LzBoy's Lounge - Perpetually growing OG beans

oh i have no doubt his dexter’s laboratory grade skills are going to kick my ass. it’s just going to be fun doing the side by side.

(and may eventually convince me to try growing hydro… i have the gear, just never done it)


Oh for sure, we got our work cut out for us there! I hope everything gets going well in both grows. But @Til_Valhalla grows some gorgeous looking flowers, and has a nice little system he’s getting straightened out. Definitely stop by either of his major grow threads when you have the time! Not to mention his research into Alzheimer’s is remarkable. That dude has nothing but respect!

Glad the quitting has been going as smooth as it sounds like you got it. Full faith you can beat that habit. And the flower will be all the better.
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


quitting smoking (tobacco) will help with your sense of smell and taste.
i struggled with tobacco for many years. smoked like a chimney in the army. i think i quit about 6yrs ago. used a vape rig to wean myself off. seemed to work. the gums, pills and cold turkey were just too weak/useless for me. i’d jump right back on the wagon.

i KNOW how hard it is to quit. i wish you luck. stay determined. it will be worth it.


Thanks for the encouragement fellas :call_me_hand: I was able to quit drinking before it was to late,and I’m not waiting till the doc says “Sry, nothing we can do. Not like you didn’t know” so this is now a no brainer. :green_heart:
And holy shit @Til_Valhalla glad I’ve found your thread, some incredible discussion and documentation on Alzheimer’s and its effects :heart_hands: anything I can do to help brother, just ask.
I’ll keep an eye out for any strains on your list if I come across em.
Everyone should give it a read, here’s just a sample. Respect growchacho :seedling:


thanks for stoppin by my main thread. that one is all about the research tho… my grow threads are under “the apothecarium”

i do indoors and out. both are on in full swing. fixin’ to chop one of my indoor plants as we speak - sadly not a good example. i tried a new soil mix and experimented. it didn’t go as well as hoped. regardless, all my grow n00bery is in those two threads.


Getting caught up on it :call_me_hand:, alot of reading in all these post to constantly keep up on, it gets exhausting sometime :crazy_face:
Must be the different stages of OG. Caring more on peeps journals then about wikis :love_you_gesture:
Lest go for a walk around the apartment… Just said this in Mr.Rogers neighbourhood voice :yum:
1st off I’ve got a non weed question, but could be a weed question, i guess :laughing::laughing:… Sry just smoked a phatty of banana sherbert :exploding_head:
I noticed the roots on the amazing tomatoes , like i was warned.Hehe HI Tracker … Are kinda exploding out of the 3g pot they are in…
Is it to late to transplant em all to 5g?
If not… I used up the rest of my gaia green, compost and worm shit with promix because I didn’t want to use it anymore and go strictly to salts with promix…
When I transplant, can I just use promix and switch to using mega crop 1part?
I just don’t want to go buy more WC and compost and gaia green, less bugs.
This is going to be the biggest transplant I’ve ever attempted, so any help and advice. Throw it at me. I’m a big boy.

Ghost Peppers are slow, Tai chillies getting bushy and some nice flowers on em.

Rest of the balcony is looking great, Imo for a first timer :love_you_gesture:

Moving on inside, the veg tent😔, my fastbuds ain’t that fast lol, but my fault.
1st time planting my sprout into its final pot and not transplanting, even autos. The other fastbuds bean decided to be a dud as well.
Tried to take some snips, fail! But that’s ok. I’m not ready to clone yet.

Any clue what setting I sh3use with my viparspectra 1500 pros? I’m bad at this stuff.

Realy hard to keep the humidity up this heat, and I’m not hooking the ac up… Yet.
Into the spare room, the Dream Genie and CDxMB are becoming frosty and starting to put on more weight every time I open the tent. The other 2 are just starting to get going. Might start a couple more beans in a month, for the next insertion… Giggity :crazy_face:
I think that’s about it, looking forward to any suggestions on the veggies.
Have an amazing weekend everyone :heart_hands::green_heart::seedling:

Hoping for a game 7 :crossed_fingers: on Monday


Go ahead and uppot the tomatoes. If you make the holes on the sides of the bucket like i previously posted (can’t remember if here of on my garden thread), it will save you a lot of time watering, especially when it gets hot out. Does it even get hot in Canuckistan?

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i think their “hot” is like 80F. (eh?)
that’s like … december here. :stuck_out_tongue:

nope. do it. especially before they start packing on the fruit.
tomatoes are like ganj where yo ucan bury the main stem deep and it will grow out more roots. more roots = more/better fruits. check the stem. see all the little hairs on it? those will turn into roots.
so doooo eeeeiiit


Haha :joy: well this is from the east coast by Toronto, but I’m in Vancouver.

No where near the humidity at out east. But it gets pretty toasty out.
You guys can figure out the conversion.
We won’t see rain now till September, October. Usually.

Eye ey capt!
Sunday project, and what about switching to mega crop half way?
I really don’t want to buy more poop n stuff. :person_shrugging:
Then I can also have 1 watercan for everything :ok_hand:


I believe it was here. Do you put anything up against the holes so the perlite doesn’t come out? Like a coffee filter?


I do not put anything on the holes. I fill the perlite to immediately below to holes, then soil above that.


Half way done :crazy_face: my first 3g to 5g transplant… Eva!
1 thing I learned. Never ever use a V shaped planter, unless it’s a final pot :roll_eyes: what a pain to stuff the bottom.
Other than that everything has been pretty smooth, plants are sliding out without much resistance, thanks to the helping hands of Mrs.Lz 🫶
Taking a bit of a doobie, COD break… Where you at @Natea lol.
just some halfway done shots, no free hands to take pics of the roots. I’ll try with the next 3.

Oh ya, fabric pots are a bitch to pull a plant out of… Noted.


I’m now man, and those plants are looking good


I am on the top end of Burlington.

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I mentioned that back in the WMBK, that we woulda been great neighbours if I still lived there… Ever go to the Pig n Whistler?
Or Emma’s/Sharkeys?
I lived at New st. And Hampton Heath for 15 yrs


Thanks :+1:
Sry I got busy with em today and we had planned to kick some ass in WZ. :weary:

Never even thought, its gonna keep the apartment cooler with the plants blocking the sun… Win win!
Have a great Sunday peeps n pervs :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


That’s nuts. My first house in Burlington was on Duncombe Drive, just off of Hampton Heath.
I lived there for 6 years.


Haha. Now that’s effin wacky eh?
Yep, I was just off HH on Mericourt.
Hung out (wasted my teens) at skyway plaza.
Went to lord Elgin

I moved there in 2010. Went to Sharkys once.

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Ahh, I was stuck there from 86 to 04. Then finally made it to BC :+1:
My best buds still down on lakeshore and bugging me to come out.
Maybe next year :thinking:

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