Lots of love in the Longhouse

I always kept flower that was being used or sold within a month in the fridge and the rest in a freezer. Never had any issues. If the buds are grown, finished, and dried well I want to stop the degradation as much as I can. Lower temps slows it down. Too many are trying to “cure” their crappy weed for months and stuff. It’s weird. Haha


I guess I’ll just ‘keep on keepin’ on with the oldschool way lol I been using Mason Jars my whole life, no sense in changing up this late in the game. I reckon the main reason is, none of our Ganja lasts long enough to warrant the expense of Grove bags. The jars do very well, and that’s good nuff for us. (Not to mention, we have a shitload of jars, why replace em with the bags…
Additional costs, plus what to do with all them jars. lol


I’m not really sure where my end product falls on the scale from pure shit to greatest ever! :joy: Mine is all
I consume regularly anymore. Probably somewhere in the middle of the lower end of the scale. :joy: The other day I did let some into hands of a new person. I was told “ Dude!! This is some medical grade shit right here!” And then they promptly paid my utilities for the month! :joy: I’ve never been to a dispensary so I don’t really know what medical grade means, but I think they liked it.


From the looks of youir buddage, I’m thinking you’re being overly modest
(shades of @MoBilly ) lol


I’m now smoking out of the jars. I was at a point of needing to buy more. These bags were cheaper for the quantity and I can store more in a smaller area.
This is really why I chose them for the excess. But the jars I have aren’t going anywhere. I also am still using them for a few days after I trim to make sure the bud is stabilized before the bag.


Thanks brother! :heart::green_heart: 🪶🪶
I’m keeping the people I care about and myself happy so…. I’m happy! :joy:

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I can some of my produce and deer,so I have jars.What you seldom hear on OG is ,I vacuum seal any extra. I just do about half the normal vacuum so it doesn’t crush and then seal. When opened they seem as good as what’s in the jar.


Definitely vacuum seal anything staying around over a month. It’s huge.


I never really showed my Icecream Punch plant much because we had a love hate relationship the whole grow but bro! This bud actually turned out really nice! It has a spicy perfume taste with a heavy fuel finish! I’m happy I didn’t kill her off in a fit of rage! :joy:

And the Gorilla Dawg top.


I didn’t suck all the air out but I do heat seal before going in the tote. I think the bags are supposed to have a little air in them so they can do what they do? They’re not bubbles or anything just squish a little out before zipping it up.

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Love me some Bambi! :fist:t3::facepunch:t3: 🪶🪶

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I probably don’t even need Groves for the way I do it, but I got a bunch from a shop when they first came out. I do like the other person said and vacuum seal until it just starts pressing on the flower, seal it, and then pop it in the fridge or freezer.


I’ve got a cheapie vacuum sealer. I’ll check if I can stop the vacuum then seal. Seems like I tried before but air seeps back in before it seals. It may have even prevented proper sealing due to the air coming back in. I’ll try next time I bag. Probably tonight.
I also may throw a couple bags in the crisper drawer and see what’s up. I think you’re right. It should be fine.

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Mine keeps pumping until it seals then the pump shuts off. Now I want to cut one open and throw in a hygrometer !

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I’m definitely doing some more testing this evening. Funny thing is I think @PatHealy and @JohnnyPotseed are on the right track. I’ve really never had any complaints about my smoke. There’s just a trend of “you can make it better!” I keep getting myself and my wallet sucked into! :joy: Also I’m producing more that I have in years and it’s not all already spoken for so I guess I just want to treat myself right. I don’t know man! :joy: I guess I’ll smoke a bowl of something that’s never even seen a bag and think about it! :rofl:


Back in the day you knew your flower was good by the prices you could get and how quickly it was gone. Not doing any of that myself these days or in awhile, so no clue, but getting your utilities paid for a month these days seems good. It all comes down does it get you high though. Haha I saw people happy as heck with seedy schwag back in the day plenty of times. Sometimes I think we get too snobby/pretentious with our weed when growing it ourselves. Haha


Nailed it again! :joy:

The product must be ok then! :joy: The past couple of months the bills have been stupid high! I’m not sure on dispensary pricing but he walked away with one of those bags and the bills got paid! I am in an area where you can name your price for decent stuff though. The usual best around here if you don’t know someone is legal state dispensary rejects or old overflow. From what I’ve seen and heard even some of their top shelf isn’t the greatest? I don’t make a habit out of doing what I did but also wasn’t gonna pass the opportunity. Also I don’t think dude was gonna let me go and take that bag! :joy:


Strawberry Domina and Ww stills sticky and fresh after 9 months.51 rh. Still potent.


Looks nice too! Bet it was a treat to bust that bag open! Where do you store your bags once sealed? Do you refrigerate or just tuck them away somewhere in a dark cabinet? @Hashpants

I didn’t refrigerate it,just dark cabinet.Smell was just like I remember.

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