LzBoy's Lounge - Perpetually growing OG beans

Well, last day of vacation. Back to it in the morning :roll_eyes:
It ain’t to bad, I only work part time now.
I couldn’t wait much lknger on the rest of the plants I was the veg tent. So out on the balcony they go! They should fit right in with the tomatoes and peppers :seedling:

That leaves 2 Frosted Cobras that I’m trying to give away…
So if anyone I know the lower mainland BC is looking for something to grow.
Let me know :+1:

The 2 on the right.
Peace out growchacho’s :seedling::green_heart:


Hello OG!
Hope you are all doing well 🫶
Just dropping an update on the lady’s and the goings on around the apartment, thanks for swinging by :seedling:
Let’s start in the 5x5 flower tent :call_me_hand:
Took some young bud shot of @Tracker Dream Genie that are lookin amazing :ok_hand: it’s a bit of a tall stretch, but that might of been my fault. But it did give me lots of reasons to “NOT” LITFA :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
I topped her once, Kyle Kushmans chiropractic on a couple of shoots, and supercroped a couple more. Even snapped and duck taped a few… Seriously. This plant is basically the cockroach of plants. A survivor till the end :joy::joy:

Up next is 2 of @Wizdom CDxMB fems they are nice n short with a shit load of sites that I am bending and moving fan leaves outa the way, every time I open the tent…

On another note, @Low.Poly and @ManyManySpliffs I’ve been trying to mail out your envelopes, but Canada post keeps stoping me… There to thick and I have to find a way of repacking them…but they will be on there way, eventually :roll_eyes:
On a special note. I wasn’t sure if this was a mistake or not. But after a dm and seeing others posting, on what they had received. It was confirmed that they were not sent by mistake :smiley:
I cannot give a big enough growchacho hug to @Wizdom for this incredible showing of generosity in true OG style. :green_heart:
Just think, a year ago. I didn’t have a single seed, and had never, ever grown anything. Besides mould in the fridge :crazy_face:

So, if your reading this. Feeling down and out. Just remember, someone out there cares about you, and your never alone.
Have an amazing day :love_you_gesture:


Awesome update! Don’t worry about rushing with the envelope, god knows my side of the trade will take a bit longer loll. These plants r looking awesome, can’t wait for mine to grow big and strong. Really excited about my nepalese land races :drooling_face:


So I gave my 2 FV Cobras to my neighbour. Freeing up my veg tent and the flower tent is full.
Oh what shall I do in a tent with light leaks?
I know… Autos :joy:
So popped 2 x 420 fastbuds, leaving 1 in the jar. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I also pulled the peppers off the balcony. For now and put them in the veg tent to try and help em along. It’s been a dreary start to the summer out West.
That should spread it out enough, as far as timing :ok_hand:


Very nice Dream Genie pics

How did it smoke? I may have missed that. I just really like how your flower pics came out.

Looks like it’s by @Tracker and mostly Mother Lode Kush #4 and a Blue Dream selection if i understand correctly.

I like how the results came out. Gonna look up mother lode kush lineage now.


It’s still being grown :blush:
But I’ll definitely be putting up my taste buds test :wink:


I got the Motherlode Kush seeds from Sannie. They were bred by Knutsel.

MK = Mad Kush x Motherlode

Sanniesshop archive.org link

Seedfinder for Motherlode Kush

Motherlode Kush #4 cut that I selected and grew for several seasons. Made several crosses on it.


Lookin awesome as always @Tracker :call_me_hand: I just love outdoor grows, after a year of growing indoors and seeing what that natural, free, full spectrum sun just blows me away lol
I shouldn’t be surprised, but it is cool to watch.
I’ll start with some outdoor balcony plants. Getting that glorious glowing orb for 6 hrs a day, the balcony faces east.
The growth on the Godfather OG and 1st Contact exploded being outside, I just hope they will flower out there. There is a bright streetight right across the street from me, and I’m on the main drag. So it’s well lit at night.
What are your thoughts on light pollution affecting flowering?
I give em a turn every day, watching em bend to get more sun is so cool :call_me_hand:

Also put the peppers into the veg tent to see if I could help em out a bit. It’s been a crappy cold damp summer so far. The peppers seem to mind, but the tomatoes don’t give a faq :crazy_face:

And cus I screwed up my timing on a perp grow, got some fastbuds 420 blueberry going in the veg tent. 1 of 2 sprouted, still waiting on the second one to pop. I’ll give it some time. I used my fingers and gave it a wee crack to help.

Got the #1 viparspectra 1500x pro on 25% and haven’t gotten #2 viparspectra going yet.
300w in a 2x4…my flower tents only got 475w :rofl::rofl::rofl: I think Ima love the viparspectras :ok_hand:
Here’s a couple of lights out of @Tracker Dream Genie and @Wizdom CDxMB :green_heart:

So, that’s about it for a trip around the apartment, on a dreary typical Monday. I’m glad I don’t work on Mondays :yum:
Have a wonderful week 🫶


For light pollution, anything brighter than full moon can be problematic. I remove my porch light during flower, so someone doesn’t accidentally turn it on. You might be able to build something to block the light, a shade screen.

Use a dark color stretchy sheer fabric stretched over a wire or pic frame maybe. You can fix it to the balcony railing with clamps.

From the location of the plants, does the sun move directly in line with the street light? How far off-angle is it from the path of the sun?


It’s directly in front at east.
I can always move them into the flower tent in a couple of months. But then I have to do whatever you have to do to make sure no creepy mites or anything get into the indoor environment, I guess. Never done any of this before.
I can totally do the dark screen thing, thanks. Should I just leave it for now and let nature take its course? Or start to try and get it to 12/12 ASAP?
Here’s a pic, 1 with Google night view and one with just a flash.


If you leave them to flower outdoors, they probably won’t start to flower until sometime in mid August. They will get pretty big. If that’s what you’re going to do, I would go ahead and transplant to at least 5 gal buckets at minimum. Make a frame with bamboo sticks or garden poles affixed to whatever container you are using. Stretch trellis net across it. Top and train the branches, weaving through the net to keep them low, otherwise they’ll end up 6ft tall. Worry about the screen to block the light when the time comes later in July.

This is the kind of frame I’m talking about. Thats a 15gal fabric container. That was a clone I put out late. Your plants will be much larger

I don’t thank you’ll be abke to light dep them on your balcony. If you move them indoors to do this, I would apply sprays every other day for 3 applications before moving them inside. I use the mix listed HERE. I hear @JohnnyPotseed’s one and done mix listed on this site works well too.


It works great! lol


Fook me :rofl::rofl::rofl: that’s not what I want. Lol, the roof above me is flat and free space. But I don’t think the people living on the top would like it.
So if I move em into my flower tent now. Out comes the lztable.
I just put them out there and won’t be doing that anymore.
Unless it’s an auto :roll_eyes: lesson learned.
Im not much of a chemist, if I moved em into my 2x4 for 2 days, is that enough quarantine time?
To show anything hitching along?
I know, with my luck. Something will get in to teach me a lesson lol.
Can’t even go hiking to try and find a spot to plant em.
Thx fellas, I’ll look into the slurry of stuff to douce em with.
Besides the diy stuff, if u get to lazy :wink: what would my local hydro store try and sell me?


Nevermind… :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
The love of my life Mrs.Lz gave me the go ahead for 2 x 5 gallon pails :heart_eyes:
Im still kinda paranoid, just cus I don’t have the amcpr thingy. And I’m a couple over 4 :grin: if ya know what I’m saying :eyes:
So now, SIP? That I’ve never tried before, and can reuse next year for tomatoes. Or a 7 gal geopot?


No. I would say minimum quarantine is 1 to 2 weeks scoping every day to really observe damaging pest activity.

If you hit them 3 times with the mix I linked above, spraying every surface on the plant, soil surface, and container, there will be no pests.


If you don’t apply any IPM to your indoor plants already, then it’s a miracle if you’ve never had pests pop up indoors. The pests hitchhike in on you and your pets, or they crawl in on their own. They’re probably already on your outdoor plants, and they get in you when you touch the plants.

I apply that same spray to my indoor plants every 1 to 2 weeks from early veg through the start of bud formation. Then, I don’t apply any sprays for the rest of flowering.

This is the cheap easy way i do it so the plants will hold up in 5gal buckets in the hot weather I get. We are already hitting upper 90’sF here, and I’ve measured 101F in my backyard last week. It’s normal for us to get to 110F or higher for a few days during summer.

I drill 4 or 5 holes in the side of the bucket about 4 inches above the bottom. This allows water to pool in the bottom and the deeper roots can grow down into that to get mire water as needed. I fill the bottom of the bucket up to the holes with perlite and just a little soil mixed in. Then i fill the rest with good soil, kitchen scrap compost, and worm castings. I feed/water through the top until water starts flowing out of the holes, so the bottom reservoir is filled. Water again when the bucket feels significantly lighter.


Man, ya have it dialed in nice down there.
next in the arsenal, 5g buckets.
I guess I’ve been lucky with the bugs. Not like I can go hiking or even walking around. It’s from the apartment to the car, to work n back. This is also my first time growing on the balcony as well. Besides some herbs here and there.
so now I’ve got some time to train. Ima screw around with some topping and lst before they get into the 5 gallons :grin: and 1 I’ll leave alone… For now.

Dream Genie is gettin nice n sticky and hopefully adding some Sweet Candy will help more than the Bud explosion

only time will tell :call_me_hand: just fed 1g per gal. Hopefully no burnt tips tomorrow :crossed_fingers:
Thanks for the advice and help @Tracker :ok_hand:


Just keep training them out sideways like that. You’ll need support for the branches.

What kind of aroma are you getting from the Dream Genie?


It’s like a terpintine or paint thinner stink Id say. But that’s another thing I’m learning as well :call_me_hand:trying to identify more


Lookin great in here, @LzBoy . That balcony scene is coming right along for being a little auxiliary project! Hope the street light doesn’t impose too much. Now that’s one I’ll have to keep living vicariously through all you guys. No way I could grow out doors here and not get ripped before it was even smokeable. Hahaha Next year’s (hopeful) veggie garden is gonna be the closest we get there!

Paint thinner is a welcomed smell in my book! Sounds like it’ll have a nice profile. And speaking of training your nose and smelling all the things, I hope quitting smoking is going as well as such a thing can be expected, dude. Surefire way to start smelling and tasting a lot more of those beautiful flowers and veggies … not that I can talk. Haha. Maybe one day.

Anyway!- Give the best to the Missus and keep on kicking ass and chewing bubblegum, bro.
Stay up


Hey CD, it’s going,not bad. Driving is the worst. But have gotten out of the habit around the house. Trying to keep as busy as I can. Cleanup in old closets kinda stuff.
Not fully stopped, but only had 3 today from a pack n half a day :love_you_gesture:.
Nice to see you and @Til_Valhalla doing a grow off, haven’t seen his grows yet. But does he know what he’s in for? :joy::joy::joy::joy: Jk Val, but have you seen them dam root ballz? I’ll be watching :+1:
Dream Genie :green_heart: and Chemdawg x Meat Breath :green_heart: and the other 2 seemed to love the new addition from @GreenleafNutrients Sweet Candy, no burnt tips. Fan leafs singing like an opera singer :microphone::singer:

Tried to make a gif with my phone, but it’s to big :roll_eyes: (insert, that’s what she said optional)
Just a quick update for tonight, finally getting some heat coming tomorrow, sunny and 25c :ok_hand:
Doobie time!
Peace out growchacho’s :seedling::heart_hands: