M0sirys small tent experiences

So again a few days have passed, time for a little update . I hope you are all doing well!

It’s flowering day 48 and I was already one day ahead somehow! Stoner…

Everything is as it was except for one or two sun sails that show slight reddish tinges at the base of the leaves on the stem. But nothing really wild in my opinion. The general health of the plants is still great. It’s funny, they’ve been getting the same nutrients since day 1 and I still haven’t found any reason to change the mix. However, 50 watts more light wouldn’t hurt. Hopfully the will at weight in the next weeks

The pictures are still not great, I’ll have a look next month and get a very simple digicam. I can’t stand the pictures myself anymore! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: sorry that you have to cope with it!

wish ya`all a great day and good start into the day! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Looking amazing @m0sirys ! Any distinctive smells?


thank you man, yours are looking amazing too! even if i`m not writing much, i allways follow your thread!

As for the smell… Citrusy, with a slight herbal note, sandlewood maybe. but no ammonium. so probably not a catpiss pheno. but that could change after drying and curing. we need to wait till than to say that for sure. But it has to be said that they are odor monsters! you only leave the tent open for a few minutes and the whole room stinks! :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:


Hey Mo, your plants look great man! The silver haze structure definitely is there :star_struck:

Any news about your job chance?

Have you checked our group regarding csi genetics?


yes, i also think that the structure fits. it’s perfect for my type of growing. and it would do even better on large rockwool slabs.

yes, unfortunately i was eliminated in the last round. they found someone who fits better. it’s a shame but not a big deal. :slight_smile: thanks for asking!

Yes, I’ve seen that I’m still trying to see if I can get the money together for 1 pack… but it looks pretty bad so far to be honest. And the spring box is still pending. but I’ll give some feedback in the group at the weekend!


The plants look as healthy as can be! Perhaps two or three more of those beauties would be room for in a future grow? I’ve grown on slabs too, but i prefer the blocks you use.

Have a nice day!


That’s a bummer! But maybe for something good. I had the same thing around 6 months ago while applying at our city’s office. After I got canceled in the last round my dream job waited right around the corner the next day and now I’m here lol

May I ask what kind of job you’re looking for?


thank you hamme ! yes a few would still go in ! but let’s wait and see what the 16 throw off when they are ready . and then I’ll decide how to proceed. the haze varieties can sometimes get bitchy as far as the side branch height is concerned .

at the moment, i’m just copying my techniques that i would also use on x m² and seeing if i can use them in a 60x60 cm tent in exactly the same way. so far, there’s no difference. i like structures and things that can be repeated :slight_smile:

yes, as far as the slabs are concerned, opinions are often divided. one advantage of the slabs is the root mass and the possibility of them spreading out flat. oh what a wonderful topic . :smiley:
but i’m also very happy with the small cubes, the plants are a nice size at around 55 cm if they can be reproduced like this, it’s perfect.


yeah you never know what it’s good for! there’s something to it.

That’s great and I’m glad it worked out for you! These days, it’s not so easy to get a good job.

I’m not really fixated on any one type of job. But I am a trained businessman.


Ok finally the light is on and I was able to catch a glimpse of the ladies on their 51st day of flowering.

I don’t really see much change since the last picture update. But that’s probably because I see them every day! Maybe you will notice something!

I should get up the nerve to go into town tomorrow and buy some rockwool cubes! I’ve been putting it off for a while out of laziness! Bad m0sirys!!! i should get slowly ready for the next run! :slight_smile:

Ich wish you all a relaxed and stress-free day! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Good morning @m0sirys everything looks awesome bro! Gonna be some big colas!
Very nice


good morning my friend and thank you!! hope you are doing well today.

i hope they will get fat in the next 2 weeks and the gaps will close by than!


Haha I was airing the whole house yesterday with the nice weather. I could smell the dank being drawn out of my basement and onto the main floor of the house even the neighbor made a comment that it smelled good outside around my house lol. Guess that’s to be expected when you don’t run carbon filters! I get a very smooth creaminess followed by light citrus and smack in the face ammonia smell


I am thank you . I’m sure they will. :crossed_fingers:t3: they always surprise me at the end :wink:

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Good morning everyone hope yall are having a great day so far!

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Good morning @m0sirys

Everything is looking great. I can’t wait to see these finish!!

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holy fuck ! i couldn´t do that!! :rofl: :joy: :joy: :rofl: for us european people that not an option.
or at least it was the last 20 years. let us see what the german govermant does on friday!.

15 years ago i nearly shit my pants when came home and the carbon died and the whole street was smelling like weed. good that i run only smalls systems these days

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I had a similar experience! The guy who lived at a place we set up and took a cut called freaking out! “Holy shit the whole street smells like wacky tobaccy , I don’t know what I did” I flew over and yup it stunk just opening the car door out front, “SHIT” went inside and it was the filters, both needed replacing, was my fault too, I just forgot. Oops. Since then I mark dates on a calendar once I’m familiar with a brand and just swap every year appx.


ah my cat deletes my text! she needs to run over the keyboard even when there is enough space around. narf

i got you ! not a feeling that i wish someone ! so exchanging them on regular basis is a must !


Haha she just wants to say hi to everybody :wink:
I love that you said “narf” that cracked me up and instantly made me think of pinky and the brain !