Lost Civilizations: Before the known

Mesa Verde in Colorado.


Been there several times.

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Keep in mind, body fossils take millions of years to form, and Solon, who visited Egypt and recieved the story of atlantis, which was later told by Plato, was told by the Egyptians that It sunk some 9000 years before the time of Solon.

Having fossils of gastropods doesnt make it any more or less likely to be atlantis than the thousand other discrepancies or likenesses it bears to the vague description we have today.


Neat. They’ve found a few meteorite iron objects from Egypt too, collected from the desert.

It was the rarest of the rare metal before they invented iron smelting. Super cool stuff.


Atmospheric conditions during the last ice age were conducive to gigantism. Look at all the megafauna, and understand it would have had the same effect on humans.


Neanderthals were definitely cold weather adapted, but it made them stockier, not giants. The tallest hominin species are actually Sub saharan Africans, as gracile figures are better for dissipating heat

(i did a ninja edit and changed the content of my reply)


It wasn’t cold weather gigantism. It was atmospheric conditions (more oxygen, IIRC) that allowed it. That was also the case during the Carboniferous Period when there were 2-meter centipedes (millipedes?) and 2-foot dragonflies.


surprisingly while it seems a cool idea, there are a large amount of impurities from iridium and nickel, so the metal is lower quality compared to the methods people would later develop. But for the time, it was much easier than refining ores.

Its an awesome thought for an ancient king to see a meteorite fall and demand his followers collect it and make him something. And it actually works!


i recall reading about some several years ago that had impurities that made it stronger like chromium and something else. been way too long to recall specifics.

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Are these the folks in the Dinka tribe? Majority of them averaging over 7 feet tall!!


Sub-Saharan africans is a term for people living south of the Sahara. So its the Dinka and many other groups. Being so tall is preferable in a hot dry environment, short and stocky is preferable in cold wet environments


Yet all the hominid fossils we find are small. And we’ve only been around a few hundred thousand years.

There just weren’t ever any “giant humans” other than the odd guy with gigantism.




Interesting. The Osage Natives in (? Oklahoma? Missouri?)were said to be 7 feet. Said to be able to catch a deer on foot.


You and i could catch a deer on foot. We just run in teams, and it’ll die of exhaustion while we recover and trade places. Long before throwing weapons, snares and traps, etc. We were just running down animals till they dropped from exhaustion.


We haven’t found any fossils, but that isn’t necessarily proof of anything. Remember, there was a great flood about 10,000 years ago. Plenty of evidence could be covered. Or, of course, simply not exist. We don’t know much of anything except how much we don’t know. Just read an interesting article before logging in that highlights this quite well… learning a little bit more opens up a lot more questions that need to be answered.


Human ancestors in Africa were pushed to the brink of extinction around 900,000 years ago, a study shows. The work, published in Science, suggests a drastic reduction in the population of our ancestors well before our species, Homo sapiens, emerged. The population of breeding individuals was reduced to just 1,280 and didn’t expand again for another 117,000 years.

“About 98.7% of human ancestors were lost,” says Haipeng Li, a population geneticist at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, who co-led the study. He says that the fossil record in Africa and Eurasia between 950,000 and 650,000 years ago is patchy and that “the discovery of this bottleneck may explain the chronological gap”.

Nick Ashton, an archaeologist at the British Museum in London, who wrote a related perspective, says he was intrigued by the tiny size of the population. “This would imply that it occupied a very localized area with good social cohesion for it to survive,” he says. “Of greater surprise is the estimated length of time that this small group survived. If this is correct, then one imagines that it would require a stable environment with sufficient resources and few stresses to the system.”

Nick Ashton is a master of understatement. He also completely ignores the question of what could have suppressed the population in the first place, and kept it suppressed for 100,000+ years even with sufficient resources, a stable environment and few stresses. That doesn’t sound natural to me; that sounds controlled. By what? For all we know, aliens visit the planet every so often and erase any traces of civilizations that aren’t convenient to the narrative they want us to believe. We have no evidence of this, of course, but it can’t be scientifically disproven either. :man_shrugging:


I’ve seen a video of this actually…was incredible! The hunter tracked the animal for quite a while, never letting it rest in the shade or at all…I remember the end, when he did the kill and gave thanks for the animals sacrifice…rubbed sand from the earth over its body and whatever else the ritual was…but it was incredible.


we got one in the mountains outside kandahar…

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By that logic, there were humans the size of cats. We weren’t there so we can’t say for sure right?

It’s just Russell’s Teapot type thinking.

I do not see the connection between “low human population” and aliens.

Many human tribes are still subsistence hunters and gatherers. If everyone else but the San people died today, it could be a long, long time before they expanded outward to every continent.

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