Lost Civilizations: Before the known

Scarface lol :joy:


That you knapp I find particularly awesome! Ditto the atlatal making. Tools! Who says the folks who populated ancient native cultures anywhere/everywhere weren’t smart/creative/inventive?! Them folks figured out how to carve a stick they could throw and it would come back to them, for fuck’s sake! Let’s see some IT guy do that without his T!

Cultural anthropologist here, at least academically. I love the seeds planted in my brain while I was in school. Like understanding there have never been “primitive” cultures. Seriously unhelpful and narrow view.

Okay, off the soapbox.


It’s called SPAM Hawaiin’s don’t show any of the problems this article thinks it may. They been eating that shit for decades, Mc anything, chicken loaf etc. etc. It’s written by a vegetarian so we/they science at its’ worst LOL.



Yup! The history of humans on this earth is a giant, intricate, amazing tapestry filled with stories and discoveries and almost-miracles. All of it incredible. And almost none of it ‘primitive’. Except our habit of ‘othering’ cultures and traditions as a way to feel superior to them.

That need to feel superior is the real ugly primitive thinking. And it’s still haunting us to this day.



Thumbs up hats off totally agree. Happens at an individual level too.


No such thing as objective participation


Best you can do is acknowledge your own bias.


Or until ai accounts for my bias in the almighty algorithm

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This shit takes me way back to school. Husserl, Levinas, ethics and phenomenology.

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Please don’t take any of this personally, but misinformation and the food system are two things in quite passionate about, so without further ado……

I wouldn’t believe a thing that article says, it is very clearly a lifestyle/influence blog. They mention the evils of MSG……all bullshit xenophobic misinformation that ignores science and a myth took up popularity when there was a lot of distrust and bias towards Asian Americans. If anyone actually thinks MSG or activa is dangerous please show me scientific evidence of such.

Don’t trust the government, don’t trust anyone……Meanwhile listen to what this yahoo has to say about how to live your life. Some yahoo on the internet is just like the government or TV, they will spoon feed you whatever bullshit sells.

When dealing with criticizing misinformation and people trying to pull the wool over our eyes, shouldn’t we hold ourselves to a higher standard for the information we bring to the table to share?

Funny thing to, the writer tries to turn activa into a bogey man, but if you actually read the whole thing, basically every concern they list has to do with shady or shitty agricultural or food production practices.

So is the bogey man activa(which is totally safe when used properly, by the way)? Or the government for allowing it?

Or is it the agricultural and food industries for using shady and less than ethical practices to deceive the customers? Or is it us the consumers, for generation after generation for saying we don’t give a fuck how you get us our food just be sure there is a lot of cheap beef to go around?

Edit: I would wager that the prevalence of high fructose corn syrup and other ultra cheap subsidized sugars, highly processed/modified starches, and hydrogenated oils are doing far more damage to our health than all the other food additives combined. It doesn’t make as sexy a headline as meat glue is killing you though.

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming on ancient civilizations


A friend of mine was a sonarman on a diesel submarine in the late 1960s. He told me they were cruising in the Caribbean when he saw a perfect triangle on the sea floor on his screen. I don’t recall what the mechanism he was watching was, likely an oscilloscope is my guess. It was like a pyramid. They never crossed that spot again, at least not on his shift.


That is a popular and interesting theory. Check out the origin story put forward by Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and the root races. It speaks of how ether/formless ones were born and the trajectory that followed. The 7 Root Races are detailed in her book The Secret Doctrine (1888).

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One of the first origin theories I read, still have the book 42 years later.




They probably were. Done by indigenous tribes completely eradicated by colonizers they are a lot of tribes that was completely eradicated


Ever heard of the phrase The Last Mohican.Well that actually was real because they actually killed all of the Mohican natives … Like they did in jamaica. The Colonizers killed all the natives


There is a new very compelling Atlantis video by Bright Insight on YouTube. Highly recommended. I hope you doubters are hungry as you might just have to eat your words someday😁https://youtu.be/xo_fMcSLp7Q