LzBoy's Lounge - Perpetually growing OG beans

Everything is looking fantastic bud, great job.


Excellent garden!


Thanks fellas, appreciate the kind words :+1:.
But I need HELLLP!
The 4 new CDxMB that started are stretchy af… I removed or didn’t turn on the barnia t5’s and was just going off the viparspectra. Well guess that extra light really does help keep em short.
What would you do?
Let it slide?
I turned the light up to 25% from the 5% it was at and added back a couple of the T5.

Uggg. I really wanted these to be short n stocky.
Took a couple of flower tent pics.
I stripped one of the shishkaberrys to see how she would respond. And it bounced back great. So will do the same to the others

So ya… What can I do with the long legged freaks?


As long as those littles are standing on their own don’t worry about it. As long as you corrected your lighting issue you should be good. Worst case scenario if they start to flop just use a bit of garden wire with the old "finger loop and keep em upright. Once those main stems start to thicken up they’ll bounce right back. They’ll stay short if their genetics intend for them to stay short. lol


If you got them more light it should be all good.
Just another inch or two. Although you can plant it a bit deeper when you re-pot.
I wouldn’t worry about it.


We’ve usually topped or fimmed main stems at the third to fifth node. From what I’ve read, that’s typical consensus, depending on how the individual is doing.

If you’re feeling really frisky with leggy seedlings, I’ve seen people bend them early with some great results, but I wouldn’t unless I was familiar with what I was working with, or had plenty of room for error, like. I’d second Rhai on LITFA and letting the genetics take hold now that the lights are more suited. Also, like @chronix mentions- if it does pose a problem or stresses you- bury a few extra mm or so in the transplant. Solid advice there!

Still working on that balance, here. Those new seedling bars nearly fried this run in the first week. We like a bit of legs to ours to clear the top of the net pots, though.

Looking great, LZ! You got this

Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


Sound advice :ok_hand:
Ill let it ride and check em in the morning.
Appreciate y’all fast response.
This strain really hits all the marks for me.
I plan on getting the cloning down with them and I’m gonna get a mom if it takes me to the last bean lol.


Well they’ve stopped.
Let’s see what we get :crossed_fingers:

Time will tell.
Got a unexpected knock at the door today.

Speedy cross border shipping and helps support a great cause!

My buddy in Onterible had some bag seed and wanted me to ask about the 3 leafs… Anyone have any info on it?


Hope everyone had a great weekend.
Preseason footballs done and 2 weeks till the start of the NFL!
Let’s goooo Buccs! 🫣
TB12 will be missed.
But we got a Baaaker QB, what more could a stoner ask for?

PPP, shishkaberry and K4SSDD coming along fantastically.
I thought it would be a Bitch doing the shish and k4ssdd in 1 g post. But they seem to like it. Feeding only once a day :+1:
The 4 stretchy Chemdog x Meat Breath I started are not impressive. Amazing how with anything. If you don’t get a good start. The rest becomes difficult.
So I popped 2 coral Kush, but the flip had several strains in it… So a beast mode sprang out and mixed up with them… So 2 coral Kush and 1 beast mode. These were supplied to me in a beautiful card sent last year from @420noob a true OG :+1:

That’s it for this day off Monday.
Have a great week growchachos :seedling:


Allrighty then!
The coastal Kush mix have popped and into solos :ok_hand:
The 4 CDxMB that were stretchers are kinda coming around.
1 is still leaning but getting stronger.

Mr it a fan of the 1 pic upload at a time new feature with the update

And some other random shot of the shishkaberrys, k4ssdd and PPP is absolutely phenomenal :heart_eyes:

We’ve got a great week to finish up the fastbuds outside. Going up to 30 on thr weekend. :seedling:
Have an amazing day to all :herb::palm_tree::shamrock::deciduous_tree::evergreen_tree:


Well it’s been quite an incredibly lucky day.
Woke up to see that the beautiful picture done by @Low.Poly took 2nd in the 8 year of OG contest. Big thanks to Poly for an incredible job and memory of our precious Rain.

Congrats to all the winners this year. But in the end we are truly all winners here!
I’ve stripped the fan leaves off the outdoor fastbuds to let that glorious glowing orb hit as much of the buds as possible.

I really wish I was better at taking pics. But this will do. Man such a beautiful plant :green_heart:

Im also deep into thought on how to extend my balcony to fit pots.

My local hydro store closed down due to low sales :disappointed_relieved: so ventured out to their other store in good ol Surrey. Some good deals.
But next Friday they have a guy coming in doing free THC testing :+1: so Ima bring in the fastbuds and see when we get.
I also have some Dream Genie left over from @Tracker that, if it’s ok with him I’d like to get tested?
to bad the PPP isn’t ready. She looks phenomenal!

Also a big shout out to @mota and @CADMAN for providing some awesome swag for this year’s anniversary party :pray:
Can’t wait to try out the pipe!
And already have plans for the new fastbuds for next year’s outdoor balcony show :+1:
Have a great freekin day OG!
PS: I case your wondering, I did offer the prizes if we won to Poly. But in true OG spirit he declined. :pray::green_heart:
My vault and everything it is open for ya. Just ask ma growchacho :seedling:


Yes please. I’m curious to know too.


Will do. Unless I get to dam high :joy:
So my project is almost complete.
Shoulda though of this months ago. But I’m ready for next year :+1:

Giggity :crazy_face:


Be sure that is strongly held in place. Would be very bad if wind knocked the plant over, and it fell on someone or something.

Where will the water fall when it drains out? What’s directly below? Does anyone walk, stand, drive directly under there,?


I’m gonna put trays under it when I water. Or remove it, water, drain then onto the rack. Off to home depo to get some better hose clamps.
I’ll take it off at night.
Trust me, safety numerous uno. But thanks for looking out :+1:
Nobody or anything under it. Just a narrow emergency walkway that nobody uses :+1:


Oh and it was only a day anyways :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: ADHD for me :man_shrugging:t3:
Giving me some time to secure up the extendashelf for next year :+1:
It’s gonna be shitty the next couple of days. I was trying to push the blueberry fastbuds farther. But I’m scared of mold at night and the dampness of the lower mainland.
Sooooo… Choppy choppy Labour day!
Around day 78ish…
The smell. The aroma. I hope she smokes as good as my nose is feeling.
Has anyone reading this tried the Fastbuds Blueberry? Would love a preview :v:

Did a bud wash, cup of lemon juice, cup of baking soda. Rinse in Ro water. Hang dry with a fan on it for a couple of hours, then ambiant airflow. Dark room. Temps a bit high. But so am I :heart_eyes:
Cut fan leafs off, squeezed it close enough to almost dunk the hole tree in the buckets. Being careful not to touch the sides.
So many firsts, and love it.
Server upgrades getting better. We can upload at least 5 pics at a time.
Great work @LemonadeJoe it’s not easy, I’m sure. Getting everything to work properly over all platforms. With a million request, or explanations. Kuddos to you :pray: LJ and everyone else involved.
have an awesome labour day :seedling::green_heart:


Thank YOU for trusting a newbie with a trade! So glad you like the results. Maybe I’ll have to trade some more premium 100% human made art for beans here in the future….


@Low.Poly just like to say your art was in a class of it’s own you really managed to capture the feeling and immortalized it :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you so much!


Absolutely agree global. Can’t wait to surprise Mrs.Lz with a nice framed pic for xmass this year.
So had a fun week, chopped the fastbuds that was outside and it’s been stinking up the apartment all week. Spent last night in trim jail only to realize that it was kinda fluffy and leafy. Not sure if it’s because the balcony doesn’t get all day sun.
Probably coulda and shoulda left it for at least a week. Paranoia will destroy ya :roll_eyes:
But figured, better to be able to smoke it then get mold or rot :man_shrugging:t2:

Smoked a dubie of it last night, got buzzed. But nothing to brag about.
Looking closely at the PPP and I’m seeing these large things in the bud… Can someone confirm that these are calix and not God dam seeds?
I have no clue if they are, how that coulda happened. I caught every male in time.

The shishkaberry and k4ssdd is doing very well in 1g pots.

Got some cohonez earlier in the week and gave a ghost pepper a try.
Only used half with the eggs, and I’m glad I did! :fire:
This one was picked early. So I’m thinking the ones I’m leaving on the plant are just getting the seeds hotter and hotter every day :+1:

And yep. Thoes are my tomatoes under there :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Have a great day everyone and keep it lit! :wind_face: