Lost Civilizations: Before the known

Very interesting that google earth is now doing latitude in sixty degree increments instead of in decimal form like it did a year ago. The first photo is my screenshot from earlier in the thread probably last year. The second screenshot is the speed of light in meters squared. The third screenshot is from yesterday, Where the latitude of the great pyramids center has changed. It is no longer in decimals. That way, no one can access the knowledge that the peak’s latitude, gives us the speed of light in meter squared.
In regard to my first photo. I look for ginseng most years, and I use a GPS. I mark plants when I find them, so I can find them again to Plant their seed the following year. gps is only accurate within twenty five feet, well within tolerances for putting that cross hair of the first photo, right on the peak of the pyramid, where it should be. I wonder why google earth changed the format​:thinking::wink:???

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It was working too well. By reducing the accuracy, everything becomes nominal and easier to fudge details. “Believe it or Not”(Jack Palance Voice over)…


this is very atypical for me to post, but deemed it at least worthy of a poke-around by somebody here with a hardcore science background.


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From a biblical perspective…
We know that one of the prophets
Gazed upon a ruined earth
Smouldering cities
But his comment was

“But there were no men”
Meaning these were not made.by men because men had not.been created

We see elsewhere the word rahab 2 times if memory serves me.

One verse in regards to the word rahab…
“Rehab is shattered”

It’s discussing God’s anger at the rebellion of the sons of God.

Many speculate rehab was Satan’s/
Lucifers planet throne.
It’s thought that’s where the asteroid
Belt came from what’s leftover.

When you look at the moon it’s as if
Someone flung boo koo rocks at it
All all at once.

Aliens/cryptids have corresponding
Names in Hebrew or some do.
Like bloodsuckers/vampires
Would be named one tribe the Hebrews wiped out etc

Then there are the sons of God
Angels, 1/3 who left their first estate
And took human wifes and created
The men of renown.
Additionally they mingled with other flesh so bigfoot,rakes etc are their offspring im assume.

Hebrew scholars pointed out that
There are 13 dimensions 1500 years ago.

Think of angels, as dimensional beings.

We live in flatland.
Anything higher above the 2nd dimension appears as a shadow
A segment if you will of the other dimension
Think tesserat
So aliens/demons don’t need ships
They can be anywhere in the universe at will.
Ghosts don’t hang out in old abandoned houses bored as shit
Waiting for the parranormies
To show up, they answer the callings.

Now there are other instances where such things are not considered demonic, poltergeist can be a soul
Acting up trying to get prayers
Or a mass to get out of purgatory
But that’s a Catholic teaching
And I highly recommend Father ripinger or another Exorcist
Within and ordained by the church.

So I wrapped em all up
Civilization before mankind
All of it can be found in scripture or alluded to and conjectured imo.

Egyptians were Not stupid, intact
Men have declined thru history.
Imo they Carved what they saw
And if that was a dimensional evil being with a monkeys head and a human body
That’s what they carved.
Or they are dumb as dirt and poured enormous amounts of effort
Time, blood, sweat for a fantasy.

We know their “gods” had power
They do today still.
When Pharoahs magician’s threw
Their staffs down they turned to
Moses threw his down and to turned into a snake, and ate theirs lol.

All this can be searched out
There’s a reason for these mystery

Someone wants men to question
To think
To dig, someone left clues everywhere in every culture
To spark their curiosity
I wonder who that Someone is?
Ancient aliens as dumb as it is sometimes got a few things right
But they like many keep tripping
Over the “Stumbling Block”.

I’m new here to Overgrow and just stumbled across this thread.
Thanks to all those posting and having an open mind, some topics I’ve been looking at for about 15yrs and many more to look into now. So fascinating all these unexplained mysteries.
I’m especially interested in the Dogon stories of cannabis origins, only found some small references in the search.
It seems like lots of earthly plants are from elsewhere in the universe, and I especially like the idea that earth is a living library. We are the custodians/stewards of that library and perhaps that’s part of the underlying drive to do what we do here.
Thanks brave people for stepping out of the limited, imposed worldview.
With love


That’s some fascinating stuff, I’m also really interested in a lot of the stuff on this thread.
You should read…Green Gold The Tree of Life Marijuana in Magic and Religion. You might like it. :wink:

Cheers for the recommendation, it’s the spiritual side of cannabis I’m most interested in these days. More ritualistic/sacred than habitual.

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It is difficult to find cannabis references from the Dogon. Most of that info is buried in ethnobotany/Applied_Ethnobotany.pdf (2.6 MB) archaeological journals. It might be easier to show up to The Cliffs of Bandiagara with some palm wine and share a gourd with the locals.DOGON Binu Shrine_1 DOGON Binu Shrine_2 Dogon Cliffs of Bandiagara


Here is a PDF translation of a French article(translated to English) about a Dogon observatory.The discovery of a Dogon observatory - Astronomy Africa.pdf (348.9 KB)


Went for his more recent ‘Liber 420: Cannabis, Magickal Herbs and the Occult’ instead, ‘Green Gold The Tree of Life Marijuana in Magic and Religion’ is a bit prohibitively expensive at the moment. Hopefully here in time for holidays ; )

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Nice one Rory, will look through those this evening, incredible pictures and buildings! Makes me wonder if anyone has authentic Dogon seeds on the forum…

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Love finding stuff like this!


yeah, it’s good for a laugh if nothing else.

To me, each trichome head is a white dwarf star. :evergreen_tree: :flying_saucer: :milky_way: :yin_yang:


That’s pretty wild!!

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This place wasn’t discovered until man went to space and it was seen from above. There are ancient gastropods on it and salt and its far from the sea.


There’s an infinite number of places with ocean fossils far away from the sea, and salt flats far away from oceans.

I’ve found coral, crinoid, and gastropod fossils in Colorado.


So you admit it.

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That is so cool. I have seen a few pictures like that. Makes you wonder.

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