Lots of love in the Longhouse

:joy: All of mine = 1 of some of you outdoor growers plants! And here I am thinking I’m busy! :joy::grin: :facepunch:t3::fist:t3::green_heart:


Gorilla Dawg down! :joy: I got her hanging. I may need to look into bud washing this round. Some are holding a few gnats. Never done it before, been reading up. Even with the simplicity and all the great reviews and results, I’m kinda nervous to try. I think I’ll give a few branches a go though.

The Fat bastard is taking off and the leaves are getting larger. :grin: Leaning sativa it looks.

I’m working my way back around to the Runtz bagseed plant and the Grand Prix! They are both looking beautiful! Hopefully I can wrestle them around tomorrow for a few good pics. They got shoved in the back with the arrival of the few new flower additions.
Good morning OG! :green_heart::heart::green_heart::heart:🪶🪶


Normally my indoor stuff goes unwashed, unless I have had bugs and applied insecticides.

Outside I always wash because of bugs and dirt and bird shit.
I use baking soda and lemon juice and water in one bucket, and plain water in another. Cut branches a little shorter than the size of the bucket. Take the branch and dunk it in the lemon bucket and swirl it around for 15-20 seconds. Then rinse in clear water. Hang to dry. It won’t affect the trichomes. And you will be amazed at how much shit is on your buds. Works good for me.


My fat bastard, day 13 since flip, has **stretched **! A lot of intermodal spacing too.


Thanks! @BigMike55 I’ve only had fungus gnats but they got pretty heavy this time. Actually the worst I’ve had thus far. I’d like to keep them outta my trim. I’ll be using 5 gallon buckets to wash and rinse. I can go back and look it up but I’ll also just ask. What are your measurements of baking soda and lemon juice per gallon? The nerves are just because I’ve never done it before but I think it’ll be worth it from all I’ve heard.


Looking good! @Butterthief1959
I definitely see some support in both our futures for these ladies! :joy::fist:t3:

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I don’t measure anything. I start with five gallon buckets. Fill with water. In one bucket I will put a half A box of Arm and Hammer baking soda. Get one of those plastic lemons that have juice in them. Squeeze all of that in with the Soda water. If you can’t find those, get a bottle of lemon juice and use half of that. Mix until everything is dissolved good. That’s it. Easy as kissing your cousin.


Who told ya I was good at that?! :joy:

Yup those are the measurements I’m looking for! Dump and go! Just my style! :joy: Thanks for the help. I’m gonna give it a shot. :facepunch:t3:


I’ve always heard of ppl washing buds but like ndn I’ve been a lil apprehensive about it but if big mike does it and says do it that’s good enough for me. Next outdoor harvest I’m doin a wash :+1:


On the fungus gnats, what I have done is this. Some like it, some think I’m crazy as hell. But I do what works for me.
I have a powder duster. Those you put powder in and squeeze a bulb to get a bit of dust smoke from the end. I’m sure you’ve seen those. Anyways. I put Diatomaceous Earth in the duster and dust the surface of the soil with that. I would not dump it on the surface, just a dusting. And it must be dry to work, so you need to wait until the surface of your soil is dryish to apply.
Basically, it is dried ocean insect carcasses that have very sharp edges, on the microscopic level. The fungus gnats have soft bellies and the DE slices their abdomen on that microscopic level, causing them to dehydrate and die. I have used it many times. You just have to keep on top of it for a while.
Like water today, DE puff tomorrow, water next, day, DE puff the next, etc. Just puffs, tho. If you lay it on too thick, next time you water, that’ DE gets a little chunky.

Couple years ago I had fungus gnats bad. I haven’t seen any in quite some time. I personally believe it will help with spider mites if you puff the underside of leaves.


Also wanted to mention @BigMike55 I’m keeping my ISS in the auto box on 18/6 and she’s still flowering out just fine. She’s not gonna be huge or anything but does not waste any time putting out the glands! :joy: These are gonna be some frosty nugs when she’s done. Not sure where she’ll put all the frost. Stack it on top of the rest I suppose! :joy:


I did finally get them under control with bottom watering only and sticky traps, but not before the buds own sticky traps went into action!:joy: I’m picking up some preventative measures and DE is one of them. Thanks for the tips! I know these critters are the least of a growers worries but I have not enjoyed their presence and don’t want to deal with them again. At least not on this level. :facepunch:t3::fist:t3:🪶🪶


Don’t just take my word for it. I was told by someone at the local nursery. I called bullshit. I googled Ditomaceous Earth and read up on it. It does make sense. And it is basically Silica which is good for the plant anyways. But yeah, look it up.


I’m familiar with it. Should have picked some up. Kept meaning to really deal with them but I let it get away from me. When I remembered I had some sticky traps it was already pretty bad. Then I thought those would handle it and they did in conjunction with keeping the topsoil dry but was a long slow process. I’m thinking preventative measures from now on! I will have an arsenal of supplies for preventative and SNAFU situations!:joy: I’ve only ever really been scouted before. This time the whole battalion moved in! 🫣

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I use stickies too but more to let me know when I need to do something. If I only get a gnat from time to time, I don’t worry much. But if I start seeing the or four on the trap its time to take action.


I’ve found that an inch or two of mulch not only keeps worms happy, it keeps fungus gnats unhappy. Must be difficult for them to get through it down to the soil so as there to lay their eggs.


When the sticky traps aren’t keeping them under control enough, the nematode mixes are amazing. Wipes out all the fungus gnats in a week


Rainbow Kush auto cut and hung!:+1:t3: These buds are rocks! Pretty sure I can bust a car window with one of these babies! :joy:

Here’s the Runtz bagseed! Heavy calyx to leaf ratio on this lady! One seed in the bag, one seed in the soil! :grin:

The Grand Prix is a nice looking lady also! She’s had a creamy look the whole time in flower. Something about the hairs and trichs just look milky to me!


Sre fire way to get rid of gnats. Get some mosquito dunks and mis 1/4 of one puck with 2 gallons of water. Let sit a few hours then water your plants with it. Do this twice and it will wipe those little bastards out. I’ve used DE but it only works while dry and marginally.


Outta likes, brother but…Damn! lol Things are looking great there! :heart: :heart: :heart: