LzBoy's Lounge - Perpetually growing OG beans

Thanks CD, glad you had an awesome vacation :call_me_hand:thanks for stopping by.
So after a bro science 48hrs of full light I did the chop last night, when I zoom in on my trychs b4 then after pics, I can definitely see and notice longer and cloudier trichromes :+1:
Extra sun screen applied :sunglasses:
Now, would this of happened anyways over a 48hr period 🤷 but Ima keep doing it in the future.

I’m not the best photographer… Yet, so kinda hard to tell.
On to the chop!
Best dollar store buy this year, 5 bux.

About 5 or 6 passes and voila

I say a little thanks as I chop, but big thanks to @Rhai88 and @Rena93 for providing the wonderful Gorrila Oozie via a discord win :call_me_hand: smoke report in a few weeks.
Usually I would hang and dry in my tent before starting the next round. But now, UGG. I’m gonna need another tent to dry and hold in the stench, bahhhhhh :yum:. It’s hanging in the flower tent room with exhaust on.
Woke up at 3 am cus the smell was sooooo potent in the apartment :joy::joy::joy::joy:
Closed the door and cranked the exhaust, seems to of helped.

Once that was done it was time to reset, cleanup. And keep the fun going! Man, I love this game!

In goes 1 Dream Genie from @Tracker :seedling:
2 CDxMB from @Wizdom :seedling:
A bit of lst with the clips, let em get used to the light, then flip to 12/12 in a few days. Thanks growchacho’s :green_heart:
In the veg tent I’ve got 6, ha ha. 6 to up to 1 gal later today.
I have no clue what I’m going to do after that. As I probably started them to early and to many :joy::joy: 1st world OG problems eh?

Well, that’s it and thanks for swinging by the lounge.
Off to relax and watch a full day of racing, the best day ever if you’re a gearhead :racing_car::red_car: Monaco, Indy, and Charlotte vroooom


Hope all our American OG’rs had a great Memorial long weekend.
Join me for a stroll through the garden :seedling::green_heart:
On the balcony are tomatoes, ghost and chilli peppers :tomato::hot_pepper:
The chilli3are not looking that great, I think they are missing the sun. It’s been almost a week of rain.
But the tomatoes are freekin doing awesome :clap:

Even our xmass poinsettia is reveling with new sprouts. I didn’t give this thing a drop of water for over a month and thought for sure it was done.
Life finds a way :leaves:

That’s it for the balcony, still looking for suggestions on what to put on the lattice to block the nosy neighbours. Need something all year round.
In the living room is the veg tent that has 6 newly 1g lady’s. Just transplanted yesterday :call_me_hand:

In the hobby/spare room it’s sinky as a mofo :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Wonder why?

And newly in the 5x5…Dream Genie and CDxMB
With mt photontek 475 at 75% for a day and 100% today, but might dial it back as the Dream Genie looks like it might be a bit light sensitive? @Tracker

As for the other rooms, there off limits :rofl::rofl: unless you need to use the bathroom.
Thanks for swinging by, hope my updates aren’t to long winded. I really do love sharing my excitement :green_heart:
Any questions, ask away :vulcan_salute:


Both parents, Genie and BD(JD6), have been finished outdoors and indoors in my gardens. They both did well outdoors through hot summers up to 115f and direct sunlight from about 8am to 6pm in the height of the summer. Neither one had problems under my 500w LED indoors, but I think you’re hitting them with higher ppfd indoors.


Not long winded in the slightest, friend! Loving the walk through. I bet that smell is a welcomed bit of nuisance, all things considered! Hahaha! Looks like a good pull, and great lateral thinking using the resources around you to get the job done, bro. The crutch for a hanging rack is thinking on your feet, for sure

Can’t wait to hear how that Oozie finishes for ya. Keep up the solid work!
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


Check out Orange Jasmine …it’s used for hedges and you could train it as you want…and the flowers have the most divine fragrance :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks @globalhead thoes actually look really nice, and are great for pollenaters :ok_hand:

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Mrs.Lz and I moved into our place 10 years ago.
We had crappy 1 copper line into our place, only giving us a max of 35 to 40 MBS.
I asked the land lord last year if we could get upgraded via the city for free and he said sure.
Well yesterday we got gig speed! Ffs what have I been missing put on?
Loaded warzone 140gig game in less than a hh.:exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:

This is via WiFi. Hardwired it’s getting around 800mbs


That is fast, congrats! If you ever play any Hardcore Team Deathmatch or Kill Confirmed, hit me up and we can play!


Im stuck in the stone age at 20 or so Mbps.


I’m down fosho, you on xbox, pc or Ps?
Look me up. Burndog604
I’m usually playing Nhl23, cus EA effed up 24.
But now, now I can finally kick some youngns ass around. :rofl::rofl:Instead of going 3 and 23 :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:. Watch, I’ll still be shit :yum:

I hear ya, sun. I can stream nice big 90 gig movies with no buffering now.
Before only a crappy 20 gig file would play

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Oh cool, ps4 right now actually. I will try to find you on there now

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I’m on xbox, Sry forgot to mention :yum:
I work Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays. Hit me up on my days off.
Fridays more my game day. I’ll dm ya :+1: or lemme know


Sounds good man, sent!

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Hey there OG! Took a sicky dayfrom work :nauseated_face:
This cold, damp weather really does a number on my old wounds.
Thank god, after waiting 2 effin years. Tomorrow I see an orthopedic surgeon :ok_hand:
I snapped my ankle in my bike accident 25 years ago, and it has become “severely disfigured” as my doc puts it, over the years. So fingers crossed with new tech. Something can be done. :crossed_fingers:
Spent all day yesterday in trim jail… Now I know why they call it that. Tried to use last runs trimmers. Eff that. Next time, spend 5 bucks and just get a new pair of cheapo :ok_hand::joy:

As usual, I kept a couple of buds for a smoke report.
And thus morning, they were dry enough to chop up and try.
@Rhai88 Gorrila Oozie is very nice smoke, definitely does the job and could probably go to work on it. So that’s a bonus.
Thank you Rhai and Rena! :green_heart::seedling:

Now… Banana Sherbert from Original seeds via a RIU win from Team Vault. All grow. Looked great. No problems. No stress… And look at this shit… Suposudly females…

Smoke a joint to try… Absolutely garbage, barely a buzz.
Ffs I’m pissed. My first hermie. But they were freebies and The Vault did everything to get them to me… But in the future to all… Avoid these like the plague.

On to better things.
Got my first flowers on my tomatoes… Ever! My mom would be extatic :tomato:

Gardening was her escape, and I never knew why. Until now.
With the new veg tent, I was short a heater having to use the oil heater in there. Leaving the flower room pretty chilly at lights off. I put an inkbird ceramic heater in there, but it isn’t a constant on. So when it kicks in. It’s blowing breakers. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
So got an ipower heat mat coming for the 2x4 and will put the low power oil heater into the flower 5x5 :call_me_hand:
May 30th and only a high of 14c :cold_face:

Oh ya, I topped everything in the veg tent. Trying to slow em down as I think I started them to early, ohhhh well :sweat_smile:
@Natea Sunday if you’re down, we can try and get some wz in? Sry busy week


Hey man, I hope they can fix your ankle up! Those plants look good, I did some trimming myself yesterday. Sorry about the herm, I had high hopes for that plant. Oh well :man_shrugging:. Sunday works for me as well, just hit me up!


Have one pair soaking in isopropl alcohol while you use the other.
Hope all goes well with the surgeons appointment, lost too many friends to biking disasters over the years …young age and fast bikes is a deadly combination :v:&:green_heart:


Good luck with the orthopaedic appt mate. Nice haul, the dry rack looks cool I need to get one of those suckers :pray::green_heart:


Good luck with the ankle, they are difficult to fix.
If they start talking about fusing, be sure to fully understand the movement restrictions involved.

Oh and nice harvest too! :+1: :wink:



Good luck with your ortho surgery. I’ve had some bone and joint work done. I know it’s a challenge. Keep on the rehab routine, but be careful to not overdo it.


Hope all’s well with the prognosis on the ankle, bro! :four_leaf_clover: All the best for a speedy recovery if you have to go the surgical route. Sorry to hear the weather is messing with it. I know that feeling. Got some hardware in my arm.

At least you’ve got a solid harvest to look forward to! Oozie sounds great, and looks damn fine. Sucks to hear about the selfing on the Sensible. I’m sure everything else in those tents will more than make up for it soon enough! :metal:

Good on the 'maters blossoming. Glad they made you feel a little more connected to the garden memories. Good luck with the rest of the balcony!

Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon: