M0sirys small tent experiences

Morning @m0sirys :sun_with_face:
Your tent is looking awesome :raised_hands:

Great structures and buds are gorgeous so far :muscle:


Looking great brother! Hope yall are having a good morning so far


Looking great @m0sirys very nice!

Goood afternoon brotha man!! Hopefully you had an amazing day


Your garden looks great!


those praying leafs, mang …
they’re looking superhappy :sunglasses:


good morning @ OG :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

Thank you all! I’m glad you like it too!!! And that you took the time to take a look. If it continues like this, this could really be the best harvest under 100 watts I’ve had so far. It’s always fun to try something new and see where it leads! But you shouldn’t do the math without the host, right? We still have a few days ahead of us!

I wish you all a great Saturday


Mornin’ m0 :wave:

Have a great day :slight_smile:


Good morning brotha :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope you have a great weekend!


Good day @m0sirys hope your weekend is going awesome!


Good morning brotha :coffee:

Hope youre having a great week! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Goodmorning @m0sirys

Have a good day bud !

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Hope all is well @m0sirys thinking about you this morning. Hope you are having an amazing week


Good morning my friends! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

I hope you are all well!!!?? Sorry I’ve been absent without at least letting you know, the last few days have been really crazy!

I’m doing well and I’m glad to be home again today! I really missed you all and reading you! Overgrow has become like a family to me. Sounds cheesy, doesn’t it? But it really is.!!!:slight_smile:

Ok Sunday evening, I got a call from a friend from another state, who simply said: “You have to come to us directly!” Make sure you’re here on Monday afternoon. He didn’t really want to talk about what was going on either. And in my head I started to play through all sorts of things.

If someone contacts me like that, I assume it’s important. Ok, so don’t torch for long to find someone to look after the cats… Buy Tickets … Take care of the plants… and so on and so forth. Then plan for a big Deutsche Bahn strike, I think the 6th in a year.
When I arrived at my friends’ house, I wanted to know what had happened, what problems there were to solve and how I could help. I was already a bit confused when they both started to smile. They started to reassure me that nothing had happened and that I should calm down. And then they told me :

We put you forward for a new job and you have to go through an assessment. I was like: Ok, you couldn’t tell me that beforehand? I was really worried!!! And I’m angry!

After I had complained enough and calmed down again, they explained to me where to go. Somehow, I don’t know how, I made it to the final round and there are now probably 2 more people in the selection with me. So I should be told in the next few days whether it’s going to work out or not! As soon as I know how it turned out, I’ll let you know. And tell you what kind of job it is :slight_smile:

Sorry for this novel, but I felt the need to share this with you. The last few days have been exhausting and draining. Now I’m going to have a doobie or weo and try to read all the unread posts! It’s nice to be here again!

Have a nice Thursday !!!


Good morning brotha :coffee:

Sounds like you had an interesting couple of days haha.
Hope everything goes smooth on the final round and you get the job! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


thank you brotha ! it was a hell of a ride at the begining! i was just happy that nothing serious happend to my friends! yeah new job would be nice. thanks for support

i’m glad to be here again and to be able to write with you. my cell phone went out and i had to realize that i can’t remember my fucking pin. it seems to have been the first time that my battery was so empty that it went out… now the pin is hidden in the cell phone otherwise i`m sure i wouldnt remember it the next time it happend! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Out of likes already, Its going to be a good day :grin:

I’d say try to memorize the pin, just in case you lose your phone one day and the pin to get into it isn’t stored in the phone.

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yeah i also changed it to one i can’t forget :wink: It’s only a prepaid card if I should lose it, that wouldn’t be that bad. And the person has to find the right sticker and decipher what’s underneath first! I like puzzles and cryptography even if could not remember that pin. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:thanks for giving me a reminder on that, i really appreciated that!!

Ok so after my absence it’s time for a little picture update! Today is flowering day 45, the plants seem to have coped with my absence quite well. This unexpected trip was also a kind of test for the irrigation and went quite well in my opinion. It can probably run completely self-sufficiently for a few days. But it still needs a few more tests to be sure about that.

I wish you all a great day! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Good luck with the selection process.


Dude… I know you got this job man :pray:

And your friends are funny AF lol
I would have been nervous as heck too man :laughing:
Glad it was for something positive.

And dude those buds keep looking better everytime I see em. Geez man.
That’s a gorgeous plant. Awesome work brother :raised_hands: