Lost Civilizations: Before the known

There’s no shortage of whack jobs out there and certainly they fear being called one of them. But I think we are far past the point now where suggesting that the multitude of new and not so new evidence available is worth looking at. It’s worth examining prior theories, which after all is all they ever were, to see if cracks( canyons) in the story can be filled.

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Nice! Thanks! Reading it now. Very
Interesting. Tiwanaku Bolivia has a wall of faces too.https://youtu.be/fi1WkGdoQg8
Seems to support a global network existing at one point. How else could they carve so many of earths different types of people so accurately?

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I’ll play Devil’s Advocate here for a second and point out that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Evidence of an antediluvian civilization (or many) is sparse.
That doesn’t excuse willful ignorance and obstinance, especially in the face of mounting evidence. The way many academics stonewall is suspicious. It’s often indicative of someone trying to keep a secret.

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I am in agreement with Tesla… The pyramids were power plants that produced electricity. Read up on some of his writings and research on the subject. I believe there was a civilization there prior to the Egyptians that built those things. There is a lot of writings about the pyramids but not the building of them… why is this? Because they were already there? The Pyramids have no burial hieroglyphics writing them as well. Read up… great reading.



What do you guys feel are some examples of the biggest cracks in theories that these new controversial pieces of evidence could fill? And what do you think the issues could be?

Aside from resistance to new ideas outside the accepted narratives, the pieces of a civilization that thrived over 10000 years ago wouls be so sparce and worn now, it would make investigation and knowledge building very difficult

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Here’s another one that debunk the bible’s version on the beginning with adam and eve. Well. Eve wasnt the first woman. . look up Lillith . Chk spelling💨 lol. But anyways she was adam 1st wife then lusafer took her the eve came…
Im freaking stoned.:thinking::dash:
Ima bad speller :cry:




Does Rh Negative Blood Type Equal Alien Heritage?


Are you an Rh Negative blood type? If so you could be a descendent of the ancient astronauts themselves!


The Biggest Secret - by David Icke



The whole story of Cain and Abel is an allegory to the conflict between nomadic and sedentary societies. The word “Semitic” literally means “wandering”; the ancient Hebrews were nomadic, with the values that accompany that way of life. Nomadic people view sedentary ones as soft, weak and treacherous, while sedentary societies see nomadic people as brutish and savage. Cain (the sedentary society) deceived and murdered Abel (the nomadic society).
That story must be an allegory, as it is scientifically impossible. People who take the Old Testament literally completely miss the message behind it.


I listened to this podcast last night, and in doing so, it made me think about this thread.

So, i figured that I would post it here.
Some of you may enjoy it, I hope.



I suspect civilization has happened more than once during our tenure on this planet. About 70,000 years ago, there was a massive die-off and a genetic bottlenecking. Whatever happened, it reduced our population into the mere thousands. Keep in mind, we (humans) had been around for about 180,000 years by that point. These were fully modern humans, with all the same capacity and capabilities we have today. An ice age would explain the sparse evidence, at least of a civilization from that time. The one you’re thinking about probably arose around 15,000 years ago. The Younger-Dryas reshaped both the topography and climate of the Earth. Hell, the ocean levels rose 100 meters in as many years. To put that in perspective, scientists are worried about ocean levels rising even one centimeter. Rising one meter a year for a century…yeah, that’ll have ripple effects (pun intended) that could span millennia.


Shared to me by @MonasticDank :metal:

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Pentagon Releases its long-awaited 2022 UFO Report (bibliotecapleyades.net)

unidentified aerial phenomena , or UAP
i like more UFO or OVNI in spanish



It says, The report suggests the US government is now taking UFO’s seriously.

No, they have always been taking them seriously, the report shows they can no longer keep lying about them like they were doing, as people are able to film them with their phones whenever they appear and the US government and militarily are just making themselves look stupid bye keeping up the denial.