Lost Civilizations: Before the known

Graham Hancock covers the buried Amazonian cities in his latest book ‘AMERICA BEFORE’. The chapter about the Amazon jungle he mentions Terra preta , a rich
black soil. When I first read that, growing ganja popped into my mind. I’ll bet Terra preta makes for excellent terpene expressions. :earth_americas: :microscope::evergreen_tree: :rocket:


Good catch… I also saw that and agree I bet Terra Petra will grow some :fire: :fire:… the way it’s explained it’s very similar to “organic no till” with bio char.


Yes, but baked for thousands of years on the floor of the jungle… :flying_saucer: Annunaki level terpenes.


The first thing that came to mind is why didn’t the Egyptians use this technique… what’s really cool is how Terra Petra grows back after they’ve “harvested” it.


A membrane of the Earth’s creeping flesh…



Good video! Thanks for sharing!

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His videos are going to rewrite history

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Pretty compelling evidence he has about Atlantis. Gotta find the interview Joe Rogan did with him and watch tonight. Very cool!

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Atlantis are in Spain… Doñana…

But 75 meters underwater, the level of those years.
It would be necessary to mark the coast of the strait 75 meters less and look for where the new coast and the mouth of the river come out.

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@Murciano207 i used to be of the same school of thought. You should watch the videos i linked up above ( and below)if you are interested in the topic of Atlantis. I would love to hear your thoughts after the videos are watched. I myself also believed that Portugal was a good possibility at one time but now I believe parts of Portugal and Spain were Atlantean colonies only, as was much of the Mediterranean basin. I’ve seen the argument that Atlantis itself is under water but nothing matches Platos description exactly like the Richat Structure in Mauritania matches. It appears that the Atlantis is in Mauritania theory is too solid for even stubborn academics to ignore any longer. The overwhelming evidence and their denial of it until the last several months was beginning to make them look silly, incompetent or both. I like the word both here😁 as it fits the best. The information they have been ignoring has been out four years. FOUR YEARS!!! The Richat structure Itself has been known about since the sixties when it was seen from space and then our own CIA visted it ( around 60 years ago)and wrote a massive paper about the structure, some of it STILL classified. So the CIA finds it worthy to go to this place and discovers information worthy of being classified as Top Secret for over 60 years and no archeologists have gone there to take a looksy? No geologists have gone there to study what should be classified as one of the ancient wonders of the natural world?? Isn’t that strange? It even seems shady to me. If I were them I would be very embarrassed that as a so called Mainstream academic with massive resources at my disposal I have to now to follow in the footsteps of a YouTuber ex Iraq war veteran that did the legwork I should have been doing. But, Atlantis is not the 1st time academia has turned a blind eye to intelligent theories and new evidence is it? Some of you may think I am very hard on academia and I certainly am and I have reason for that. I’m hoping one of those stubborn pricks in charge reads my posts and gets shamed into doing their job for once in their life😁. Unlikely Hail Mary isn’t it? One can try.
I challenge anyone that WATCHES the Atlantis videos by Bright Insight on you tube to a debate on the topic. I don’t believe there is anyone with a full sized brain in their head that can watch those videos, in particular the most recent one, and still not have a change in belief about the Atlantean possibilities. I will happily be put in my place should somebody be able to convince me of why Atlantis could not have existed or could not be in Africa. Doubtless that would make some of you happy​:rofl::joy::rofl: to see that done and Good Luck! The Good Lord made me stubborn when I know that I am right​:grin::innocent:!
More than anything I am convinced that any of you that decide to watch the 4 Atlantis videos available( i recommend you go in order) will have to acknowledge that Jimmy Corsetti of Bright Insight has a theory that is the most solid one ever given. Rock Solid imo. Although i tease, I don’t push this as a way to say I told you so to anybody except the academics that have closed minds or have alterior motives for their silence. I just love talking about this stuff and I always enjoy it when another person finds the information as mind blowing as I do, Especially those recently converted from a different school of thought, as I was myself. Knowledge is Power.
Today many folks are hungover or tired and Its a great day for kicking back with a fattie and to let your mind wander into the past as you watch these very thought provoking videos. Check them out.https://youtube.com/@BrightInsight and


I’m trying to replicate the recipe, minus the human feces😁. Broken shards of pottery also seem to be a key ingredient. Like Biochar, the pottery acts as a coral reef for booming microlife populations, Possibly offering a different type of environment for different types of bacteria or perhaps acting as a Substitute for perlite.


Pottery shards also aerate the soil, the same as perlite. Those pots might also have some obscure and uncommon trace minerals.


Academics can be as dogmatic as the religious people they so love to denigrate. Also, academics (with alarming frequency) have simply supplanted religious dogma with extreme leftist dogma.
In all fairness, many academics have to deal with Ancient Aliens-caliber “theorists.” You know having to deal with people like that has tested the patience of many academics. That’s no excuse for ignoring evidence, but you can see why.




11000 years old?


@Murciano207 Its in spanish. Is there a way to translate or is there an English version?
Those statues definitely look more primitive than many I’ve seen. The one looks like Bigfoot lol. Very neat. Where were these found? They do look very old. I could believe 11,000 years old.

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There are several webpage language translators. Most of them use Google translate.


I’m such a 20th century man, lol. So what do i do @RoryBorealis? Download the App and then how do I use it or will it always translate the language i have it set on automatically without me doing anything?

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Copy the web address from the browser page, paste it into the translator page, make sure you set the correct to/from language translations.



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