LzBoy's Lounge - Perpetually growing OG beans

I only popped 3,hope 2 are fems at least. Gonna try and keep a clone back to keep it going :call_me_hand:Yes I’m following DD’s grow and they look beautiful and stone sound like just what I need :dizzy_face:‍:dizzy::dizzy_face::woozy_face:
The God OG is from Bean Breeders seeds via @CoastalMarySeeds on @toastyjakes auction.
“Coastal Mary Seeds! Bringing you great genetics from around the world” :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Disclaimer, I was not paid fro this advertising :seedling::earth_africa::green_heart: :laughing:
I have the original out on the balcony getting massive, the cut I ended up tossing, it was more or less to see if I could do it my way instead of them easy plugs. It worked 50/50.
Im going to have to look into what and where to take clipping from for future keepers. Figured I’ll take 3 of the PPP, flip, see if thers a fem, hopefully with some killer phenos :heart_eyes:. Turn the Fem clone into a future mother. Need to step up my game on them. Don’t want an aero clone.


Annmnd outa likes till the morning


Nice to see your thread!


Thanks for swinging by spillz :call_me_hand:
Getting some weird discoloration on a couple of 1st contact bud sites.
Anyone seen this before? The buds right beside it look fine.

The Godfather OG has some rust spots, possibly from Ph swing🤷

To dam hot on the balcony to take any pics today, but the 5g tomatoes are taking a gal and a half every day :+1:
I’ve counted over 20 on each plant… That I can see :relaxed:
I’ll grab some pics when the sun’s off it.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend


Sun’s off the balcony and all the jungle has been fed :call_me_hand:
Got a new family that moved in, Mr.Tomatohead, Mrs, and the little ones :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

As we move through we find a couple of brothers that have been out casted to be on their own. They stick together to avoid any big prey they may encounter :relaxed:

We’ve also acquired some visitors from another balcony near buy while they are on vacation, @JohnnyPotseed Frankenstein x Frosted Cobra doing her thang gettin all biggass :fist_right:

Also my first time growing Tai chilli, had no clue they grow upwards :point_up_2: kinda cool compared to the ghost peppers, they kinda creep me out with the long, lanky flower stems I guess ya call em?

I really have taken the hole OGTW to heart, and freekin love it :+1:
Don’t forget to support the best place on earth with the 8years of OG celebration upcoming.
Donate, buy some great seeds, swag, shirts. All going to this great server to keep us afloat and allow all these pictures and conversion to happen. I know I will :green_heart:🫶
I’ll leave y’all with a shot of the jungle, have a great Sunday. Hope it’s with the ones you love.


Happy Hump day OG!
Our vacuum bit the dust yesterday, just in time for prime days. But it gave me an idea for more room in the 2x4 veg tent. As you know, space is tight in a 2x4 tent so loosing space to equipment really sucks. This got me thinking, how can I get the humidifier outside the tent but keep the moisture high. :thinking:
Enter some stoner engenering. ACI humidifier comes with a hose. I now have an extra hose from the vacuum. I wonder if the end will fit into the opening of the top?
well shit, it snapped in perfect. Like it was meant to be :wink: making a seal and letting me remove the humidifier from the tent, giving me 3 extra feet I’d say :call_me_hand:

Have a great day, off to see what I can pop to fill up the extra space


Tuesday is my Monday :confounded: a quick update before heading to work.
it was an eventful day around here yesterday, so sad to helplessy watch someone’s live go up.

2 people with smoke inhilation, but ok. Thank goodness.
On to the important stuff :relaxed:
3 PPP looking great in 1g pots, topped and a week out from 3g the into the flower tent.

The solos with shishkaberry and the CS X k4ssdd in em are looking good as well and ready for 1g.

Still some weird colouring with the 1st contact, I’m thinking it’s from heat stress as it got pretty hot last week.

And I
I’ve never grown Godfather OG before, is it supposed to look like this?
@Til_Valhalla you’ve grown Godfather before?
as well, it hardly any trichromes on it, and the cultivaor is off the Coastal Mary website. Bean breeder :roll_eyes:

Off to work. Have a great day OG :call_me_hand:


yes, i have.

i currently have one going from seed. it was so exceptional in all aspects i’m keeping it now as a clone mom.
the leaf structure you’re displaying is a bit different than mine. node spacing looks similar and cola stacking looks similar. mine has much more lateral branching and is considerably frostier… the type you see and just know it’s going to be good smoke.

were those regs or fems you pitched?


They were fems I grabbed from the toasty auction.
Of course I’ll wait to smoke to give my final opinion, but as far as looks and frost goes… Eeek. I rub the leaves and barely feel anything on my fingers. No smell, no stick :cry:
I’ve got 1of each of these out on the balcony in 5g still in veg. All I care about right now is the high.
So far the meatbreath cross is the finest I’ve grown and puffed… Can’t get enough of that buzz lol


typically godfather og is VERY sticky and frosty. with the exception of the one i grew outdoors last year that heat mutated, all have been sticky, stanky frosty as you would expect from an OG.

runs in the 25-30% range, so if yours is weak, it may not be godfather (?)

write up

photo examples


That’s what I’m thinking, only the final smoke test will will tell.
But with Coastal Mary not carrying them any more. I wouldn’t be surprised if TST was the cultivaor :neutral_face:



bright side: smoke tests are usually fun…


Howdy OG!
Up potted the PPP to 3g fabrics, gonna give em a couple of days before throwing em in the flower tent and sex em.
Gonna try with my next 7 to do the 12/12 for a couple of days to sex em early. Not a fan of waiting till they hit the 3g before sexing.

Just hope my veg tent has no light leaks. But I think it does :roll_eyes:
Max has been itching like crazy so we think he’s allergic to something. Took him to the vet. No parasites. So now we have to figure our if it’s food or environmental :pensive: poor guys so itchy

Have a good… Nah… A great day everyone :seedling:


Those PPP look so good so far, can’t wait to see the beautiful flowers they will hopefully produce!
Yeah my dog suffers from skin allergies, we have to give him a $100 shot once a month. He was soooo miserable until then though.


Sry to hear that. Looks like it might be heat related. A couple of cooler days and a t shirt. He’s not scratching. :crossed_fingers:
So I did a thing yesterday. Go to the properly setup for doing clones. No way did I want to miss a keeper of the PPP.

Soaked the ez plugs in Azos, sea kelp and fish shit.
Took the shoots from the branch. Soaked in thick solution then into the plugs. Easy peasy :+1:
Chopped the Godfather and 1st contact to make room in the tent for the PPP.
Keep em on 18/6 for a couple of days then flip em for sex.
I need to do this sooner in veg. The 12/12 to sex earlier as its a waste to fill 3g then sex in the flower tent. Or just do fems going fwd :roll_eyes:

Wups no pics of the 5x5.
Just max in his styling new digs.

Also got 3d printed some stuff from @Bobgrows :ok_hand:
Great transaction, will definitely be grabbing more stuff in the future. Thanks Bob :ok_hand:

That’s it for now. Off to work. :cry:


Keep us informed how that works out with the new cloner.

Mine took a shit. I took it down, cleaned it, ran it and all the clones I put in it died. Thank goodness I have backups
Only thing I can figure is I reused the sponges. I did clean them in peroxide .
Sooo, buying new sponges, been flushing the cloner. Getting ready for round 2.

Where you able to find the right wide mouth pint jar by you? They do have them on the U.S. Amazon.


Supposed thoes eazy plugs are a no brainer.
This is my first attempt at it so will see. I have no clue what I’m doing and just going off searches and what my hydro store guy tells me.
Haven’t found a, but it was late yesterday and I’m unfortunately at work till 5. Gonna hit the local Canadian Tire, they should have em. If not I did see em on zon. :+1:
Cannagar gets lit tomorrow. :hugs: Can’t wait for that, and I’ve got some crumble to try out in the bong that, when sprinkled on a doobie. Just blows it over the top!
Like half a joint and I had to put it out kinda goodness :call_me_hand:
Also a first, got a tomatoe. Don’t know why it went red when it’s so small, plucked it. The others are getting huge and I’m tying up and staking every day

Lunck breaks over. Been busy today, makes it go by much faster :call_me_hand:
Peace out growchacho’s :seedling:


Ahhh what a beautiful time to be alive! Sunny, 23 out, nice breeze and 2 days off :sun_with_face:
Lest go for a little rip around the apartment, been watching the Belgium GP vroooom!
1st off a @Bobgrows update on the large mouth mason jar wonderbong, that’s my new name for it. I’m not sure what it is. The smooth draw, not getting any water splash up. Or what ever it is. But I love it.
“Mmmm More bongs smoking will you do” got a new Yoda bowl top :blush:

I’ve packed the cannagar with a half Oz and it’s only just past half way :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Now what do I do? Roll it in a regular raw rollie, or go get a blunt wrapper? I got no clue lol
I’ve only seen someone on here wrap em in fan leafs 🤷
Thanks again Bob, great work with the printer :ok_hand:

Next up are some vegetables, never thought I’d ever type out that sentence :relaxed:
Balcony is absolutely jam packed, hardly any room to sit or move lol

Godfather OG and 1st contact outside look like different plants then the 2 I grew indoors. 🤷

On to the spare room flower tent with 3 PPP in it at 18/6 for a couple more days.
These PPP are the most beautiful plants I’ve grown in veg by far. Thick ass side branches like I’ve never seen. So here’s hoping at least 1 is a fem :pray:

Going to up pot 7 in solos to 1g later today.
That’s about it for this beautiful Sunday.
Shout out to thoes that have made this journey I’ve taken up in the last year possible :green_heart:
And @Natea :call_me_hand:
To name a few of the more than generous OG members that keep this place rockin


Your patio garden looks excellent!

Have you sampled the Dream Genie since it’s been curing?

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If you haven’t seen this, you probably want to review…

Down toward the end they get into wraps.
