Lots of love in the Longhouse

lol go for it, brother! If ya grow peanuts as well as them gals look, you’ll be putting planters out of biz! :rofl: :scream: :crazy_face: :+1:


Well shit! I ain’t blushed in a long while! :joy:
Thanks Johnny! :fist:t3::facepunch:t3:🪶
Y’all do know how to make a fella feel good when he logs back on! :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s something that separates this site from a lot of others, is people giving positive feedback to each other no matter what anyones skill level is at greenthumbery.


I’ll agree that’s definitely something. :wink:
@CanuckistanPete :+1:t3: It doesn’t take one with the right mindset to realize there’s so much more here that’s different in the greatest of ways! But I think it all comes back to the people here.
It’s very different when so many want to see the next person be as or more successful than themselves and will give so much of themselves to make it happen! If no one else has told y’all today, I appreciate y’all, the doors always open and I hope I can help at least some of y’all as much as you’ve helped me! 🪶✌🏼


I tried growing a peanut tree one time. All I got was a small bush with these weird thread hanging to the ground.


:joy: Well darn! I thought you were gonna share pics of how many you shook outta the top of your giant peanut tree! :joy: I’ve heard if all else fails the roots are usually good for something! 🤷🏼
Sorry yours didn’t go well! :wink: Maybe you can help with my Double Grape though. Have yours been heavy feeders once they started to flower? Mine started shedding leaves rapidly over the course of a few days. Ph is pretty good in the soil. It was a classic nitrogen drain in the leaves appearance. Just fast. I’m feeding her but she’s not catching back yet!
It may take more time to show improvement, I’m just hoping she has a few fans left if she does! :joy:

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Sounds like a deficiency in Unobtainium to me…


I’m excited to see Frankenstein and Island Sweet Skunk, I bought those seeds and should be on my way very soon. But I have so many projects I won’t be able to grow them for a little !

Thank you for posting this


Looking good man looking good.

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Actually, mine never got a dark green color. I applied nitrogen until the leaf tips turned brown about an eighth of an inch. Leaves still were light green.
I have one plant that looks like hammered horse shit, but they only lack about 2-3 weeks until harvest. I’m not gonna start monkeying around with her now. Buds still look good.
Can you tell which one is not very good?


I’m not gonna even gonna guess! They all look great to me! :facepunch:t3: I’m gonna try and baby mine along and see how it goes! Definitely not gonna turn out like your ladies there! Great work bro! :heart::green_heart: 🪶🪶


I’ll venture a guess (?) lol and say the one in back on the left?
But, I agree with @NDNCHILD , they all look good!
Oh wait, lol I just did the close up thing, is there another between the front and rear left?

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I zoomed in to check out @BigMike55’s totes! I thought they looked familiar! :joy:

I’m using one for my storage stash box! :sunglasses:


I cheated, lol I confiscated (read ‘begged for’) one of Rose’s Tupperware containers, with the lid. lol Actually, two!
If I’m not mistaken, you don’t have a spouse? The hours you keep leads me to that thought. lol So you’d have to find another source, like the store. If I’m wrong, I apologize, lol

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I’ve been looking at the frost free, temp and humidity controlled wine cooler/ humidor things to store them in. Can maintain 60/60 temp/humidity. I’ve never really kept enough around to determine if it’s really worth it or not. My long cure game isn’t the strongest as all the product goes too fast! :joy: I’m slowly working my way out of that issue! :joy: that tote is my over flow! I may have to take a grow break…… I thought about it and have decided against the grow break. :joy: I do want a Cannatrol but I don’t have that kinda play money laying around at one time! :flushed:


That would be correct! :joy: I had one for a short time as a younger man. I sent her back before the return window closed. Yes I definitely paid the return shipping! :face_with_peeking_eye: :rofl: :raised_hands:t3:


Just toss the Groves in the normal fridge if you have space. Saves money on buying a wine fridge and stuff.

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Nothing wrong in a sound ‘return’ lol my middle son is 37 now and even though he’s had a few live in girlfriends, he didn’t take the final plunge, lol


Thanks for that! @PatHealy I’ve been reading up on that the past few days. Seems to be mixed reviews. Some are saying it’s too cold and too much moisture? Mostly I think that last is due to condensation because people won’t let the temp stabilize before opening the bag and returning it to the fridge. I remember all the old heads that taught me kept excess in the fridge! The new tech and theory’s mess with my head sometimes.
I keep that tote in a spare room under a futon. In reality it’s probably just fine there. The temps never get above 75 in there and it’s dark and they’re in the bags.


Also some may have other info or opinions about this… the bags are Sweet Decades from Amazon. The Groves are kinda spendy. I’ve always used jars but wanted to try bags. I cheaped out. They had good reviews if that means anything these days. I just opened a bag that’s been set for just over a month. I have no experience with the real Grove bags so I have no comparison but at a month the bud is still perfect and curing very well. If this maintains in the next month I’ll probably keep using these. 50 1 ounce bags for less than 40 bucks I think these were.