M0sirys small tent experiences

Dude , she is a beauty! I love this lst .


what are those hold down pins homemade or store bought in the first pic


they are store bought. something like this just an other design )


The ones I’m using are home made from aluminum tig rod.


was going to ask if that’s what they were i use safety pins but those with a little heat would deff go thru the plastic pots as well nice


It’s not joking here, nice flow ^^ Can’t stand the smell of the slabs right ? :laughing:


Good morning brotha :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope you have a great weekend!


Your ladies are looking amazing @m0sirys! What is that haze smell your referring to? I get a very subtle chocolate smell from my SSH but everytime I open the tent im greeted with the spicy aroma of GP like fresh peppercorn plugging my nose. Definitely is far more powerful than the SSH smell. But I am curious what the smell is because this is supposed to be a cat piss pheno which im just glad it doesn’t smell like cat piss for real


thank you my friend @HighTilli Yours are looking great too! :slight_smile:

The smell I’m talking about is a kind of citrus smell that is usually found in Haze strains, it has a very specific peak, but it’s hard to describe. There is also a hint of ammonia, which is like cat piss. Tomorrow we will reach flowering day 34, which is almost half time. :slight_smile: So far there are still no visible defects, which makes me very happy. :smiley: Now the colas just have to close the gaps and bulk up.


Goodmorning @m0sirys

Have a good day!


good morning brotha ! hope you are doing well!

have a great weekend :slight_smile: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Thanks for your kind words and sharing your thoughts ill have to keep that in mind! Hope everyone is having a good morning!


What a pretty sight i can already see candles in the making!

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Do you use those plant trainers often @m0sirys I just had some sent to me and I’m gonna try them out this time rather than a million twisties :wink:

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Damn! Looks like you have a skylight over the plants. What light are you running?

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I used to use them all the time! Swore by them even! Well that was until I started adding silica and my ladies got beefed up stems lol. I think if you have them the adjustable ones are where it’s at. Anymore I’ll use them for small plants and for the bigger plants I pop/ supercrop and stake down with landscape staples. Landscape staples are much more forgiving if they are left on. Sometimes the branches just pop them out for you where as the twist ties and LST clips will get eaten by the plant

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yeah they turned out pretty good, thank you! :vulcan_salute: :slight_smile:
your always amaze me too! great job!


It always depends. I mostly use them when I want to shape mother plants at the beginning. Or in the SOG when something falls off or I want to get them to grow bushier. it also works completely without it, but then it requires more attention. I had seen them at some point and then just ordered them! ^___^ It’s definitely a nice tool and you’ll have fun with it :slight_smile:


yeah they seem to be eaten by plants pretty quick!, just jocking :smiley:

but from 50 i had, i think i only have 10-20 left. not sure how that happend! :sweat_smile:


They are small and get lost easily lol. I think I’ve ordered 2-3 packs of the small and big and lost half of them haha