Lost Civilizations: Before the known

I myself thought the “Mohican” were from Connecticut. They never existed lol. I live in the area near to where they were allegedly from and never heard of this!
Truly the worst offenders against the Algonquin tribes were the Iroquois who displaced them. As nasty as the Colonials were, there was no territory they took from a native tribe that that native tribe had not taken from a different tribe further back in time. All peoples can be guilty of nasty things. The Algonquin peoples were prevalent all along the East when the Iroquois came in and either killed or replaced them in much of their territory. The Ohio tribe, for example, were fully exterminated by the Iroquois down to the last woman and child and then their territory occupied by the Seneca( Iroquois).


What you mean actual events and historical recollection of the nature of Pre-European North Americans hasn’t been cancelled yet? Astonishing what we all don’t share as historical truths. What gives, eh? Dangerous territory, these millenia… :thinking:


Lol. I’m sure they were cancelled online but I’m old and read books😁 I’m unaware of any race that should bare no guilt.( eskimos maybe?) All humanity is capable of both great and dastardly things imo.


did you hear about that spec ops operator that got killed outside of kabul by a giant? dan from the 2d bn, 19th sfg(a), either a or b co, forgot which one but it was the guy from co. we lost two that deployment, the other guy was a sot-a guy. i was on the b team in c co, rear det at ft campbell for fob 192.

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bones hell, one of them killed one of our operators outside of kabul in '02.

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First americans… Better than Egyptians.
Grand canyon rumors do support this article…

I heard about that. You can understand people’s skepticism, given it’s nothing more than a story. I don’t doubt that there could even be an undiscovered population of humans there, but a story like that requires enormous proof.

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they made a youtube video with details, i was rear det s1 at the time. only one group operates at a time in theater and it was our turn. we only had two kias during that time, gene vance and dan (forgot his last name). gene was from my unit in wv, dan was from another company in co, 1st bn i think, but it’s been 20 years. the story about how he was killed did not sit right with a guy from his unit in the rear on convalescent leave healing from a torn achilles tendon. dan was an 18c, special forces explosives guy same mos i was training for, and damned good at what he did. he died with a huge hole in his abdomen, that much was evident and weird as hell by itself, but when taken with this story, makes it plausible. the official story was a training accident. now i know none of that is proof, but it matches a lot of what i have seen and heard while in the special forces training for my tab. kinda glad i never got it in some ways, but i sure do miss all the fun stuff.

edit: i just want to make it clear that i do not know what happened there, nor did i see or hear anything about it. i just found the video a few years ago, but there was much questioning of the official story when it came out.

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Great Topic!
I just came across the following video and liked the film makers pure technical approach pointing out similarities between all the major ancient sites found worldwide.
Have a look and enjoy it in 4K



Heres another. Kool thing… Look up oldest maps of coastlines. Anyways heres another interesting thing.:thinking:

interesting that i just read an article a few weeks ago that said maybe we think about them all wrong, and that the mummification was to preserve the body as a temple, not for the afterlife. that was why they made it hollow and preserved it, not to be used as a body, but as a temple and that we were not understanding their true intentions. and on 16 feb, @neogitus missed the fact that one of the measurements was in degrees, minutes, and seconds, while the other was decimal degrees. guess what you get when you convert from dms to decimal? that number, rounded off. it takes me a bit to get through these really long threads, sorry to keep bringing up the dead. maybe my title should be ‘necromancer’ or the like…

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did you hear anything? and is that the same event as this?

You were there or know those that were personally?? I had heard the story but it was hushed up pretty quickly.
@LandraceWarden Perhaps this thread is not your cup of tea but I have a question and that is are there legends of giants living in the Kush even recently?

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i was rear det s1, not in theater. i forgot, rear det means rear detachment, we stayed at ft campbell to coordinate things. they blacked out comms when we get a kia so the name doesn’t get released before family is notified. i wish i had more to the story, but that is really all there is, that i heard. nobody on the team that was there talked to me about anything. dan romero was his full name, i remembered it after posting the thread. not saying he was killed by a giant, but the “training accident” story sure didn’t float with a few folks. not to mention that he was an explosives guy and there was just a big hole in him, no burns or anything related to explosives. he was from co and not in our bn, so i didn’t know him before the deployment. since we were a national guard sf bn, politics dictated we take a company from each bn, and not just 2d bn entirely.

i know of a few other things that happened over there that never got out, one story about how we almost lost karzai as an ally over a pair of flip flops he wanted. it’s been over 20 years so i can tell the details of the classified docs i found also, and can name the cpt (hess) that left them unsecured and i almost got in trouble over for finding and shredding securely, even though i had a clearance and was acting on orders from my ncoic.

i also didn’t know the guys i know were famous until the movie came out.


A few From the “spooky” side of the book shelf


Velikovsky is a good read for those wanting more data on catastrophism.


Von daniken, yeah!!!

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That cavalry charge karzai led was epic. I read about it in a great book.

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Wait till till large scale Lidar maps of the Amazon are released. There’s a lost civilization.