LzBoy's Lounge - Perpetually growing OG beans

Thanks for the love folks :green_heart:it’s appreciated more than y’all know :call_me_hand:
Well, Doc said they have to reconstruct my entire foot, and fuse part of the ankle :roll_eyes:
She won’t do it without a cat scan, and that can take up to 6 dam months.
But at least there IS something that can be done :+1:
Oh 1 more thing she said… I have to quit smoking :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth: it’s long past due. No nicotine at all, no gum, no vape. :cry:
Shit if I can beat the booze, I can beat the smoke :sunglasses:
THC is ok, and dubies are ok she said. Phew…
Ok,enough about me :yum: on to today’s fun, got a 2x4 ipower heatmat put in. Let’s see if it will raise the temps in there up. Freeing up the oil heater for the bigger flower tent :+1:

1 more bit of good news, looks like it was only one of the Banana Sherbert hermied on me.
Thank god I had them seperate in the drying rack :ok_hand:
Got about 6 Oz dried off 1,and the smoke is nice ans smooth with a beautiful chill buzz :heart_eyes:

Thanks for stopping buy, have a great weekend growchacho’s :seedling::seedling:


Great show man, and super healthy plants! Very enjoyable read. Oh and by the way - careful with that healthcare system man, it’ll suck you in and keep trying to find new problems lol.


Hopefully your foot and ankle will recover stronger than ever mate, ask them to put some adamantium in there wolverine style :muscle:


I’m glad you got a good plant from the Banana sherbet seeds! Those buds do look great.
I ran over my big toe with a lawnmower by accident couple years back and I shattered it into a million pieces. I had to let it fuse together, which was actually hasn’t affected me too bad, just a little worse balance. I can’t imagine an ankle fusing together will be as easy since you need mobility there, but at least the doctor has some sort of plan to make it better than it is :slightly_smiling_face:. Thinking good thoughts mane!


Basically how I feel everyday then :joy::joy:
broke my ankle, 1 arm, dislocated the other. seperated pelvis (the worst, never heals) my handle bar went into my other leg and almost ripped it off…then there’s the back… :roll_eyes:
I flipped and landed on a rock, my body put over 5 liters… Sry 2 gallons of fluid to protect my spine… That got infected from a drain tube they put in me.
So then I became a “human puppet” I call it… The plastic surgon cut open a slot just above my tail bone, and had his entire arm up to my shoulder blades scraping put the infection.
Fun times I tell ya…
So for the next 5 years, nurses would do dressing changes. Removing 60 feet of gause until it finally healed up…
Hey, at least I didn’t hit my head :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
I now have 4 deteriorated disks, so ya… Back pain… Is an understatement :wink:
I have pics of my open back. But it’s NSFW I’d assume, so I won’t post it here.
DM me of your stomach can handle it lol


Oh ya, forgot pics :grin: probably cus Mrs.Lz grabbed some of these :scream::scream::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: thanks babe :heart: what a buzz.

In the veg tent, anyone ever seen this?
looks like the godfather OG is stunned or something 🤷
But the shoots arnts growing away from the main stem.

The heat mat I got is wicked awesome and working well. Freeing up the oil heater for the flower tent :call_me_hand:
Still can’t believe it’s June and I need heaters :roll_eyes: wtf.
Dream Genie is streting like a parkour master before a run :+1:

And the 2 CDxMB about 1 week in flower :green_heart::seedling:

I’ve never left defolitation this late and will do 1 major defol in 2 weeks I guess. What’s everyone do?
Have a great Sunday, gonna go watch the golf. Canadians are in contention at the Canadian Open. Go Mac Huges :canada:


Dang man you got jacked up totally, no doubt about that! I hope it’s better nowadays, especially because you have some bomb genetics to help with the cause!


Definitely :+1: the last year, getting into growing has been the best part of the past 25.
Love the hobby, the peeps, this OG community. Everything about it.
Rock on! :love_you_gesture:


I got into it after a bad accident that put me in a wheelchair for a while. I had always consumed for a long time before that, but never tried to grow other than random bagseeds here and there.

Being disabled and confined to a wheelchair gives a lot of time to spin around in your head. You can think yourself right into a terrible funk. Picking up the hobby was therapeutic, took my mind off of my shitty circumstances, and gave me a routine with a little discipline to it.


I can’t believe some ppl would actually wanna see that :face_with_peeking_eye:!! Sounds like we’re lucky to have your fine company here I had no idea man! Mrs Herb had back surgery some yrs back due to a serious car crash, the pain and uncomfortableness is always there, just the levels that go up and down unfortunately.

The godfather og might turn out to be a bushy babe :grinning: have a goodie mate :pray::green_heart:

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:100: % Agree with ya on that. We really are so lucky to be able to finally grow without any worry, for most part…
Give my best to the Mrs, @HealingHerb is she able to help out in the garden? Weather seems to be the worst for myself. I can feel when a change in the air pressure is near. About a day before the storm lol
Ya, the pics gross. Lol definitely for reddit r/hardcorenature :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


@LzBoy ! I see you! Hahaha

Plants looking great as usual. We saw that same kind of structure on the Negan’s Bat we grew out last year. Dense, dense, dense. Stay up on the air movement and it’ll be all good. Plenty of stout support for dense flower later. And you’re a more practiced hand than either of us on the pruning and plucking- I bet a little bit of that love will go a long way later in veg.

We try to LITFA til 21 days of veg and then again about 21 days after flip. …but again, we gotta get better about stripping these girls down.

And damn, man. Didn’t realize your wreck was like that! Glad you made it here, bro. All the more to have met ya. Never been a driver, myself. Those things scare the sheet out of me.

All the best as ever!
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


LMAO! :call_me_hand: All outa like for the night.
ya, that leaf structure was freekin me out, great to know and thank you.
Have you watched any Kyle kushman vids? Some great info on stripping and his chiro techniques.
Im still trying to figuring out the hole, sucker leafs vs “helping” ones… To stoned to remember the exact terms he uses… Probably part of the problem :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: but it does make sense when he talks about it.
Frenchie Canoli guy has some incredible insight as well on making hash. Rip Frenchie… Another gone to early :disappointed:.
And ya, same here bro. As soon as I saw your name, I was like… I’ve dodged a couple myself :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.
One day when we can cross borders with our herb, we’re doing a meetup :ok_hand::seedling::green_heart:


Happy Hump day OG!
Got the hole week off, to enjoy an atmosphereic river hitting BC. :roll_eyes:
At least I get to spend the dreary days with Mrs.Lz :green_heart:
Gonna start in the flower tent. No veg tent pic until later today… After I transplant the next 4 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
@Tracker Dream Genie is a wild plant, I’ve thrown supercropping at a couple, Kushman chiro on a couple of others shoots, and of course. What grow wouldn’t be complete without a little duct tape job on top of everything :grin::rofl:

Whatever doesn’t kill it. Makes it stronger? Wait n see :love_you_gesture:
The CDxMB from @Wizdom are short n sweet, filled with sites transitioning to 12/12.
I have just left these the eff alone. They haven’t needed anything to restrict the hight. Just some large leaf tucking. So will see if LITFA is better than effin with it :joy:

I’m at the point where I’m not to sure how to proceed, and any advice is always appreciated.
I haven’t touched/removed a single leaf or shoot, besides topping once.
Im looking for the most trichromes to make some hash with these… If the smoke isn’t up to my high tolerance of THC.
1.Do I strip every fan leaf and lollipop em all?
2.Do I LITFA, and collect everything I can at harvest?
3.Do what I’ve been doing the past 3 grows and selectively pick off the “sucker” leafs?
I do plan on adding 4 more to the 5x5 cus I screwed up timing and started the next round to early. I think space will be fine, but who knows 🤷😎

Hope everyone has a great day, and remember.
You’re not in this journey alone :green_heart:
OG is more than just a website, or a place to get free beans. (that’s just a bonus)
It’s a family :pray: and I’m honoured to have you all as brothers, sisters, aunts, uncle’s or wherever you may fit in this wacki world we live in. Peace :peace_symbol:


I would take off the inside fan leafs and leave the outer ones :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes maybe a light lower defol for better light penetration, otherwise litfa is always my plan b :flushed::grin:


Well, did someone say light defolitation? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Seriously, I can ever litfa :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Guess will see in a couple of months if this works or not.

Dayyym that was fun :heart_eyes: definitely don’t have to worry about PM now, and more room for the next 4.


still need to wait a while to replenish my likes!

so take some of these :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: well deserved, lookiing great :slight_smile:

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Thanks Mo :+1: it’s been a fun ride over the last year.
I was to tired last night to finnish my update.
went 6 hrs yesterday between defolitation and moving 4 in the veg tent from 1gal to 3gal tall bags I got from ipower on amzn. I got them to save a bit of space as their footprint isn’t as large as the 3g ecobags.
2 godfather OG and 2 first contacts.
The godfather OG is so weird, no shoots from the main stock. Everything is coming straight from main stem 🤷
Gonna keep em in veg for a week then head em over to 5x5 flower :call_me_hand:

I’ve got 2 Frosted Cobra x Frankie from @JohnnyPotseed going as well and not to sure what I’m going to do with em.
In typical JPS style. They are getting tall and ready to take over any tent they go in.
I might give them to a friend to put outside. I know they will outgrow anything I’ve got going atm. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’ve also got all the fan leafs from the defolitation last night… Should I add this to my bubble hash stock for future? Or do they not have much thc in em?

On the balcony the tomatoes are very impressive. We had some big wind and rain, they held up great and are uuuuge :green_heart::tomato:

The peppers ain’t doing that great, but will see em through and see what happens. Might put them back in the veg tent and see if I can give em a boost. No pepper pics. To tired lol.
Have a great day OG :seedling::green_heart:


Allrighty OG. Hope everyone’s having an amazing weekend :green_heart:
Since I don’t rake any notes being a lazy sob :grin: I figured I better start doing some kind of recording like when I’m flipping to 12/12.
Pulled 1x first contact and 1 x Godfather OG into 12/12.
Leaving one of each in the veg tent. Along with 2 Fc cobra.
Didn’t plan as well for my first attempt :wink:. I’ll get the timing down eventually :roll_eyes:.
Probably going to shut down the veg tent for a couple of months, maybe. Or u till these ate almost done.
6 in the flower and 2 more to add in a week or 2 if the will hold in the veg tent.

As well go some beautiful international mail from @Mad_Barry (congrats on the new gig) and @santero that will eventually find their way into the Lounge :seedling::call_me_hand:

As well, @Low.Poly and I got a sweet win from @GorillaSeeds this week here on OG :love_you_gesture:, so check em out and grow dem beans growchacho’s :four_leaf_clover::seedling::four_leaf_clover:

Did I hear right Poly, was this your first win, wiki or other?
Let me know and I can send you some fire :fire: from something I’ve acquired over the past year on OG :ok_hand: