LzBoy's Lounge - Perpetually growing OG beans

Damn. The loss of a fur baby is devastating in this household aswell. Remember the good times.
Take your time. :disappointed_relieved:
You’re in my thoughts brother!


sorry for your loss. my condolences.


Sorry to hear of hard times, @LzBoy . Y’all have our condolences and hopes your days to come are full of great memories of her.
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


I’m feeling so bad after hearing that so I can imagine how y’all must be feeling…all I can say is cherish the memories and know she’s in a better place.

RIP Rain :pray:


Aww sorry man! You did your best and were there for the dog till the end. Im sure you have a lot of good memories to cherish at the very least.


Sorry for your loss LzBoy. :cry: :green_heart:
Sending positive energy and good vibes your way!


Ah man…I’m so sorry for you guys. :sleepy:


I’m really sorry Lz. You and MsLz gave Rain an amazingly loving home and made incredible memories together. She knew she was a special girl, and I guarantee she knew she was loved :green_heart: :heart: :purple_heart:


Thanks everyone for the thoughtful and kind messages :green_heart:
It really helps in these times
It’s been a rough couple of days for us. But in the end we know the decision was the right one to do.
Alot of first in the last couple of days that just sets us off. I’m sure that will dicipate with time.
I had to keep busy so decided to revamp my veg tent.
Put the light to the top, cranked it to 100, and hung the T5’s around the 4x2 for bonus light :+1:

We’ve decided to have Rain cremated and I’ve asked for 10 separate bags so we can take her to her favourite spots, say a prayer and a final farewell.
I’ve also decided that I’m going to take one of the bags of ashes, mix it up in some soil, and do my first cross… It’s gonna be called, Purple Rain. :heart_eyes:
I think it will be done with the PPP I’ve won… Just need to figure out the pollen.
Thanks again everyone, it really does mean alot to us both.
Backup Dean's S9 2018-2022 358 Backup Dean's S9 2018-2022 360 Backup Dean's S9 2018-2022 362
“Love the one you’re with”


Thats a great idea. Looking forward to purple rain.


Hey OG, hope everyone’s had a good day.
Time to get back on track. :green_heart:
Couple of pics of the Dream Genie and CDXMB in the veg tent are looking great. I might top em twice, never done that before.
Thanks for the advice on the epsom salt, a couple of sprays at lights out and boom. No more mag def :call_me_hand:
The solo cups aren’t doing as well as I would like, probably shouldn’t of started them under T5, but I got antsy to get this tent up and going. Noy like we don’t have enough beans. :yum:
I know. 1st world OG probs :call_me_hand:
A second viparspectra is in the future plans :star2:

In the flower room I was using reefertilizer bloom. Was working great with no deficiencies the entire grow. I only addid silica and ph’d. I was very impressed. But they are out of stock.
So I switched to good ol 1 Part mega crop at 20g in 5gal and 5g of bud explosion they’ve not been doing as well.
It’s doing good enough to see it to the end but I’m wondering about the future if it’s going to be good enough.
Im hoping the Reefertilizer comes back in stock. :crossed_fingers:


Excellent flowers! That DG looks great. Looks like growing vigorously, and tighter structure than either parent so far. I’m excited to know what aromas it makes in flower.

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Boy, I hate working Saturdays on a long weekend.
Pics and update later tonight.


Hope all my growchacho’s are having a great weekend :call_me_hand:
My best friend from Ontario drove out to visit, he had a pretty hectic ride through the mountains with snow on the passes. But made it :+1:
Timings pretty good, as it helps take our minds off last week.
He’s bunking in the flower room so it’s pretty tight in there, what a trooper :joy:
On to the tents :heart_eyes:
The CDxMB and Dream Genie are looking very impressive with the viparspectra at 100% up high.
The solo’s are kinda meh but will see after I up pot the DG and CDxMB to 3gal, maybe later thus week.
Im already regretting only getting a 2x4 for my veg as the space is kinda tight. Ahh well baby steps.

The Gorrila Oozie and Banana Sherbert in the flower room have about a week or two left. Not sure if y’all can see the trichromes unless you dload the pic and then zoom in. But they are just turning cloudy :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:
Absolutely lovin it @Rhai88 and @Rena93 thank you so much :green_heart: what do you guys have next for me? :thinking::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Dooobie time!



Every thing is looking great :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


Howdy everyone :seedling:
The Dream Genie and CDxMB were in the 1gal about 2 weeks, and hoping the flower room is done next week.
Why not transplant?

Finding out I should of got a 3x3 for that extra foot of space. :yum:
I think 3 at a time is a good number. Unfortunately I popped 6 to follow these 3.i know 1st world OG problems :call_me_hand:
I got pretty lucky last night, just as I had finnished, like zipping up the tent. The wind ramped up and the power went out till 3 am. :rofl: Phew.
Dream Genie tops might be light stressed?
Bent the 2 mains and lst only the DG so far. The CDxMB is super short n stalky. Next stop for them, flower room :green_heart:
I think I’m gonna try 48 hrs full light bro science before chopping to see if it will improve trichromes.
Trichromes are basically sun screen from what I’ve read, so why not try and get the plant to put in as much sun screen on as possible.

Outside on the balcony the veggies are coming along nicely. I tossed my old nasty bbq and got a 4x8 piece of lattice up.
Might get a soil box for some viny flowers, or some shrubs for privacy :+1:
Tomatoes are getting uuuuge,and om ok with that :star_struck:
The chillies and ghost peppers, not so much. But I’ve been told they take some time to take off.
Have a wonderful day everyone :seedling:
Thanks for stopping by :100::green_heart:


Where did you get the ghost pepper seeds…??
Are they Bhoot Jolokia (GI)…?

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Those roots look excellent


Just got them at the local Canadian Tire


Hot damn! Looking good, @LzBoy ! Finishing one run with aplomb, it looks like, and yeah- 2x4 filled up on ya with a quickness! Happy looking plants, bro. Good on ya for easing into the cycling like a champion so far.
Just got back into town here, haven’t had a chance to update the Chronicle yet, but had to drop in a say great job
All the best to you and yours, as ever
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon: