M0sirys small tent experiences

Yeah, me too.

What pH pen did you have and which do you plan to buy? Before I had the blue lab one but right after warranty it broke.

Now I use the Milwaukee ones for pH and ec and they seem to be indestructible. My growmie uses his pens for like 5 years in a row without a single issue.


The last i had was also from Milwaukee ph 55 if i remember correct.

Definitely not a bad device! Unfortunately, the electrode was already worn out after 3 years, but this is normal when used several times a day! Despite regular calibration and storage liquid.

I would like to have a Hanna ph meter again, but they are very expensive and you don’t necessarily get more for your money. Adwa is a brand that you can get for as little as €30 and does the job too


Beautifully packed tent!
SSH is one of my favorites. You got some great smoke to look forward too! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

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thanks brother im really looking forward to it! It’s been a while since I had a delicious haze.
Yes, it is a little crowded :sweat_smile: But if everything works, 16 crossings are possible at the same time. I don’t know if that would really help! but it would be possible! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


By 16 crossings, Are you referring to putting pollen on them or are you referring to your watering setup?

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I mean distributing 16 different types of pollen among the 16 clones. That was just a thought. :slight_smile: and I don’t think that makes much sense. In addition, I would have to collect a lot of pollen first! :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

As for the watering rings, I will put 4 T-pieces in each of the 4 rings so that each plant has its own dripper. I think that will be better in the long run than the holes I made myself. :slight_smile:


16 different pollens, I think that would be hard to pull off.

That sounds like a great upgrade, but your setup seems to be doing great as is.

Yes, I agree that it will be difficult. But somehow, I found the possibility not bad, Stoner Moment I would say . :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Actually, I’m already happy with the irrigation and it works 1 A. All the cubes are properly watered. You could say that the upgrade only makes it more pleasant, but would not be an update for the functionality.

A few shots from today :slight_smile:


Nice set up, i’ve grown on those cubes too, very convenient! But a lickle expensive! :smiley:

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thank you @Hamme !!! I love rockwoll :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I have been growing on rockwool from pretty much the beginning. In my opinion, it’s one of the best substrates there is when it comes to control, but I guess everyone has their own opinion. Maybe I’m just to stupid for the other stuff. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

As for the price of the cubes, it depends on the quantity you buy. In any case, they used to be much cheaper than they are now.

Maybe I should look into enzymes and the reuse of rockwool. But with the small cubes it’s almost not worth it I think


So time for a little Sunday update.

SSH has reached flowering day 19 today :slight_smile: Nothing really worth mentioning has happened. Everything in the green range. They have earned a fresh res today!

Regarding temperature and humidity it looks like this

Temp 22- 27 degrees Celsius RH 58% - 65% is also due to the rain.

Have a nice Sunday and have a good time!


they do look happy. good job so far… :+1:


thank you ! I have to say, I’m pretty happy so far! The height of the plants is 43 cm at the moment and I think they will definitely reach 50 cm. Let’s wait and see, I still have a bit of room at the top :slight_smile:

:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:


They look like clones :+1:. Well done.

Do you have more infos about them?

Best wishes



thank you my friend. i`ll try my best :slight_smile:

what di you want to know?


Source was Mr Nice?

What f gen it is?

Nothing to thank bro.


Looking very good👌 cant wait to see some fat SSH buds


Those SSH are looking great brother! Not far behind ya! My ladies aren’t forming buds yet but in a few days they should be! These SSH ladies will keep your hands fill undoubtedly


this i can´t aswer , it was not written on the bag . maybe jp or Guitarzan can tell you more about it.

but what i can say is that they behave exactly as you would expect an ssh to behave. where as these seem more squat from the pheno than the last clone i had f10 years ago. i like this selection :slight_smile:


i also hope for some big ssh buds. but under 100 watts i do not expect to much ! :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: But time will tell!