Lots of love in the Longhouse

Skeeter bits are on the list! Thanks bud!:facepunch:t3: @Going2fast


Thanks brother! :fist:t3::facepunch:t3: Things are shaping up! :grin:
:joy: Yeah I took a long break to piddle. Came back and 2 likes in and back to like jail for 25 minutes! 🤷🏼

lol sometimes it just be like that!
I ran outta likes almost as soon as I came on this morning, lol
so here’s some more for ya
:heart: :heart: :heart:

Chocolate Peanut Butter…… Balls! :joy: The male is doing well! :sunglasses: @Pigeonman


Heck yeah! Grab that magic dust while you can! lol

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Hmmm. Seeing that boy makes me want to run something for seed again. I now have plenty of buds to smoke and a few Wal-Mart sacks full of trim in the freezer for hash making. Mize well makes some beanage.


I have a few Kilimanjaro seeds that are begging to be popped. Apparently the natives of Africa use this before going on hunting expeditions. They call it the Elephant Stomper.


:rofl: :rofl: :heart: :heart: That sounds like it might be dangerous!


Now that sounds fun!:grin:

I don’t know if this dust will be ready in time but I did just put an Atomic Jelly in the flower tent. I may put her back in veg for a couple weeks before she starts to flower. Atomi-C PB&J ?:joy:

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By the time she’d be ready to pollinate, that dust should be close to finishing being collected. I’d leave her in flower if you just put her in.
But to be safe, I guess keep her in veg while you collect. Then you can hit her when you want.
Sorry to flip-flop on this lol

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Well shit! When I typed Atomi-C PB&J I really liked the idea and went and moved her back to veg. If ya think the dust will drop in time I’ll put her back befor the lights go out. She isn’t crowning yet. Just a few more preflower pistols in node calyx’s. She went in 2 days ago I think.

Lol! I’m chasing! I may leave her in veg for a week or so just to be safe! :joy:

Two days ain’t gonna hurt her. She should be ok in veg, to wait until you want to hit her
Just let the dust dry out good, toss a few grains of rice in the storage container with it, Should be good in the fridge for plenty of time to use.

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Sounds like :fire: in the making. Those are nice looking buds up there @NDNCHILD. Nice work my friend :+1:

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Ok last one before lights out!
All the Frankie fem clones are doing great! A couple are about to go into pots. Frankie has been a pleasure to work with so far! She just grows! :metal:t3:

The aerogarden is now 8-8 on rooting cuttings! This thing just works! I’m happy I didn’t buy anything extra. This is an AC/DC cutting. The mother/father is slow to show. I have it in the tub with the CPBB male until I know. I took this cut just in case it’s a girl. This one is for a buddy and I only have the one going so trying to up the buddage if I get lucky :four_leaf_clover: .

That’s it for now! Almost nap time! :sleeping:


Rest easy, brother! Cya when you come back on


All of my favorite lollipops taste like cannabis! :laughing:

Tequila Sunrise ~ Twenty20 Mendocino


Nice!! And I really dig ur display case looks cool.:+1:


Almost positive I have another one for the boys room. Check out the Chonky leaves on the Black Triangle Kush x OG Kush! :sunglasses:

I don’t care how they identify… I just want them to be happy! :joy: