the entire book of Enoch. The 1st Documented human space traveler.


Man, are you me? :joy:
That’s a really good read!

Anyone know about The Library of Halexandria?

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