Lots of love in the Longhouse

I’m in the market for one of those hanging baskets. I’m such a shitty grower that I would only need the two tray version. And only get to fill one. Hehe.


Ya, you’re going to need a silo for that Zamadelica


You have a Frankenstein outdoors? I think @tuned was wondering about Frankenstein outside up closer to your neck of the woods I believe @CanuckistanPete


Yes, I showed him a pic and he bought some, among others from JPS.


Glad he was looking now I want to see it outside.lol

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It’s in the middle of my plants and hard to get a good pic


Lookin good bro! :fist:t3::facepunch:t3:🪶


Wow. A lot going on in here. Great pics bro! Love the spaces and tactics. Always keepin things movin!
On the fungus gnats: I have went to war a time or two myself. Between DE, sticky traps, and the BTI, you’ll have em licked in no time! I usually just use the bits these days. :+1:
Jeez…thanks for the tag.:yum:
Welp, better late than never, right? :crazy_face:


Sorry I didn’t tag ya brother! :joy: I forget to do stuff like that sometimes. Happy you made it! Hope you enjoyed the ride this far. I do appreciate your kind words! :facepunch:t3: Yup always movin! Tonight for sure! I’ll have another update here by morning hopefully. A few got the chop so I’m running around getting those squared away while moving a few from veg to flower. Also trying to clean and reorganize the flower tent as I go all while snapping a few shots and trying to think of something witty to say! :joy: I’m gonna chill for 30 or 45, get sideways and go back at it! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Ok, here comes some stuff! :joy: This probably won’t be as all inclusive of an update as I had aspired to a few short hours ago but things change when ya get a little tired and sore and a lot bakeified! :rofl: Let’s do this anyway cause we ain’t quitters! Are ya with me?:fist:t3:

All of the Pineapple Skunks except the two clones came down tonight. Let’s take a look at those shall we? We’ll start with the two fruity, colorful phenos.

And the second.

Let’s check out Ole Steakhouse! :joy: She still
Smells like a Western Sizzlin’. I took a test bud last week and damn if she don’t taste like she smells! This one is so interesting to me.

I know. That’s a bunch of pics on that one. I like it! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Moving on….

Here’s the Sour Diesel x GMO I like this one too. I just watered. She shaped herself.

Those are the 4 that got the chop. Let’s look at a few that are coming down in a week or so.

First is the Runtz bag seed. I always seem to have good luck with bag seed plants. They’re always killer!

Next up the Grand Prix from Lit Farms. Another that’s just a really nice little plant! I can’t even describe the way this one smells! Soo good!

Here’s the two Pineapple Skunk clones from the 2 colorful phenos. They stretched like crazy and are always hungry.

A couple new arrivals to the flower tent. First is Blue Mummy by JP. She has been a fast grower. I bent the top almost to the ground and she just liked it! :joy:

And here is my Neroli 91 x Lav from @BackyardBoogie420 ! She’ll be a good sized plant! She and Blue Mummy may get up potted tomorrow.

And finally for this update we have Frankenstein and the Fat Bastard Chillin in their new spot in the tent! Frankie on the left. :sunglasses:

I think that’s gonna do it for tonight. It’s time to kick back, watch a movie and do the settle in thing!

Freddy 2 Toes has also had enough for the evening/morning! :joy:

If ya made it through all that, thanks for following along! I hope y’all have a great day and an even better tomorrow! Catch y’all in a few hours! :fist:t3::facepunch:t3::vulcan_salute:t3: 🪶🪶


Beauty of a job on the garden.


Loving the view in the Longhouse, brother!


Thanks! @CanuckistanPete @JohnnyPotseed
It was a bit of a shuffle this evening but I got most of what I wanted to do done. I’m ready and excited to watch the new ladies do their thing! :grinning:


Everything look fantastic! That Lav x Neroli91 is leaning heavily towards the 91. Hopefully you get the lavender tennis ball smell! You’ll know it when you smell it lol


Now that’s impressive bro. A feller would be hard pressed to find even one thing that doesn’t look perfect!
:clap:t5: :clap:t5: :clap:t5:


Looking good! Should be stocked up on nice smoke. Nice work!

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Really nice bro. I’ll take a fat doob of that steak bud medium rare :+1: they all look very happy man

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Looks great, and 2 toes looks tuckered out from helping :yum:


You, sir, are a giant showoff. But Mikey likey!!!


I really appreciate all the kind words from y’all!
It’s nice to know I’m doing a decent job over here!
With so many talented growers here I’m just happy no one has told me I’d be better off growing peanuts! :joy: ML&R to all of you OG’s! :fist:t3::facepunch:t3::vulcan_salute:t3: 🪶🪶 :heart::green_heart: