LzBoy's Lounge - Perpetually growing OG beans

You guys will have to hit me up, if you don’t mind hanging out with an old fart. Lol
I can bribe you with fishing, smokin and grilling.


The transplant is looking good

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How is the Dream Genie doing?

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Be there in an hr or 2 :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:
I’ll definitely hit ya up when I get out there :metal:

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Just about to water em for the night.
But frostaaay and pungent smell of paint thinner / turpentine is still hitting my nose, but hats smelling much better on 4 smokes a day… Just can’t get over that hump. But I will.

That’s her in the back corner, lookin all sexxxayy af with some long legs, checking out all the sailors walkin by :crazy_face:


Looks great!

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Never thought I’d be saying this on another hockey team besides Les Habitant, but!
Go Oilers Go!
We are witnessing history tonight, win or loose :call_me_hand:
What’s your thoughts?
Who’s gonna win?
McJesus MVP?

And @Wizdom your CDxMB are spectacular growchacho :seedling:
I think these, colas are gonna be uuuuuge!
Can’t wait to get to more of your fire :green_heart:


those buds are going to be worth it!

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Woohoo! Mail call!
Thanks @Natea received the NL autos :metal: ya rock!

And over on RUI @The_Vault_Team hooked a brother up!
Could work on excess packaging, never knew they had singles :yum:


I got you man! And yeah most winnings from the vault have been giveaways of single seed packs too. It looks like you have way more than there is haha


Well lookie here. I was putting some bamboo stakes to help some leaning tomato stocks. :eyes:

Can’t believe we didn’t see em when we transplanted yesterday, but there they are.
My very first :tomato: hot dayym, let’s goooooo!


Hey OG, let do a mid week update :seedling:
Gonna go backwards and start off on the beautiful flower 5x5
The CDxMB from @Wizdom is stacking up really nice and close, I think the colas are gonna be amazing
I stair and smile like a mad villain when I’m watering em. Probably spend 8 to 10 min just staring at em in awww :flushed::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
I don’t take notes so I’m not sure how long into flower it is. I’ll have to scroll back up and check.

Thanks again Wiz :metal:
Next up is @Tracker and the Dream Genie.
Also getting frostayyy every time I open her up :green_heart:

Kudos to you as wekk Tracker and all the magic beans y’all make :green_heart:
The godfather OG is a bit slower than the 1st contact, I raised the OG but it was showing signs of to much light so put it back down on the table. But it did help and will be ready to move closer in a week.

I’ve also popped 3 of 4 PPP that I’m gonna look at in a bit and probably put em in solos. I’m super excited about the PPP and can’t wait to make some beans outa em :metal:
Peace out growchacho’s
May your day be blessed with high hopes, high tokes and a vibrant garden :seedling:


Happy Canada Day everyone :canada:
Sometimes, when there is a hole in your heart. You just have to fill it.
Everyone, it’s my pleasure to introduce you Mad Max!
Max for short :grin:

His mother is a beautiful golden retriever, with great disposition, and his father was an Alaskan malamute :dog:
He is 8 weeks old, give or take a day. The runt of the litter. 7 in total. Already socialized with kids, cats and dogs the readers had.
Mrs.Lz and myself couldn’t be happier.
We discussed it in depth before deciding, and think that Rain would totally approve of Max.
Already getting used to his new surroundings and showing us his unique personality.
No more getting bullied and picked on, his confidence is growing every hour, and so is his belly :laughing:

Of, a couple of PPP pics and a fast bud auto finally picking up speed.

Tried to do my first clone to a godfather OG out on the balcony, I think it’s taken. Can’t pull it out and it’s not dead :love_you_gesture:
Good night OG puppy power!


What a cutie!


Happy Canada day @LzBoy and all the other OG canadians.
Good to see you got a new friend, I am sure it will grow to be a bigger sized dog with those genetics.
My neighbor used to have an Alaskan Malamute x Wolf dog, the dog was huge.


Welcome to OG Mr Rockatansky! :heart_eyes:

Very cool little guy :sunglasses:

He’s got some big mitts on him, looks like he’ll grow up to be a chonky fella :muscle:


Hey! Look at that little guy! Glad to see you and the Missus found a new furry friend, @LzBoy , and he looks like he’ll be a handful! …and quickly become a lot bigger than a handful. at that! Sounds like some great linage in 'im, too. I hope he’s as easy a train as he is adorable, and I know he’ll be plenty happy with such good folk taking care of him.

Lookin’ great in the gardens, too. Knocking down those milestones, with moves like that first clone, eh? Great to see. Glad to hear it looks like it’s taking well. I’d imagine that’ll be a big step to nailing down your cycles and all.

Hope you had a fine Canadia Day, and all the best as ever.

Stay up



Omg that’s awesome Barry :joy::joy::joy::joy: love it.
Thanks guys, he’s already fitting in great. Just working on potty training. Taking him out every couple of hours.

Took some shots of the lady’s in the flower tent as well.
Gonna get up to 30-35 next week… :pensive:

Gotta work today. Don’t wanna :laughing: but got the next 4 days off :ok_hand:
Have a great day peeps :seedling::green_heart:


No clue what I’m gonna do with that clone. Will see where it goes.
hydro shop has them easy plugs I think their called. So gonna try on the next batch keeping some keepers. Incase I get “the one” I really don’t want to grow something, find out it was the bomb and have lost it forever.
So, veg. Take a clone. Flower it out for potency, while keeping the clone going. Instead of vegging out everything, taking clones, working the clones to flower. This seems easier and less steps. No mothers till I find

Speaking of the next round. I figured only 3 PPP that are regs, I better prep for culling males. So I better get more going :grin:

4 of each Shiskaberry f3 from @SHSC-1 and Super colider X K4SSDD from @Kyumonryu :heart_hands:
Any tips ahead of time fellas?

@Coffin_Dodger appreciate the kind words :call_me_hand: ya he’s pretty smart and settling in great. Already has good recall and is getting used to all the pros of being the #1 pooch in the lounge.
Cant wait to get him his shots so we can take him out and around town to see and hear all that’s out there :+1:

Edit for the mailman!
Thanks @JustANobody the BRT arrived safe and sound :seedling::green_heart: