Lost Civilizations: Before the known

Oh man i love that kind of stuff. I’m a agnostic person and i dont believe or try to get an idea who, when or how that was built.
Looking at the stonewalls in Peru, dimension, precision and the aesthetics, man… It looks so familiar and strange the same time its like encountering psychedelics the first time.
Sadly YouTube is full of Bullsh*it but headphones, music, take a hit and watch some Sacsayhuamán or Pyramids :grin::+1:


I know of this theory and we’re getting close to passing through that same field right now if i recall correctly.

When I think about how when something modern is left out to the elements it’s nearly gone in a few hundred years at best. Now add glaciers and who the fuck knows what things were like 10,000 + years ago before the last ice-age!

I have a half-cheeky theory that the Matrix got stuff close to right about the cycles of our planet… but it’s not AI, but humans who once we reach a point of diminishing returns where technology no longer promotes humans well being that there’s a secret group of people that then implement a global reset.

Say this is why Atlantis’ story was recorded and destroyed but the technology did not survive publicly.


Anti-Seismic Megalithic Walls: The V Pattern

“The small interlock stone that can be found between much larger blocks which acts as an energy discharging point, or stress relief point, in case of an earthquake.”


The craftmanship and the details are so insane. One stone had to be worked like michelangelos david and that just for a drystone wall. If stoneage men did this then maybe human development didn’t went as far as we think until today…


Its almost like some of these blocks were cut by machines and computers the cuts are so percise.


I was at Gobekli Tepe in 2018 - simply amazing site
Just ponder that it is 5000 years older than Stonehenge…

Here are some of my pics from the site


I miss Art Bell…


This is a decent stand in for Art Bell


That is just spectacular. I bet it was pretty astounding.


It was - the whole south eastern part of turkey is more Mesopotamia than Ottoman Turk -

Here is a house in Harran - 10km from the Syrian boarder - you’d never guess it is in turkey - mud houses in the desert - with ancient knowledge air conditioning

Abraham (of bible fame) lived his old ago in Harran

and this

for more info … Harran Stela - Wikipedia

and so much more - Mount Nemrut, the food, etc…