LzBoy's Lounge - Perpetually growing OG beans

oh man the K4SSDD crossed with my Super Collider Kush… that’s gonna be special :wink:
The Shishka will pretty much grow themselves, they are not fussy. Do keep an eye out for intersex as it appears the line holds the odd one that throws some nanners. Those were the seed run beans so no selection was done to weed out any intersex… though i didnt see and signs when i made those beans.


Heck yeah, can’t wait. Thanks for the heads up. :+1:I’ll keep an eye on em for sure.
That’s funny af. I just picked thoes two outa my vault with no clue of the background :exploding_head:
Weird coincidence or what? :ghost::ghost::ghost::ghost:


Love the pup @LzBoy :heart_eyes:


Happy 4th of July to all my American growchacho’s
Thanks Green.
He’s a blast :+1:zoomin around like a happy puppers.
I rearranged the balcony cus and he dang tomatoes are uuuge and them lill balls of tasty goodness are phattening up nicely :tomato:
The godfather OG and 1st contact I put outside are also getting big… Not @THCeed big but not bad for 5g pails with 6hrs of light.

I’m 6’2 so there about 5 feet or so :+1:
Can’t wait for the weed to start flowering :crossed_fingers:
The sites on the OG are pretty big :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Max had his first bath today and loved the tub. He’s got webed feet so should be a good swimmer.
He gets his shots on Monday and then we can start taking him out and about the town and get him used to everything besides jus and us.

Lights out in the flower tent, pics coming later :seedling:


I’d expect medium stretch, all the phenos I ran were a weird mashup of chemical kush and an interesting vegetative/ mossy smell( which came from @SHSC-1 super collider). Definitely had the potency from the super collider as well. Hope you find something good!


Nice, that’s what I love to hear.
Thanks for the beans and keep cool this week :sunglasses:


Patio garden is looking excellent!


I’ll second that on the patio garden…and cute pup mate well done 🥹:sunglasses::green_heart:


As promised, some shots from the flower tent.
With a surprise at the end :ok_hand:

SURPRIZE! :seedling:
Took a lower CDxMB and a shoot from the Dream Genie :leaves:
They ain’t ready but hell, why not.

Pre smoke report in a couple of days growchachos!


You’re rockin and rollin man! All your plants look so healthy


Thanks Nate :+1: it’s been a fun ride so far fosho :ok_hand:
Oh lookie me, I missed the notification but, yeah baby 1 year OG :green_heart:


Hey it’s been a year already? Congrats! I got mine recently because I literally missed 1 day login around Christmas.


Ikr? Can’t believe that a year ago, the only thing I could grow was mould :grimacing:
And now…

But in all seriousness, if we hadn’t won that vault win together. I don’t know how long, or even if ever, I woulda found OG :green_heart::call_me_hand:and that, I’ll never forget :fist_right:
So if, in the next couple of years. If and when I piss someone off, or make ya smile…
Blame @Natea :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


:fist_left:. True that! Seems like you mostly make them smile, so that works! :grin:


Hey OG, hope everyone is keeping kool out there :hot_face::hot_face:

in the flower tent, lights off :sob::sob:

day 2 of the Shishkaberry and CSxK4SSDD and almost all popped. Amazing how fast they sprout with the heat.
after 2 days in the paper towel/coffee filter and over 6" long tap roots

This was Saturday night…
And this was Sunday night :+1:

all but one shishkaberry is up and green :green_heart::seedling:
Fastbuds auto got topped last night as well :scissors:
Pulled some Gorrila Oozie from @Rhai88 and @Rena93 that’s been curing for about 3 months. Mmmmmm it really does get better with age 🫶

buzz is nice but doesn’t last as long as I’d like. Last just under an hr and ready for another. After smoking it all day, my sleep last night was magnificent and for most part, pain free. But the best part… No nightmares :call_me_hand: which is something I get when the street weed I’ve bought in the past is garbage. Anyone else notice this when on a cleanse or tolerance break? I’ve never taken on in 40 years for this reason.
The tomatoes are taking a gallon and a half a day of water. No pics, to dam hot.
Gonna leave y’all with the cutest lill munchkin this side of the equator. Just back from his first vet visit and shots, he took it like a true champ!
Road warrior style :dog2::dog:

Going to have to look back and see how long the Dream Genie and CDxMB have been in flower.
They’re just starting to get nice and cloudy trichromes :call_me_hand: so a week or 2 🤷

Have a great day and keep cool :sunglasses: OG onlookers :fist_right:


Yes. Unusually intense dreams. Not necessarily bad dreams. Maybe good dreams, but much more intense and real feeling.


Good to know. Ya, most are nightmares. Glad someone else understand the difference in intensity. But the realizim is what effs me up… When I eventually snap out of the sleep. You could do a full chalk outline of my body based on the sweat left behind. :roll_eyes:
No way can I get back to sleep. So, just stay chronic for life, and grow great OG weed :call_me_hand:


I definitely get very vivid and more surreal dreams than usual after a t-break


Good to know it’s more wide spread, it’s something that’s not really talked about for whatever reason.
I’m starting champex next week to quit smoking but if it makes me not want to smoke at all, I don’t know how I’m gonna do it. Edibles don’t do shit to me neither :roll_eyes:.
Took some balcony pics tonight now that it’s cooled down a bit.
I had one fallen branch that surprised me so I tied that up along with a hole bunch more tying. Now I’m out of bamboo sticks and still need more :joy::joy::joy:
These are just the ones I can see. No double pics. That would be cheating lol

Everytime I look I see more.
I’ve been cutting all new growth that I can see to tame em down a bit. But holy fek, what a jungle :rofl::ok_hand:
Ghost and Tai chillies are coming along. No flowers yet on the ghosts, and no peppers from the flowering Tai yet. 🤷
Next year each in its own pot. 1g maybe?

Oh ya, I also got some of that devils lettuce lookin fine af! I soooo want to move em into my flower tent. But they gotta stay outside, experiment to see if they will flip with street lights out front.

Well probably near my daily upload limit :joy::joy:
This is fun. Thanks for joining in it with me growchachos :leaves::green_heart:


Bookmarked. Honestly though I’m here for the dog pics as much as anything. :crazy_face:

I think Champix works by making only tobacco feel unpleasant to smoke. I quit cold turkey about 15 years ago, I used to smoke rollups and would add some weed to them in the evenings. I switched to a ProtoPipe which worked well, when I would get cigarette cravings I could take a hit on the pipe and get that tight-throat-inhaling-smoke-feeling which scratched the itch.

Will come back for a proper read through later.

Edit ok, four hours later. (OG said 37 minutes) umm what?

So I read that back to front, having seen Max, but then seeing Rain, and knowing something must be about to happen but not knowing what or when.

I’m so sorry for Rain my friend. I love dogs more than I love most people. I’m sure you did what was best for her, no question.

You and I have many parallels, our age and past motorcycle crashes. I grew tomatoes and chillis on the balcony when I first moved here.

Anyway, tell Max I said Hi!