LzBoy's Lounge - Perpetually growing OG beans

Thanks for the kind words Igor. Much appreciated :+1:.
So a couple of of days ago I posted some tester branches I removed… Well I forgot about em, till this morning that is :grin: I rolled a CDxMB for my wake and bake and holy hot hell it was a beautiful buzz that lasted more than an hour and on to 2hrs I’d say. :ok_hand:
Came home for lunch and had a Dream Genie :heart_eyes: was good to go for the afternoon at work. (hope my boss don’t read this :joy:)
Came home and did the deed!

First up 2 CDxMB from @Wizdom that will definitely be grown again :ok_hand: thank you for making OG a great place to grow :seedling::green_heart:
Next up was @Tracker Dream Genie that unfortunately I only had one this time around. But as well will grow again with no regrets :ok_hand::fire:

Can’t thank you both enough :+1:
So that left me with 2 in the flower… 3 PPP about a month away and rhe rest just started… So I had a thought… Probably not the best thought and I’ll probably end up regretting, even with everyone’s advice… I move the 2 on the balcony into the 5x5… I can’t wait till it flowers by nature. :grimacing:
The only way I’ll find out if I got bug 🤷
Non of the leaves have a single chew mark on them, or any visible signs or any bugs. If I end up regeting it, at least I’ll learn something :grin:
Now… Look at these Summabichs :joy::joy::joy::joy: I think I’ll be doing some supercroping… Or do you think I should get a trellis?

What are your thoughts?


The harvested plants look excellent.

Bringing the outdoor plants inside definitely increases the risk of pests getting in your grow. I wouldn’t be so concerned about bugs that leave large chew marks on the leaves. I would be must concerned with spider mites, russet mites, thrips.

Spider mites look like tiny orange/brown balls on the bottoms of the leaves. You can barely see them move if you stare long enough. Once they get established, they make thin webbing all over the plant and buds. The leaves look like bleached out splotchy coloration. If they take hold during flower, might as well trash everything. Of they are on the plants, they will likely find their way into all the indoor plants even if they’ve never been outside.

Russet mites are too small to see without magnification. They make the new growth look retarded and deformed. Coloration looks off. Leafvtips and edges curl down. Growth is severely retarded.

There are other bad mites, but those are the two types for which I see most problems.

Thrips are very small, but you can see adults without magnification. You might need magnification to positively identify them though, and need magnification to see larvae. I think they are more mobile than mites, and they will certainly spread throughout your grow. Telltale sign is small discolored/bleached spots just 1 or 2 mm on leaf surface.

Any of these pests will severely retard growth/productivity.

Another common one that you might bring in is aphids, but IMHO, they are not as much of a pain to deal with.

They can all be controlled/prevented with a few applications of IPM sprays. If it were my grow, I would apply something a few times for two weeks before flowering.

If any of those pests do pop up, I would trash the flowering plants, treat the veging plants with several applications of sprays, deep clean all the growing areas, and continue to apply sprays periodically.


Sorry to make your type all that out… But it did the job. Thanks for the scare :ghost: lol.
Back they go… 🤷
Got no room on the balcony. Mrs.Lz is gonna have to squeeze by :joy::joy:
Who’s dumb idea was this anyways?
Oh… Never mind :flushed:

But Max is is happy with the re arranging


35 degrees here in my yard today. 33 inside.
I hope your doing okay! It is certainly kicking my ass. :hot_face:


Good decision…Max is loving it :slightly_smiling_face:


:roll_eyes: Currently inside

Definitely something I didn’t even think of when I added the veg tent this year :pensive:.
I see why people shut down in the summer.
Next summer 4 autos on the balcony and gonna that’s gonna be it. (insert Pinocchio nose)
Couple more days of it, the a cold front. :cold_face:


I’ve only had mite problems a few times, and they were early on when I started growing. Every since then, I’ve applied sprays from early veg through start of bud formation as a normal part of my routine.


Thanks again @Tracker for setting me straight :grin:
I gave some Scarlet Grape to my buddy in Ontario to grow this year. He’s sent me some pics asking if there ready. But doesn’t this look like bud rot?
Or do you think it’s just the Scarlet Grape?
@blowdout2269 any help would be appreciated. They’ve only been in the ground 40 days, started in solo cups and no nutes added.

As well he’s wondering if they are ready or leave em.
He’s up north in northern Ontario.


To me they look like they can go a little longer. I don’t see definite rot. He can gently peel open the flowers right in the questionable areas and look inside to see if it has rot/mold, but to me it looks like regular blemishes that come with growing outdoor.


Cool, I’ll pass that along. Thanks for the quick reply :fist_right:

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Nah man, I dont see rot either.
Looks like some deep Scarlet phenos to me! :wink:
Like @Tracker said…investigation can’t really hurt.
Let’s ask @Going2fast also.


Thanks, I think he left em in the solo cups to long as well, they started flowering pretty quick. Or is that part of em?
I did tell him the structure and colours look pretty good. Bit I don’t see any side branches.
I shoulda started some of your that I have left on my balcony instead of regs. Lol live and learn. But next year it’s gonna be full of Scarlet Grapes :grapes:


Big problem IMO.
I would never start an autoflower in a solo cup.:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I start my autos off in solo cups. Alot of people are against it, but it works for me. :man_shrugging:
Plant looks good to me, doesn’t look like bud rot.


Personally after reading that I think we should all be sending you free FECO every month for the rest of your days. That sounds utterly horrific. Amazing that you survived that.


Looks like he’s got a little scarlet in his scarlet grapes. Tell him to start them in their final pot next time.


@Going2fast what if there going in the ground. Would you still not start them in a planter?

Autos in general don’t like any disturbance. They have no time to recover. There are exceptions but the plants have to be in great health and the risk vs reward isnt worth it. I transplant in order to keep them small such as seed runs. I plant them directly in the ground for quantity.


Appreciate ya Haggis :call_me_hand: I truly believe that whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, lest just say I got super cropped :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Ya know I’ve never thought of it that way :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Thanks @Going2fast @SunGrown and @chronix I’ll pass along the info.
I’ve also started before in solos, but my inexperience moved em to their final pot to soon, none of the roots or main tap root had any stoppage/blockage to stunn em :person_shrugging: it was my first grow and failed in organic and 2nd grow I got 30 Oz outa 4 autos.
This time my fast bud went into its final pot, will see later. Took awhile to get going, but now she’s chugging along nicely


cute hound!

i got some of those beans from johnny. saw what doug produced with them. will be watching yours with much interest. doug’s had some serious bag appeal.

i just started a godfather og clone mom.
this one just took off from seed and displayed a lot of favorable traits all the way through.
is yours from seed or a cut?