M0sirys small tent experiences

thatś so true ! als long as it works for one everything is ok! learning by doing is always the best. at the beginning you might make some mistakes but in the long run it is always better !

I saw something interesting the other day. but I can’t remember who wrote it and in which thread. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: may the other person please excuse me :rofl: I thought it was simply brilliant


That indoor pollinator is very cool, I might have to snag one later on. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

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yes or ? I thought the thing was great too! There are also small tents with which you can insulate individual branches so that the pollen stays where it should be. of course you can also use plastic bags. but those things just looked highly professional and washable. can´t find the link atm


Possibly worth a try. It’s not expensive, so if it didn’t work then you’re not out of a bunch of money.

I like to isolate the plants in the bathroom, put them in shower. Pollenate and wash the plant down after. Put fans on her to fully dry off before reintroducing them into flower tent.

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Good afternoon/evening @m0sirys and friends, there’s a few cool pollinators you can get, ones like an oil can that you can control the amount by particle size and stuff, I’ve been looking at them myself for a few months. It really is a great idea.


that sounds really cool too! time to do some gadagt diggin :smiley:
have a wonderful sunday!

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Good morning everyone I hope yall are off to a good start today!


Rock-wool is my favorite medium too, i do think it is perfect for those like me that do not have the greenest fingers! :smiley:

The high price is what made me quit using the cubes. You can optionally tear them into particles that you can use like mapito.


rockwool is great right!? also a m² of rockwoll is cleaned and disposed of quite faster than 100 liter dirt.

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Four days have passed since the last pictures.

We have now reached flowering day 27 with this experiment. As far as the behavior of the plants is concerned, nothing has changed. They still look happy! At the moment there is no real reason to change anything. What has changed over the last few days is the smell! The ladies have taken on the typical Haze smell :smiley: Lovely enjoy and stay safe!

Have a great start into the week! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


That looks so nice! I can imagine the smell


thanks my friend ! the smell is already sureal and i like it! i didin´t have some good haze in a while.
for sure one of my highlights this year. if the next 6 weeks are going easy like the last 4 weeks.
this one is sure gone be a keeper ! :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:


Looking awesome @m0sirys Have a good day and start to your week!

It’s been a long time since I had a haze or haze-y hybrid myself, the longer flower times are what make me put it off for a bit

But maybe between runs I have planned I can squeeze in a couple SSH crosses, I have Bodhi’s super silver temple and a few others I’d like to dip into!


Oh, that actually works quite well in my opinion. However, I’m also curious to see how long she really needs in the end. I think 11-13 weeks is realistic. But that’s just a guess :smiley:


When a breeder tells me the seeds will finish in 9 weeks, I always assume it’ll be at least 11…lol. garden looks good! Stretch almost over? Can’t wait to see the weight start stacking!


i know what you mean! I have always been a big fan of letting the plant decide when it is ready. :smile:
ok sometimes it’s also the circumstances that make the difference.#

well, is the stretch over?? I’m not quite sure, I think another 7 days and then you can tell if the worst part is over. At the moment they are 53 cm on average. I expect another 7 cm. The final height of 60 cm was the target. Let’s see what it looks like next week.


This is my preference as well, great smoke sometimes needs to go just a bit longer than its description, depending on lots of factors!



Good afternoon sir! I agree rockwool is great, I kind of miss having 80-100 plants in a room on tables, it was always my most productive and I could hunt through packs like crazy! If tables weren’t absolutely ridiculous nowadays I’d probably do it in a tent or two just for pheno hunting, plus you can automate so easy as well.


Me three! Not often you find two exactly the same. They will tell you that’s for sure


Your doing an awesome job in there @m0sirys :raised_hands: